Is it right to still blame germany for ww2?

People are still harassing Germany and Germans for their role in WW2. Is that justified? There aren't even many people left from that era in Germany anymore.

Yeah, they deserve all the bashing 3
No, they shouldn't be bashed for it anymore 9
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Comments ( 7 )

    Not the German government, but the Neo-Nazis who glorify Hitler should be condemned.

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  • Whatintarnation

    From what I've seen Germany holds itself accountable still. Nazi symbols aren't permitted and they have close ties with Israel. Think they're doing what they can to fix the mistakes of their past.

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  • Sanara

    I didn't read the whole description and thought you meant the Germans that actually lived back then. Of course people shouldn't be blamed for something they never had any control of. The Germans today are not the same Germans who fought as Nazis during world war 2

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  • Gar555

    Isn’t it odd that the same people who blame the current German people for alleged war crimes committed nearly 80 years ago don’t seem to have an issue with the land confiscation and war crimes committed by Israel up to the present day?

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  • LloydAsher

    Yeah germany was the major aggressor in europe and japan was the aggressor in asia.

    In ww1 it was the ottoman empire but since that country kinda dissolved the blame was unfairly shifted to germany which lead to a cultural mindset that allowed the socialist party of germany the nazis to rise up.

    It's been more than 80 years. Harboring hatred is stupid for that long. Acknowledging a fuck up is different though.

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    • Boojum

      I suspect you're confusing your empires. For all I know, there may be people who believe in a counter-factual version of history where the evil, Muslim Turks were pulling the strings behind the scenes, but it's generally accepted that the actions of the Austro-Hungarian Empire were the direct cause of WWI. It is a fact that, as Austria-Hungary's much more powerful alliance partner, Germany supported Austria-Hungary responding in the most aggressive way possible to the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand by declaring war on Serbia. The Kaiser knew Russia would respond to this attack on one of its allies by mobilising, and he also knew that the interlinking treaties between the major powers of Europe would likely lead to a major conflict. But Wilhelm and Germany's political and military leadership were eager to go to war, they were certain that Germany would win, and so they were fine with this.

      The Ottoman Empire was involved in WWI and it did side with the Central Powers, but its involvement was pretty peripheral, largely because it - like Austria-Hungary - was heading for collapse before the war due to internal tensions.

      Given what I know of your political views, I'm not surprised that you slip in the far-right wingnut trope that the Nazis were socialists, but that's counter-factual too. The title of the party was indeed National Socialist German Workers' Party, but naming your pit-bull Hamster does not make it a harmless, fluffy little rodent. The Nazis were ultra-nationalist, socially conservative, anti-egalitarian, anti-trade union fascists. All that was exactly the opposite of what socialists believed in prior to the formation of the Nazi party, and still do.

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      • LloydAsher

        As long as we can agree that any political party can practice any kind of governance I acknowledge the correction.

        I'm not anti goverment but I'm anti big anything. On principle I dislike when the goverment controls more things than it needs to. The goverment should be by the people for the people but not over reaching. So socialism is instantly a red flag, but I'm aware other groups and people use terms that are completely opposite than what they act as. Such as antifa the antifacists that use facist tatics.

        Or people such as AOC that wear multi thousand dollar dresses that say "tax the rich" when it requires a humble man servant to carry the backside so it doesnt gather dirt from the ground.

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