Is it weird for a guy to have mostly female friends?

Almost all of my friends are girls. I just get along better with them, and they're much easier to talk to... for the last 6 years my 3 best friends were/are all girls.
do you find this at all weird?

Yes! That's crazy! 31
Yes. 47
It's a little unusual but not totally crazy 124
It depends. I'll answer in a comment. 21
It's the same for me! 280
Its the same for me, but I'm a girl and my friends are mostly guys! 34
Uncommon but pretty normal 141
No. 114
Not at all! This is totally normal. 237
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Comments ( 27 )
  • Jessica17

    No its not that weird having mostly all female friends. But some people might think your gay since you have all female friends. My brothers friends are all basically girls and some of my friend thinks he gay when hes not.

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  • meeskite

    i recommend putting less options down since for me the third and the seventh are pretty much the same and the first two and the last two don't both need to be there (as in just put either one of each)but otherwise good poll

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  • BUGABOO-666-

    Yes, there are way too many options here! Anyway, no, it's not weird at all, dude. I always get along better with girls and just prefer having them as friends. I've been this way all my life.

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    • Yeah i find chicks a lot easier to get along with, my 2 best friends are chicks and i only have 2 guy mates out of 11 close mates

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  • ShaneDawsone

    you are or either gay or a pussy magnet. Either of the two extremes

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    • lightgiver

      I got a mix of a few girls and guys as friends. A bunch of times i had mostly girl friends over the years. But my long term friends are normally guys.

      I am straight so I sometimes I get attracted to my female friends. My female friends also know im straight from my actions so that adds a beerier between them a bit

      Its not uncommon for me to be the only guy with 6 girls going to a movie. But 5 of the girls will be trying to hook me up with the 6th or something like that lol.

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  • Uzzie101

    Uncommon but pretty normal.
    I know guys who did this, but grew out of it.
    Those who didn't ended up homosexual, but there's nothing wrong with that (as most other people here seem to think).
    But then there are guys who always have mostly female friends, and end up straight.
    But the REAL question is, why does anyone care?!??!

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  • springer700

    most of those dude's are ether studs or gays and if there studs you are in threat of getting him stoled

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  • Sketchblock

    could be cos your a great guy and a lot of girls want to get to know you?

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  • Darnell11

    Dude, my bestfriend is a guy and he is the same way. All of his close friends are girls. I mean, people are stupid to say you're gay. My best friend is a guy! haha

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  • Phenomenom

    Its not really weird because im a girl and my bestfriend is a guy and hes amazing and caring so which is why girls like having guys as friends because alot of the time they care :) But not my bestfriend doesnt really have loads of girl bestfriends and cares loads for all his friends who are girls,just me :) But still theres nothing wrong with it,

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  • wonderbear

    Do I smell a chick magnet? Of course it depends that you are totally sure you are straight unless you are going to the same sex which by far is NOT a problem. Anyway back to the question, I am standing the same way as you are. I DO have a lot of girlfriends and all of us get a long just well. To be honest, I'd rather hang with them most of the time than to be a round a sausage fest the rest of my life. True, maybe a few might fall in love like it happened to me (which I have not gone through a date with neither because to me its a just a FRIEND thing but still love them all the same way like a giant gap of a family circle). Over all, just don't mess it up by plotting something stupid.

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    nothing to say rlly dosnt make a different to me

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  • normalnormally

    My best friend is a boy, and most of his friends are girls, his closest guy-friend is gy, so everybody thinks he is gay aswell. He isn't, he just happens to have more girl friends than guy friends. it's normal.

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  • HugeDong87

    Hell yeah it's normal i like girls better than guys, i get on better with them and everything. Plus you can look around and perv on their tits whenever you like :P

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  • your either homosexual(found intresting by girls and bore guys to death) or your building a endless resivoir of pussy subconsiosly if its the second good job if its the first fag!

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  • CruelHeartz

    its true but about 3/5 of the guys are mostly douchebags.. sry :P and i said some not all ok..

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  • nerdygirly123

    im the same way but im a girl and i have several great best friends who are guys and the reason i like hanging around guys is because most of the other girls are cause to much drama and i cant stand it. but yaaaaaaaa itz totes normal

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  • blackalica

    That makes him a boss.

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  • SpLaTTeReDcRaNiUm

    if my fiancee can have mostly guy friends i can have mostly girlfriends. but i apparently don't know when i'm being hit on and things go too far. like today for instance.

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  • I'm a guy and I've always gotten along better with girls and I'm not effeminate or anything; I consider myself to be bisexual, though. Anyways, guys back in elementary school called me a "fag" for hanging out with girls all the time and because of that, I had developed a sort of hatred for guys, so I never really learned how to get along with them. I get along with about 2 or 3 guys, and they're not very solid relationships.

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  • Legion

    I See nothing wrong with it. I have many guy and girl friends. I dont try to hook up with my lady friends either, but thats because i have tried many times in the past. Dont try to hook up with your friends, it can get rather ugly.

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  • Imheretopreach

    No, that just means you're a pillow bitter.

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  • casualcrow

    Its awesome being surrounded by chicks and all, but you might wanna get some guy friends so you can do the things that guys normally do.

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  • kingofthedust

    I hate to generalize, but from my experience, guys who tend only to get along with girls... well, it's because they are a bit feminine themselves. Unquenchable lust for beautiful women is what makes a straight man straight. Honestly, if you are staying completely platonic with beautiful girls and not fantasizing about fucking them, you're only other real option is to fantasize about boys. You're probably gay or bisexual.

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    • Legion

      He did say that he has tred to get with one of them on some occasions.

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  • user_name

    i would say either 1) gay or 2) was/is a momma's boy & generally knows how to please women

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