Is it too much as a gift?

So my crush asked for my advice on the Apple watch, cause she knows, that I know a lot about electronics and gadgets overall.

I already told her, how I feel about her, but she was with another boy before, so she told me, that she really appreciates what I told her, but it can't change anything, cause she has a boyfriend.

I think that she is free now, not sure though, but I didn't saw any insta stories with him, and she told me last time when she visited me, that they had a fight.

Her birthday is coming, so I would like to give her those Apple watches, but I'm afraid, that it might be too much?

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Comments ( 11 )
  • Honestly, probably a bit pricey. If she just recently broke up with her BF then it's probably not the best time to try swoop in because there's a good chance they get back together if the break up is recent and even if you were picked up as a rebound relationship then you're still gonna come in second if they get on good terms again as that relationship will probably pick up again.

    Find another way to approach the subject and see if she would be interested in a romance with you, don't just throw money at her because 1) You're wasting a shit-ton of money on a hope and a prayer, and 2) You don't want to set that precedent.

    Good luck, bro.

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    • Thank you for the really great advice! I think you're right.

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  • megadriver

    Too expensive. She's not your girlfriend.
    I get buying a special gift for your best friend's birthday anniversary, but this is too much.

    I'd have to have a lot of money to burn, before I start buying my friends anything that costs more than 40-50 bucks.

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  • radar

    Yeah that's a bit much, it might make her uncomfortable.

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  • RoseIsabella

    Before you buy this chick an Apple watch ask yourself one question. Are you okay knowing you spent the money for such a watch if she turns out to be nothing more than a close platonic friend? Don't ever buy someone an expensive gift trying to expect a certain outcome, because you don't want to be disappointed, nor do you want that person to be so overwhelmed that they can't keep it either. If you think you could give someone such a gift with no expectations, then perhaps you could do it. Expectations can be resentments in the making.

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  • Cuntsiclestick

    Yeah that's too much. There's no point in pissing away money on someone who may not even go out with you.

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  • SwickDinging

    I think it's too much. I would go for something more low key.

    You don't want to seem like you are buying her love, and equally you don't wanna come across as desperate. If she really wants to be with you then it won't matter whether or not you got her an apple watch for her birthday.

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  • a-curious-bunny

    Unless your loaded just dont

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  • Doh

    I’d say do it. Worst case scenario is that you are just out that much money, best case scenario, you end up meeting your soulmate!

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  • litelander8

    Do it.

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      litelander8 tryna hook a girl up.

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