Is it really that big of a deal?
My little brother wants to paint his nails for our cousin's wedding.
That's it.
He asked mom if he could paint his nails (he himself got the idea), bc he thought it would look good. We were having dinner and suddenly all the mood changed. My mom said we would talk it out after dinner and got dead silent. I tried to lighten up the mood by just talking about the food (which i cooked btw) and just generally trying to dilude the tension but my mom wouldn't even open her mouth. That actually made kind of pissed cause like... does it really bother u that much? Like it's just silly paint, u can take it out if u want to. It's not permanent like a tattoo or something it's just nail polish damn.
We didn't talk about it after dinner.
I really don't get it, why is it such a big deal?
It's stupid to get bitter bc of that | 19 | |
I think she is right (if so give me a *non homo/transpohic/sexist* explanation | 6 |