Is it possible to be a christian and believe in sun signs

I was surfing the internet when I came across this woman with the name Linda Goodman she was this sun sign expert I guess. I read through my sun sign, Gemini, and was impressed with how spot on the physical description was and the personality one was the closest that I've ever read.

I am though a Christian and have difficulty believing that God would allow us to be so effected by the position of rocks and gas floating about in a vacuum. I still believe though that it's uncanny how correct she was and it has given me this of belief in it. Is this toxic for my beliefs?

Maybe 4
No 12
Yes 12
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Comments ( 14 )
  • naturefortheworld

    i dont know what a sun sign is

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  • cupcake_wants

    I used to go to a christian church in my teens. the church was full of loving people and I felt so at ease with them. However, when i went to a church camp, on the way down there I had a conversation with a pastor's wife. I had studied previously about reincarnation and whatnot. I had read a book about hypnotism and evidence how this worked in different cases where people have had issues carried over. (there is also a case like this on the old unsolved mysteries, called the reincarnated submariner. It's pretty convincing) Anyway, when I asked her about this, her explanation of this, even at the age of 14 I knew held no water compared to all the evidence I had studied previously. So, this kind of ate at me to why are there these inconsistencies like this. Then I went to visit my grandma and we layed in bed and she told me all about a psychic named Edgar Cayce. He was quite an individual, gave psychic readings for medical treatments that were seemingly bizarre, but worked! He was actually a devout Christian. He did these readings for people free of charge for decades. There was a point that his readings, while tried and true he had an inner conflict that his readings talked about reincarnation which he thought was "of the devil'. But finally he was convinced that it was actually true. Plus being psychic isn't of the devil. He was the farthest thing, he felt compelled to help people and heal people and did it for free. THAT is not of the devil. It's not witchcraft. It's not the "occult" (or christian's definition of "occult")

    When you think about it, if God is a loving God, he wouldn't just throw us away after one life if we didn't succeed at what we were supposed to do. A loving God would give us a chance to work it off. Another thing about religion that I think is kind of wrong, is that we're taught one religion as fact, when what we should be doing is learning all different religions and then choosing the one that we see is right. When you study the ancient texts of the world, you see some of the world's history that was left out of the bible. If your religion is accurate, it should hold up to scrutiny... and if it doesn't, as confusing as it can be, think of it this way. Man made religion, god didn't make religion.

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  • poon_jabber

    God didnt make religion; man did. You gotta be like a detective & be unbiased & follow the data to figure out what u feel in your heart is true.

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    • I don't go to an astrology church but I feel you can learn information from sun signs about people it has some effect somehow

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  • anti-hero

    It's not real.

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    • I used to think the same way and I still kind of do but I can't help but think that there is something to it

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      • anti-hero

        Are we talking about Christianity or sun signs?

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        • Sun signs

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          • anti-hero

            Def b.s.

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  • howaminotmyself

    Either my karma sucks, or you deleted my post. Both of which sound crazy

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  • thegypsysailor

    In the first place, there are 12 houses, a sun sign,, a moon sign and a rising sign, so in reality, your sun sign is only 15th of the picture. Whatever you gleaned from this woman is incomplete, simplistic and of no value at all. Get someone to do your chart, and then you might actually have enough information upon which to judge whether it seems accurate.
    It would be wholly inappropriate for a christian to believe in Astrology.

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    • I have had my chart done and it is also pretty good at describing me even the things I'm insecure about that I don't tell anyone it made me uncomfortable

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  • noid

    They don't mix.

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  • seekelp

    The two are pretty mutually exclusive, from what I understand. Also, zodiacs are bullshit.

    "impressed with how spot on the physical description was and the personality one was the closest that I've ever read"

    That's called confirmation bias.

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