Is it true that the world is going to end on dec. 2012?
may be | 18 | |
no | 173 | |
yes | 15 | |
not sure | 15 |
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may be | 18 | |
no | 173 | |
yes | 15 | |
not sure | 15 |
I don't really care.
If the Atheists are right, then when it happens, I'll die so it won't be my problem.
If the Catholics are right, I'm going to hell.
If the Mormons are right, I'm going to heaven.
If the Hindus are right, I'll be reincarnated as a twig or some shit.
Being a twig sounds like a nice, simple life. I can't wait for December 21st.
It's kind of funny that we quote all kinds of superstitious hoodoo about the end of the world, yet we don't believe scientists who tell us that our very actions are bringing about the end of the world. We drive our cars, waste our water, pollute our planet.
This is the way the world ends. Not with a bang, but with the whimper of ignorance.
Sadly, most don't. This will be thumbed down to -10 in an hour or two. People don't like to admit they are doing something wrong. They want to be told they are wonderful even while noticeably bringing about the end of the world.
I spent most of my life learning things about this world and this Universe and beyond (recently), and I thought that I had a fairly sound view of things. I would have never thought that I was that wrong. I have recently begun to become Enlightened, because when I finally found a rationale to this Universe, I made contact with a Very Highly Advanced Technological Civilization. I am not crazy.
I have been for quite some time, aware of many of the problems facing our civilization. Quite rightly, I knew that uncontrolled population growth was our major problem. I had a vague idea on how to rectify this problem, but not a sound plan. I have since been informed as to a viable strategy for this. One of our major problems, is vocal minority groups, who quite often dictate policy contrary to this. This plan will work, but we all need to work together. There will be many 'Special Interest Groups' that will expect to be excepted. There can be no exceptions. Everyone, to the last man, woman and child will need to do their part, and to make concessions.
I have to say a few words.the world is not going to shouldn't be worried you should be living life to the fullest .even if the world would end thousands of years later a new won will be born:)
Not true. Should we continue (complacently) on the path we're on, life on Earth will end sooner than you think.
This is the only planet we have (for now), and even if some life survives, there will not be enough time for advanced life to re-evolve. The sun is expanding, and will continue to expand, eventually 'boiling away' our atmosphere and oceans.
i hope it doesn't end. what other planet would we live on? it's too cold on mars, it's too hot on venus, it's too boring on the moon. and the other planets...well they're just too freakin' far away to even get to.
To the people that voted yes, can you give me all your money and possessions in November? I mean, it's not as if you'll be needing it during the apocalypse...
who knows and who cares .... people are dying everyday for stupid reasons ..lets our live like we are going to live for ever
How 'bout we live like we want to live forever?
How long is forever anyway?
Do you mean we, you and I, or we all of us?
I care.
What if that's the date that Snooki give birth? Then the prophecy might be fulfilled! Cue screaming crowd. However, it doesn't really matter if you she gives birth anytime because the Mayan calender is dated wrongly. The Mayans, as astute as they were, never incorporated leap years into their calenders, thus when one adds up the forgotten time we all should have died about 7yrs ago.
The Mayan calendar is not a single calendar, but a series of calendars.
The Long Count calendar is a linear calendar.
The Maya also employ two cyclical calendars. The Maya intermesh a solar exoteric calendar 'Haab', with a sacred exoteric calendar 'Tzolkin'. The solar calendar, used for practical and agricultural purposes, consists of 365.242129 days, and is actually MORE PRECISE than our current Gregorian Calendar at 365.242500 days.
No, I'll see you all in 2013 :) Then they'll be raving about some other doomsday that was procephised like a million years ago
The Mayan calender doesn't have leap years (years with 1 extra day)
So if the Mayans were predicting that the world will end in 2012, then the world should have ended many years ago.
No. the world will never end, just this system of things.(if you are a jehovah's witness like me, you know what I'm talking about) ok jehovah said in the bible that he will destroy the bad things and he will do it when everyone least acspects it.and for the record, hell does not exist.when you die your sleeping, your soul is your body and it isnt a seperate part of you like a spirt or dont go to heaven unless you are one of the 144,000 anointed people. and please dont criticize me because I'm a jehovah's witness, I don't criticize you! so please treat me nicely, im only 12.(yes I do know Im under aged a bit But Im more mature than every one in my class! like that stupid cheese touch, who cares that is way imature ypur in 6th grade, siriously.)
the myans did not calculate in "leap year" at the time it did not exist. So actually the world would have ended months ago, if the myan calender was correct. So no worries....because it would be 2013 right now without Leap Year. :)
Whether the world is going to end or not, let's enjoy the present moment...!
If its the end of the world, it's the end of the world. Sweet FA we can do about it so why all the panic just go ahead and live ur life!!!
The Miyans forgot to include leap years. So actually we should of been dead like 7 years ago
It's bullshit that some scum bag came up with so I can say we will be here in 2013 and many years to come,there is always gonna be some dumbass making shit up nothing new really.
I think the Maya will have a party on the Winter Solstice, December 21, 2012 (Gregorian Calendar), in honour of the start of the 13th Long Count. I think we should all help and celebrate with them.
I find it amazing that the Maya, who were and still are by some, regarded as 'savages', had a more accurate calendar and had the concept of 'zero' long before Western Civilisation. In fact, we might still not have a symbol for zero, had the Hindus and Arabs not taught us this!