Is it true the average american woman is 5'4 165 pounds?
I see this on news I wonder is it really the case or just a fake fact passed around the world
Yes most women in the US are fat | 18 | |
No that's a myth | 7 | |
Other | 6 |
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I see this on news I wonder is it really the case or just a fake fact passed around the world
Yes most women in the US are fat | 18 | |
No that's a myth | 7 | |
Other | 6 |
No idea why you're asking this here, since a quick Google results in lots of credible sites which confirm those numbers and give the source as the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
Statistics confirm that Americans - both men and women - are the most obese people on the planet.
Unsurprisingly, the USA leads the world in the number of calories consumed per-capita. It also has a larger percentage of its population locked up in jail than any other country, and the cost of prescription drugs is higher than anywhere else in the world. It also leads advanced economies in the numbers of babies who die immediately following birth, and in terms of income inequality between the richest and poorest.
It's the only advanced economy which does not require employers to give employees paid vacations, and it has by far the largest share of the global arms market.
So many reasons to be proud of The Greatest Country In The World™.
Your facts are correct on all counts except income inequality. The GINI coefficient of the Lorenz curve for advanced economies is highest in Brazil. They have much more income inequality. China and the U.S. are tied for 2nd place.
In my humble opinion, all the factors you cited are incentives to obey the law, not get sick, and strive for fulfillment of wealthy aspirations. The large quantities of civilian guns mean fewer break ins and burglaries. America does not restrict personal freedom, it merely provides reasonable incentives to avoid lethal force, poor health habits, to invest wisely, and enjoy very low food prices. American society is social darwinism at its finest. Whining to have the government help you is very distasteful here. Only rich people expect hand outs like that.
Don't you think you're kinda clutching at straws when you say, "Well, the USA isn't great on that measure, but look at Brazil: it's even worse there!"
That's a little like saying what happened in Flint, Michigan, isn't that important because people in Mali drink water they scoop out of stagnant, pathogen infested puddles.
Nice point about the wealthy expecting handouts.
No, no, my friend. You seem to value the socialist paradise you live in. We don't. Income inequality is a GOOD thing. Guns are a GOOD thing. Forcing obese people to pay for their own diabetic health costs is a GOOD thing. Why is it good, you ask? Because in America, life is about consequences. Poor choices yield very bad consequences with no assistance from anyone, as they should. Good choices yield consequences where you are not taxed to pay for fucktards. You only pay for an excessive military so cruel dictators are assured CONSEQUENCES.
CONSEQUENCES are the basis of personal greatness. This is the premise of social Darwinism. Sorry to say, but your touchy feelie libtard values have no place in a darwinistic society. And it is the coldness of it all that makes our patriotism swell.
Note: we are ashamed of many of the wealthiest 1% - no system is perfect.
There are a lot of fat chicks but I think most are health obsessed and into getting a big booty with squats and that adds weight in a good way.
The US is one of the worst places to live. Healthcare is high as hell and no it's not required by law to get paid vacation and Americans are brainwashed by their government thinking it's okay to only get 10 days paid faction a year while the rest of the world even working part time gets 4-5 weeks paid from the day you start working anywhere.
Also paid maternity for a year not 2 or 3 months.
The US is using it's citizens and does not care.
The mean average is 165, yes. The actual average, the median, is 157.
It should be noted that if you think either of those is “fat” then you likely don’t know what a 157 or 165 woman looks like. It’s a lot smaller than you probably believe. Especially when you consider that the average American woman is 38 and has 2-3 children. Nobody in their right mind would see a 38 year old woman with two kids who weighs 160 lbs and call her fat.
Do you seriously believe the USA is the only country in the world where there's freedom of speech?
Article 10 of the European Convention on Human Rights provides the right to freedom of expression. Many other countries also guarantee their citizens' freedom of speech.
A lot of Americans have this idea that the rest of the world is a festering shithole (some of them think that because the only foreign country they ever visited was indeed a shithole, and they were there to kill the locals). A lot of Americans can't get past the propaganda they were taught in primary school about their country being the shining city on the hill. A lot of Americans are unable to take a step back and look closely at who exactly their government and economic system truly benefits the most.
Freedom of speech is a great thing, but it ain't worth diddly squat if you're free to express yourself from your cardboard box beneath the underpass because you've lost everything you worked for after your spouse became terminally ill, or because you became addicted to opioids due to the machinations of the pharmaceutical and medical industries and being desperate to escape the feelings of helplessness shared by many of those at the bottom of the heap.
I think the USA would be lucky is 5'4" women ONLY weighed 165.
I would say that average is closer to 250 on a good day
i dont believe that is the average.. that includes substantial outliers like morbidly obese women which significantly skews the average
In case you haven't had a look at my profile here, I'm American by birth and British by choice. My family has ancestry in the USA going back to the Mayflower, and I was born and lived in the USA until my twenties. So I'm not just some wild-eyed, communistic foreigner who hates the USA because of irrational, unthinking jealousy.
Your comment is almost entirely whataboutery.
