Is it possible to forget to get dressed in a hurry?
I know its not normal to actually forget to get dressed, but I am wondering if its actually possible to forget to get dressed depending on certain things like rushing out the door in a hurry.
my reason for asking is because I overslept about last week and due to a power-out making my clock go off schedule, when the power came on i woke up due to the noise and got on the computer real fast and saw i was a half hour late for meeting a friend at brunch to discuss some stuff, next thing I know I am rushing to get ready, combing my hair straight and putting on my shoes...
seems fine right? well, before we continue I must point out I sleep naked and only get dressed when i need to leave home or expect visitors, sometimes I've forgotten to keep to routine and answered the door naked or nearly left home undressed: the day this story happen was the one day where I finally slipped and left home in a hurry, and am not paying attention to my nudity and shrugging it off by saying "must be a cold day today.", and i'm just going on foot since I don't have a car and don't take the bus.
When I get there a few people stare or take pictures, and my friend was there shocked at my nakedness. When I told her I overslept due to a power-out meaning my clock alarm didn't go off and then asked why she was staring, she said something along the lines of "in your hurry, i think you forgot to get dressed...". I think I nearly died of embarrassment at my moment of stupidity, after all how could I be so oblivious to the fact its part of daily routine even if I am only naked at home? luckily she had a car and drove me home and we had brunch at my home and discussed what we needed to.
Not one of my finest moments, and my friend pokes fun at me sometimes.
It was pretty funny, but I do hope I don't end up having it happen again. I can imagine a bunch of people that remember seeing a naked woman looking like shes in a hurry and getting some chuckles at the thought of someone ever forgetting to dress properly before leaving home.
It happens. | 10 | |
It sounds unlikely. | 25 |