Is it weird that i talk to "people" while in the room by myself?
Okay, so, I have a weird obsession. It started way back in elementary school, after I watched Harry Potter movies with my dad, I used to go to my room and pretend I was Hermionie. Okay, I know thats normal for a kid. But the obsession continued as I got older. I moved from pretending I was in Harry Potter to pretending my friends are in the room with me. I "talk" to them, like they can respond to me.
It's always people that I know personally. I don't hear voices. I don't see them or feel them. Its just an obsession that I still have today, at 21 years old. I like to pretend wherever I'm alone in private, my room, my shower, etc. Is it normal? I don't think I'm crazy or anything, its just something I've been insecure about for a while now.