Is it possible to go insane from stress?

I have been working 60+ hours every week for the last two months. I have been under an immense amount of stress and corporate has been demanding more and more of me and the other two managers at the store i'm working at.

On multiple occasions I have felt that I was going to break down from stress, and I feel like my mental and physical health have been deteriorating. I have a history of mental illness and have been diagnosed with MDD and generalized anxiety disorder, and recently I have been feeling very off and I feel like i'm starting to lose my grip on reality, and I feel like I can't focus on anything or even do my daily tasks effectively anymore.

Is it possible that the stress of my job could be causing me to have some kind of psychotic break? I know that in the past I have experienced a kind of 'brain fog' during times when my depression has gotten really bad but it's never been this bad before.

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Comments ( 12 )
  • hauntedbysandwiches

    Please quit that job. Look for ANYTHING else and quit that job it's going to kill you, not worth it

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  • kelili

    Your body is trying to tell you something and you should listen. No job is worth your mental health. We have adopted the culture that one has to work real hard in life bla bla bla...
    You really should take a break. Even 1 or 2 days but take a break.

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  • 1WeirdGuy

    Absolutely yes

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    • LloydAsher

      Ironically I will go crazy from lack of stress. My life is a balance of making sure i have just enough stress to do things while not going crazy from it.

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  • momgetthecamera

    Bubs you said it yourself, you deserve to be somewhere better. If you don’t have a family to feed and can afford it, can you find a job with less time and drain on you? Like would you rather afford a new car or have an extra couple of hours in the day to read, look after your body and watch the world? It’s your life.

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  • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

    im back on a job i got fired from in 2018

    im one step below my prior job capacity makin 80% the pay for 20 % the stress

    i got a friend runnin the show and am presently hangin out doin my thing watchin him git drove nuts by the clowns in the office

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  • Boojum

    Of course stress can push people over the edge. I have no idea if you're heading for a psychotic break as you fear, but your work environment is obviously causing you harm.

    I agree with those who say you should quit. It sounds like "corporate" really doesn't give a shit about you and your fellow managers and front line workers. Not that corporate-level asshats ever do, really; they may spew lots of crap about you all being valued parts of a big, happy team, but people at your level are just cogs in the machine to them.

    Obviously, I'm not sure where you live, but almost every sector of the economy just about everywhere is currently suffering from recruitment issues. If there ever was a time for you to move to a different job which you'd find less stressful, where you don't have to work 60 hours a week and where the working environment is just generally more positive, this is it.

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  • Cable4nerds


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  • Yup, time to quit.

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  • olderdude-xx

    Stress often causes both mental and physical issues.

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  • notsaying4life

    That's what happens when you find yourself in a job you dont "enjoy"

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  • Yes, it's called getting burnt out. Good luck returning from that. A lot of people never make full recovery after they've been burnt out but it depends on the severity of it.
    Basically, never push yourself harder than you can mentally manage. Listen to your body.

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