Is it weird that i have a fear of being killed by a meteorite?
I used to think a fear like this was just ridiculous (and I still kinda do) but recently I've developed a fear of death... I have become somewhat spiritual to help get me through this, but this is all very new and for the moment I always seem to be paranoid/anxious about something.
I know there is like a 1 in trillion chance of getting hit by a meteorite and there is no documentation of someone actually being killed by one (although there are some claims), but it still scares me. I've researched and found that many meteorites hit the earth each year, and about 3 or 4 of them hit people's houses each year on average. While no one has died from being hit by one in their home, I've read some accounts where a meteorite will come crashing through multiple stories of a house, which would have the potential to kill anybody, and we've just been lucky enough not to have someone die yet but I'm afraid that someone will. And what happened in Russia earlier this year doesn't make things better.
I think what scares me is not even feeling safe in my own home and the fact that there is absolutely no warning of this kind of thing when it happens... like a complete freak accident. I realize there are many more reasonable things to be afraid of, but with anxiety and my new fear of death and everything else I have going on, this just kinda ruins my peace of mind.
Sorry this is so long, but does anyone have anything else to say about this?