Is it weird that i can't really get drunk or high?

I drink a lot and i have never been drunk I have done some drugs in the past and I have never got high.

It dosent matter how much I drink I don't even get a buzz and I don't know what a hang over feels like.

What gives I can be at parties and drink all night like everyone else and I won't feel anything yet everyone else is drink as hell.

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Comments ( 9 )
  • lordofopinions

    I used to frequent this pub where a group of three guys would drink Caesars all the time. When the bartender thought they had enough he would start serving them virgin Caesars no alcohol. These guys would appear to get drunker because they thought they were still drinking high test. It was funny to watch.

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  • MilitaryMedic

    You have a predisposition for a high tolerance. The downside is you still will suffer the long term effects of alcohol and/or drug abuse if you’re an abuser, and having a high tolerance it’s easy to abuse.
    Hangovers and puking is your body telling you that you overdid it.

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    • TheBlindInquisitor

      So I could still get liver poisoning or something if I over drink.

      werid usually I just act drunk like everyone else so I don't feel out of place.

      Is it medical genetic or something that I should worry about?

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      • MilitaryMedic

        You can get alcohol poisoning. Longer term you can damage your liver and kidneys. It’s unknown if high tolerance is a genetic feature. Read up on safe alcohol consumption for your weight and height, overall body mass and stay within those guidelines.
        Doing shots of alcohol with high concentrations of sugar can lead to diabetes and other problems.
        Drink less and play drunk if that’s your thing.

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        • lordofopinions

          Good response. I gave it a thumbs up.

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  • Bluevixen

    Everyone has a different tolerance. You're just going to have to find what amount works best for you.

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  • Rictictavie

    An old buddy of mine described the same thing. I didn't believe it, but he never puked or acted much different than normal.

    One day we got some killer cid and my friend finally got fucked up. He dissapeared for an hour. Apparently he had emptied all the shampoo in the condo into the bath and was sitting in the fetal position surrounded by a mountain of soap suds babbling incoherently.

    My point, maybe the drugs you are taking just suck. Alcohol SHOULD affect you eventually unless you are not drinking fast enough or drinking some shitty low percentage piss.

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  • Handyman

    You may not think so, others do notice when you have had to much.

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  • barstool

    Don't believe it. What percentage alcohol are you drinking and how much, over what time period?

    I believe it more with other drugs. Sometimes you're not tuned in to the effects or you've just got bad drugs. But alcohol's consistent quality and I don't think it's possible to drink a proper amount and not get drunk (unless you vomit). Happy to be proven wrong though!

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