Is it reasonable to keep my boyfriend out of my martial arts life?

I'm a practicing Martial Artist, and the problem I have is that my boyfriend is constantly pestering me to tell him where I train so he can visit me during lunchbreak or after work. I keep telling him that Romance has no place in a Dojo, and that the two should be kept separately. I know he's not gonna purposely do anything stupid to embarrass me, but I strongly feel that Romance and Martial Arts should never see eye-to-eye. What do you guys think?

It's reasonable. 23
It's reasonable. I'd have the same mentality if I was in your shoes. 24
It's not reasonable. 22
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Comments ( 10 )
  • wigsplitz

    I don't like my husband getting into some of my personal interests either. Some stuff is fine to do together and some stuff I just don't want him interfering because it's "my" thing and he just annoys me. My gardening for one, he doesn't care a bit about it but he pesters me while I work. I don't like the negativity (and I honestly think it affects my plants!), so I've told him to bugger off when I'm doing it.

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  • LcoolJ

    i dunno i guess it depends what his intentions are...
    if hes taking an interest in something thats important to you and he just wants to watch you do it than i dont see anything wrong with dat

    on the other hand if he wants to rub his nose with yours during class than ya i see a problem with dat

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  • lease

    Tell him to "get the fuck over it or find another girlfriend"

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  • MrSillyPants

    Maybe it's your thing, but it sounds like you're taking it a little too seriously especially if he just wants to watch and support you. I doubt he want to take you out of practice so you can cuddle, rub noses and say how much you love each other.

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  • Angel_in_a_Glass_Dress


    If he is just saying "hi" when you're not busy that's perfectly fine.

    However have you ever considered that he might want to learn as well? I mean it's not like he's going to be trying to french kiss you on the dojo floor, is it?

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  • imacomputer

    it's reasonable. I can't focus with my lover watching.

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  • enginelugger

    advices are okay from others you hear around ya, but be a leader and make your own decision.. if you feel uncomfortable with him there, then don't have him there... if you think you won't mind, than have him there.. everyone is always gonna say this, that, and everything else.... you decide

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  • Martial arts...BAH!

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  • What ever happend to love can survive through all?

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  • BigKahunaBurger

    If he just wants to visit you I 100% agree. If he wanted to participate because he was interested that would be a different story, but he would still need to separate his affection and his discipline for the subject.

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