Is it possible to lose 10 pounds a month?
If you're only a few pounds overweight and want to lose 10 a month?
Yes | 31 | |
No | 3 |
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If you're only a few pounds overweight and want to lose 10 a month?
Yes | 31 | |
No | 3 |
You should be able to by exercise and eating habits. I lost about 20 a month but I was really working hard and cutting a significant amount of calories per day. You typically lose weight quicker at the earlier stage. If you can cut 500 calories from your daily intake and then work out and burn an additional 500 calories , that is 7000 calories per week. 1lb is 3500 calories, so losing 7000 calories per week is 2 lbs a week and very good/normal .. 8-10 lbs lost per month is considered the healthiest amount to lose. Now if you work out with weights as a part of your exercise, don’t expect to see the scale move down. If anything, it may increase your weight but that is simply temporary and not really muscle weight or fat , and SHOULD decrease after a week or so
Anything is possible especially loosing 10lbs every month. Theres even a very easy lazy way to do it. Just buy a hacksaw
What kind of question is this? It's like asking "is it possible to climb a wall".
It depends on a lot of things.
Ya pretty much. A natural person at 5% is unlikely to have enough muscle to survive that however, unless their an amazing bodybuilder. I'm more talking about the anorexic type that doesn't lift weights and would already be severely deficient in muscle to begin with. Sure ronnie Coleman could pull it of but how many ronnie Coleman's do you see walking around?
Oh, you were talking about weight...
I thought you were on about the currency. xD
Possible but not sustainable long term.
Like the first month it might work but you could not do that every month. Hunger and other problems would creep in.
The more heavy you already are the faster you can lose weight. 10 pounds a month is not too much for anyone (like, it’s possible for anyone, it’s still a great achievement). 10 pounds a week is even possible, I’ve done it being already underweight but that’s dangerous.
I've given myself a weight loss goal of 30 pounds a year. Which is just me taking it very very slowly so I can maintain it throughout life.
10 pounds in one month is a quick fix, but it's possible
I lost 18 kg in 3 months. Eat less. That's it. No need for ph activity or med. use.
It's going to be possible unless you are already very underweight and lean. But it's also SUPER EXTREMELY STUPID to lose weight this fast, unless perhaps you are way overweight already.
Losing weight too fast can lead to many issues. First off, it will be way harder on your will power, second off, your energy levels will be complete shit, third, you'll lose a significant amount of lean body mass, four, you become very likely to develop nutrient deficiencies from that small of an amount of food.
I recommend losing no more than 1% of your bodyweight a week, so 260 pound me would lose 2.6 pounds a week maximum so 10 lbs a month would be the FASTEST I would ever go. And you should not go as fast as me I have a ton of muscles mass, am 6'4" and on steriods! Only an idiot would lose weight that fast!
Of course it's possible. I once lost 5 pounds in 3 days because I couldn't eat anything because I was sick.
If you are only a few pounds overweight why do you want to lose 10 lbs a month. You don't have it to lose and that is unhealthy.
Or just a regular calorie deficit. Preferably that so you feel better than a used tampon.
Well if you eat a ton during g your eating window on fasting you could still not lose that much weight or even any! I've seen it!
Story time, I had a client who wanted to stop gaining weight. So he wanted to maintain weight and was a busy fella so I planned out a fasting diet for him. He had only a 6 hour window to eat each day and after a few weeks he had gained weight FASTER than he was gaining before. He was practically doing eating challenges every day lol.
There have been studies into this and it is generally agreed amongst the medical community that fasting is not a safe option for anyone with a history of anorexia.
Yes well if you had anorexia that's probably fast metabolism plus mental factors.
For me its difficult to count calories and try to think about how to plan my meals. Then when I eat im miserable and always hungry. Its easier for me to just be like ill skip this meal. Keto makes it easier to skip meals too because the blood sugar doesnt get low.
Chief, we have discussed this before. If keto is the easiest way to get a deficit that you can stick to, it's the best weight loss diet for you PERSONALLY. However, it is not the best route to weight loss for most people, and it is INFERIOR for sport performance!
Losing 10 lbs in a month is achievable if you're trying to cut down for a sporting event or something, but you would probably lose a bit of muscle mass and water. If you want to lose weight permanently, you'd be better off trying to lose it slowly say 1-2lbs per week. You might not care about having muscles but trust me, you'll regret trying to lose weight too fast as it will make you weak and tired and affect your immune system. I always say the number on the scale is not the point. The point is what you are able to do. If you are strong and agile you dont need a scale to tell you that you're in good shape.