Is it really that big of a deal?

My little brother wants to paint his nails for our cousin's wedding.
That's it.
He asked mom if he could paint his nails (he himself got the idea), bc he thought it would look good. We were having dinner and suddenly all the mood changed. My mom said we would talk it out after dinner and got dead silent. I tried to lighten up the mood by just talking about the food (which i cooked btw) and just generally trying to dilude the tension but my mom wouldn't even open her mouth. That actually made kind of pissed cause like... does it really bother u that much? Like it's just silly paint, u can take it out if u want to. It's not permanent like a tattoo or something it's just nail polish damn.
We didn't talk about it after dinner.
I really don't get it, why is it such a big deal?

It's stupid to get bitter bc of that 19
I think she is right (if so give me a *non homo/transpohic/sexist* explanation 6
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Comments ( 23 )
  • idolomantis

    If this was a girl and not a boy then I doubt anyone would care. I say this is sexist and kinda ridiculous, she should just let the poor kid paint his nails.

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  • olderdude-xx

    Virtually no one is going to care if a young child paints their nails.

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  • 1WeirdGuy

    Its gay as hell. She probably doesnt want him walking around like that because he doesnt understand yet. Imagine he gets older and looks at those wedding pictures and says mom why the fuck would u allow me to paint my nails like that.

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    • bigbudchonger

      Hit the nail on the head, dude. Young children need guidance.

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    • Painting your nails is literally just painting your nails dude, there is nothing behind it, people do what they want simply bc they want to, there is no hidden reason. Are u telling me if u put paint on, you would wanna suck a dick??? Not very straight of u buddy

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      • 1WeirdGuy

        If he wore a pretty dress to the wedding that is also "just a pretty dress" too? Is there anywhere you draw the line?

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        • ... exactly? Like, it's literally just a piece of fabric. Why is it a big deal. I have worn dresses before, does that make me a girl too?

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          • 1WeirdGuy

            I would be furious if my parents let me wear a dress to a wedding when I was a kid. Instead of forcing a narrative on your kids you should guide them. There's 3 types of people who wear dresses. Gay people, feminine men, and women.

            When he gets older theres about a 95% chance he will not want to have been seen in a dress. Your mother did a good job of respecting that because he doesnt yet understand. You're obviously young but we dont live in a world where its not considered gay for a guy to wear a dress and paint his nails.

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    • PurpleHoneycomb

      Not entirely sure what the thought process behind this is. It's just nail polish.

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  • SwickDinging

    I have young kids. They have these kinds of whims very regularly. It means nothing. Tomorrow he might forget about nail polish and ask if he can go to the wedding wearing a wizard hat, or wearing a full length black gown because he's suddenly decided he's a Goth. Who cares?

    Even if she doesn't want him to paint his nails for the wedding for some reason, a casual "no, sorry, it won't look presentable" or whatever, would have been enough. Move the conversation on to the weather. If he's old enough then he may paint his nails anyway, at which point you either have a battle about him taking it off, or you just shrug your shoulders and get the kids in the car ready to go. It's all part of a normal day in the world of being a parent and it really is nothing to get even slightly emotional over. The fact that your mum reacted like it was a big deal makes me think that she has issues of some sort. Might not necessarily be homophobia, but it's certainly something.

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    • darefu

      Better yet, yep you can paint them to celebrate the wedding however, when we get done eating I'll arrange for a babysitter because you're not going.

      It's not your day and just like wearing a goth outfit or dying your hair green it's a distraction from their wedding and serves no purpose except to get attention.

      Leave them home.

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  • KholatKhult

    As someone who has to scrub dirt from under my fingernails probably upwards of 12 times a day, I wish I could just paint them black so I didn’t have to worry about the appearance if I have to run to a shop between barn chores.

    Also I always have a busted purple nail cause I’m a doofus with a hammer, be nice if not everyone at the pierogi truck knew I was running on 8 brain cells

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    • Lusty-Argonian

      I've heard those are good. Are they a mainstay of the diet or more a treat?

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  • litelander8

    Like you said, “it’s just silly paint”. Not really appropriate for a wedding. Especially if he does them himself most people aren’t good at doing their nails and it’ll probably be shit. Encourage him to experiment some other time.

    But it is silly to get bitter about. I think a lot of parents are confused in these times Bc the non-binary narrative is forced on our young kids. My boys wanted their nails painted when I was doing mine. So I did their big toes.

    She probably just didn’t know how to react.

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    • My parents don't know what non binary means, bc in our country is not as visible so no, i don't think that's the problem. Still why would it b so bad if their kid ended up non binary? They already got me lmao

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      • litelander8

        It’s not a bad thing. But again, he’s just a kid. And that’s not concept someone should be dedicating themselves to at a young age. He’s got more than enough time to decide that.

        Regardless, save the nail polish for a trip to the grocery store. Not a family function.

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        • If that's the issue then i understand it completly :> thanks for the comments

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  • Inkmaster

    So long as the color was appropriate, I don't see much of an issue with it.

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    • Exactly!!! If it matches his clothes/the wedding theme i think it would look cool

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  • breeze197

    No one should care if if he wears nail polish. I know plenty of straight men that wear nail polish nowadays it’s just a trend right now.

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  • BleedingPain

    Dudes who are not gay usually paint their nails black. Personally i think media and society has engrained in my brain that only women wear nailpolish that to me any dude with polish on looks awful that and they dont keep up with it so the paint always looks chipped

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  • raisinbran

    I'd be pissed too, knowing that the public school is brainwashing my son.

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    • Never talked about it at school but okay go off 👍

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