Is it weird i watch asmr videos?

I don't like the traditional videos, like the awkward girls giving head massages. I like the weird Illuminati inductions, demon chats and negative ASMR. I'd suggest these to some friends but I don't know if these are too weird.

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Comments ( 4 )
  • ThatScarletteGirl_

    I only like the whisperings and massage, it makes me tickles xD

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  • Max2016

    I have watched many ASMR videos but never heard of Illuminati induction or any of the things you wrote. Just looked them up. The only videos I could find were from the channel TirarADeguello. Did you mean those?

    Well, if that's what you like there's nothing wrong with it. And it depends on your friends. I like the regular ASMR videos, ear to ear whisper etc. I thought my friends would find them weird. But I have told a couple of friends and they were pretty okay with them. In fact one of my friends started watching some of them. And not just that, there were other weird things, fetishes that I told one of my friends that I have (not ASMR related). And he was pretty understanding and then he opened up to me and shared some of the weird things that he likes. I guess we are all weird and my friends are more understanding than I gave them credit for.

    "The only normal people are the ones you don't know very well." -Alfred Adler

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  • The roleplay asmrs where they act out a scene with only whispering are kinda cringy, because what doctor or manicurist would realistically speak at 30db, you know? I would put it in the same category as bad porn acting cringy. I searched up the illuminati induction one you were talking about, and I can honestly say I would be embarrassed if someone walked in on me listening to some fat balding guy with black shades whispering nonsense softly to me.

    I wouldn't be embarrassed to tell someone I listen to the object asmr triggers such as brushing or chalk writing though. Nothing cringy about those.

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    • Eh, each to his own.

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