Is it weird that i keep losing friends but i don't gain?

So 6 months ago I lost my best friend. During the time of being her friend I lost a lot of friendships. I mean when your someone's best friend and they have a fight with a person you have to cut off your friendship with them too right? Well yeah that's what I've been doing.
So last summer I was in another country and my best friend got hung up with some dangerous people and started breaking into peoples houses.
Ever since I broke my friendship with her, Her name has came up a lot and I'm trying to not remember her. I've started hating everyone around me and I've become pessimistic. Is it normal?

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69% Normal
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Comments ( 2 )
  • la_uva_mojada

    try going to dance clubs, and if you flash your pussy you're sure to make fast new friends

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  • It's not right to blame your old friend for your choices. Your choices were influenced by her at the time but ultimately you were the one who made them.

    Have you ever tried talking to her to let her know that her actions hurt you? Maybe you need some closure to feel better and finally move on.
    You haven't moved on yet if you're still upset when her name comes up. Do something about it. Ignoring and hoping to forget is the slowest way to relief. That's just my opinion.

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