Is it true women are undateable once they turn 30?

Is it true women are undateable once they turn 30?

Yes 9
No 43
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Comments ( 15 )
  • KholatKhult

    No that’s dumb as hell
    My wife turned 30 this year and I wanna marry her again everyday

    Dudes in their 30’s who have some weird chip on their shoulder about women in their 30’s are bottom of the barrel

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  • stargazermgj

    Most aren't dateable until they turn 30.

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  • jethro

    No. Women are just hitting their peak in the 30s.

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  • kikilizzo

    Yeah if you're a typical narcissistic male.
    Women turn more attractive after 30. 20-somethings are genuinenly insufferable, insecure and inexperienced and I say that as a 20-something myself. Some men say this because they cannot handle a mature woman who knows what she wants. They are immature and can't get women their own age and they want someone easy to control. It's definietely easier to control a young woman than one with more life experience.

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    • Meatballsandwich

      I'm 23, and I'm more attracted to women in their 30s than those my age.

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  • dirtybirdy

    Fuckin rubbish

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  • SkullsNRoses

    Yes, which is why all women over 30 are single.

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    • Lusty-Argonian

      Or married

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  • Tommythecaty

    Nobody says that, it’s not even a thing.

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  • LloydAsher

    I mean kinda. Depends on their quandary.

    Men tend to date people who are younger than them. Men who dont have resources (good job, cars, lifestyle) are looked upon more poorly than those who do. So this leads to more of a dating priority in the 20s. 30s is still within acceptability of course. I suppose it's when you strain into the 40s it just gets desperate.

    Met a woman in her early 30s lamenting about not being able to find the "right" guy. Told me stories, her criteria was too high for a personality like hers. Brutally honest.

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  • dominick86

    The older the grape, the sweeter the fruit.

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  • EnglishLad

    Not completely undateable, but it is true that a woman who's 30 will be competing with women who are more highly sought after.

    However, if you're panicking because you're 30 and you can no longer find the same level of attention from guys that you find attractive, you will have to widen your scope for potential mates to people who you don't find as attractive but are secure and hardworking.

    This does come with a disclaimer though. A lot of guys won't want to deal with a woman who views him as anything other than her first choice.

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  • Somenormie

    No, not really.

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  • Jh9856

    Mostly. By 30, they start to realize their money-making parts are getting worn out, so they start looking for the perfect white knight gentleman to settle down and leech from.

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    • dirtybirdy

      This is also fuckin rubbish, you fool.

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