Is it weird that i have had this kind of strange behaviour in kindergarten?
I remember around age 5-6 or so in kindergarten there would be a group of boys and girls who i played certain games with and for some reason in middle of a game where one of them had to close their eyes, i just spontaneously out of nowhere sniffed one of the girls foot i played hide and seek with (let's call her Martha) and she surprisingly found me pretty fast and in places where you'd least expect to be peeked at or searched, and eventually she did and just confronted me straight into face "Did not stink for you?" and she just ran back in a room. and nothing was said or mentioned regarding it, i mean it's so weird, when i think about it now, i thought there would be repercussions but nothing happened, i mean, do you have any of the following things happen to you but as result of, nothing happened much?