You're correct about Britain having a very bloody history when it comes to killing people, particularly foreigners with darker skins. In recent times, that's usually been because there's a prevailing delusion in the UK that we must always clutch the USA's coattails when it comes to foreign interventions, and what's good for the USA is always good for Britain. In the more distant past, Britain slaughtered and pillaged for naked economic reasons.
What irks many on the left in Britain and the rest of the world is Americans' sanctimonious attitude when they fly off to stomp all over some other distant country. The window-dressing is that it's because the USA wants to spread democracy over the globe, when what it's really about is business and money. The USA's entanglement in the Middle East is the most obvious example. Nobody in the USA would have given a damn about Saddam Hussein invading Kuwait if those two countries and the surrounding ones had nothing but rock under the sand.
I'd never say the UK is perfect; Britain has loads of problems. When it comes down to it, this is a small island which doesn't have a particularly wonderful climate for growing stuff and has long since depleted most of its natural resources. Its history also means it suffers from a collective delusion that it's far more significant in the global scheme of things than it truly is.
The USA, on the other hand, is the most powerful economy in the world, and currently it's still just about clinging on to the title of the sole global superpower. That's what makes it disgraceful that so many newborns die there, that so many people live in poverty, that opioid addiction is a huge problem, that there's any homelessness at all, and that millions of families have been driven to bankruptcy due to medical bills. Saying other countries have other problems doesn't wipe those issues away.
As for the freedom of speech index you cited, I acknowledge that it seems to be from a credible source. I haven't dug in to the details, but I assume that the reason the UK has a lower score that the USA is because of the libel laws here. It's not uncommon for wealthy Americans and those from other countries to come to Britain to sue media organisations for libel because they know the law here gives them an excellent chance of winning. Also, it's possible for rich, powerful people to get gagging orders which prevent the British media from reporting on allegations made against them. Most people with any sense see that as wrong, and I suspect it will eventually change. Social media is already making the laws pretty much irrelevant. If the rules in the USA were the same as in Britain, we would probably never have heard of Stormy Daniels or any of the other examples of your President behaving like an ass, and that would indeed be a pity.
Who is this “we” that’s happy with the American economic system? Speak for yourself, most Americans are not happy with it and it definitely does not work for the majority of us.
Also, until all Americans have access to AFFORDABLE health care, it’s extremely disingenuous to say all Americans have health care. There are millions of Americans that don’t qualify for Medicare or Medicaid that cannot comfortably afford regular health care plans. It’s also extremely misleading to call those plans health care at all considering how little most plans cover.
Finally, if you’re that bothered by the “killing the locals” comment then you should hold our military to a higher standard of conduct. If they stopped killing thousands of innocent civilians everywhere they go(not just in illegitimate war zones like Iraq, they also do heinous things in supposedly peaceful countries that host American military bases like the Philippines...I know people who served there and I’ve heard the stories), people wouldn’t be able to point out how many innocent civilians they kill.
Of course, you’re right that the British military should fix their own house before talking about war crimes the American military commits, but I have no idea what you’re trying to say when comparing the number of troops...these are American wars that American war criminals illegally forced on us. It’s a credit to the Brits that they didn’t send more troops, no matter how much Americans want to take credit for taking so long to realize that Nazis were bad and decide which side to take.
Unrelated fun fact: one of Adolf Hitler’s biggest inspirations for how to treat people he considered inferior were the Jim Crow era laws in the United States.
I think 5'4" and 130-140 is more realistic. It also depends on bone structure.
Im getting a different number. The average american female is 5'7" and 168.4 lbs.
the average british woman was 5'3" tall and weighs 154.8 lbs. (70.2 kilograms).
The average Aussie woman is 5'4" and weighs 156.7 lbs.
If you look at the height difference, they are all about the same proportionately, or at least pretty close.
That being said, we are still the fattest country ahead of China and India.
Height in inches: 63.7
Weight in pounds: 168
Those numbers give a BMI of 28.8 (which is "overweight" according to the current UK National Health Service definitions).
Your numbers give a BMI of 26.3, which is still "overweight".
Afraid you just have to accept the fact that Americans are fat, although you probably see evidence of that every day.
If it's any consolation, the Brits are working hard to catch up. The average British woman has a BMI of 26.9, and the average British male BMI is 26.6. Americans may be the fattest people in the world, but Brits are the fattest country in Europe.
It’s also worth noting that these notions of what’s supposedly overweight or obese are outdated and obsolete, and the supposed health risks associated with it are greatly overstated and are outright lies in many cases. Being “fat” isn’t nearly as unhealthy as people would like you to believe. The fact that we’re talking about how fat women are without mentioning men really tells you all you need to know about the reason for all the misinformation.
I wasn't saying that Americans aren't fat. I know quite well they are. Im just saying that the difference isn't incredibly great. We are, as I said, the fattest country in the world.
I mean idk I haven’t gone to everyone taking notes to figure it out and get an exact answer but idk if I’d just assume and throw out that most women here are fat. I know I’m below average height but I’ve always been the weight I’m suppose to be.
It's more acceptable to be overweight here, but I'm not sure where you heard that from. I'm not really someone who keeps up with things like that.