Is it wrong leave work on time if ya have two jobs?

Is it wrong to leave work on time if you have a second job and job A won't give you more hours?

No 13
Sometimes 2
Yes 3
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Comments ( 49 )
  • KholatKhult

    Leave on time ?
    Why wouldn’t you leave after your shift is over ?

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    • Cuase I'm not allowed to leave until everything is done. If the task I finished ran out I have to start over. If they give me more tasks before I leave I am stuck staying extra hours. If the other staff is too busy to do Thier task I get stuck staying longer to also do thier tasks. So 90 percent of the time I stuck staying later than I am supposed to. Unless of course I finish the tasks early and than I am dismissed early.

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      • GaelicPotato

        You leave once you stop getting paid.

        If the work isn't done, that's not your problem.

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      • RoseIsabella

        Do you work in a call center?

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        • No

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          • RoseIsabella

            Oh, what kinda work do you do? I used to do customer service/tier 2 technical support.

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      • ospry

        If that job is so demanding yet doesn't offer enough compensation to keep you from having to work a second job, I'd say you should quit this one and find another that will actually allow you to work both jobs

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        • If this job gave me full hours, I would be making as much as both my jobs combined. Also, I been trying, no one has called back.

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          • ospry

            Are you against doing online work? It's not the most glamorous work, but there are companies that hire people to do online transcriptions for online classes or court hearings, even things like teaching English to students in various countries. I wouldn't suggest those as full-time employment but more as something to keep money coming your way as you continue the job hunt

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            • I don't have that type of degree. That is a nice job for people who have white collar credentials.

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  • jackstormwater

    What do you mean is it wrong? It certainly isn’t morally wrong or legally wrong. Maybe it’s wrong according to your work rules, but we wouldn’t know that.

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  • JellyBeanBandit

    This whole mentality nowadays where companies to expect their workers to stay overtime is wrong. And really it's also wrong for us to allow it. We should show ourselves some self-respect and stand up for ourselves and respect our own time and mental health.

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    • Yeah but hat usually ends in termination. I literally lost a job during pandemic for not being able find a Covid test since I had no medical insurance. The job despite being fulltime refused to provide any but ER refused to give me a test unless I could provide insurance. I asked a lawyer they said that's perfectly legal. I don't think workers have actual rights anymore. Not in America

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  • jethro

    There are laws against what they are doing. Sue them or get a different job that gives you a full shift with pay and you won't need the second job.

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    • Wait what do you mean? What law is that?

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      • jethro

        Are you in the USA?

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        • Yes

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          • jethro

            Then research the labor laws, the N.L.R.B. and then contact a labor lawyer.

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  • Voray

    No, it's not wrong. If they want you to stay overtime, they should pay you for it.

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    • It's not legally overtime. I'm part time.

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  • olderdude-xx

    Unless you are working in a "piecework" shop the employer is required to pay you per hour.

    Also if you have told them that you have another job that you have to get to because they won't hire you full time. There is no reason not to leave on time. They should be structuring your work so it can be completed by normal quitting time. In the USA they would loose any legal action taken against them for not arranging that you can leave work on time (I cannot say how that works in other countries).

    But, most importantly it sounds like you need a new job:

    I highly suggest that you get and read (or check it out of the library): What Color Is Your Parachute, 2022 (or 2023 if its available).

    This book is updated every year for current trends in how to apply for a job and current things employers want to see.

    Much of the rest of the book on figuring out what kind of job and where, etc. have not changed in decades - but is well worth understanding and working through the exercises.

    The school system does not teach you how to actually figure out what jobs you would be good at, or what you want to do; not to mention teaching you how to find the job you want.

    What Color Is Your Parachute is the premier job hunting and job direction change book out there.

    It may take you a while to work through the book and exercises. You will likely be able to find a better job for you after that (even a full time one).

    I wish you the best with this.

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    • I have no time for your stupid book. If I barely have time to sleep and do the things I need to do. I don't have time for this BS either. If one regularly has to choose between sleep or if they should shower and eat dinner they don't have time to read idiot. Also I can't quit as I do not have anything else lined up yet.

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      • olderdude-xx

        That's fine we all are free to make choices.

        Enjoy your current employment situation...

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        • Thats not a choice. That is called Life.

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          • olderdude-xx

            You have it backwards. You can choose what you do in life; and to get ahead the vast majority of people find that they have to extend extra effort and to do things they don't like to do in order to improve.

            It might take you several months - but you could get and read the book; and restructure what kind of job you are looking for and how to do the job search.

            There's also a great many other resources out there on many subjects that could improve your life; if you are willing to look, investigate, and learn.

            Or you can chose to do nothing different - which will only produce the same results as you currently have.

            Just so you know. I've been in essentially your shoes. My poverty story is such that all the people who tell me how bad they had it... had youth poverty stories I would have loved to have had as every single one of them had it better than what I had.

            I assure you, that was not easy to get out of to where I am today.

            You have the ability to change your future... If you actually want to. That would mean doing the extra work that it will take to change.

            Education by itself does not produce change. It takes your being willing to apply what you learned and work at improving that application to produce change.

            Of course, if your not willing to learn. Nothing and no one can assist you to do better.

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  • LloydAsher

    If you are in the situation of working two jobs, leaving early doesnt have the same connotation as if you just had the one job.

    Clearly you can put the work into your job. But you got other job commitments to attend to.

    Honestly I'd see it as more of a reason to give you more hours.

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    • They have a no full-time policy. I always end up staying late by three hours but sometimes we get slammed. When we get slammed I kind of sneak off since I know ideally they would keep me till evening.

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      • LloydAsher

        You get paid for hours worked. They take more of your time when it's not scheduled better be more monetary compensation for it.

        Perfect example of today. I'm waiting due to no fault of my own but i can list my time as being wasted yet still get paid for doing nothing.

        I am monetarily incentivized to do my work. Rather than having a thumb up my ass. I get paid more doing work than get paid for being ready to work.

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        • But if I keep staying late I'm late to my second shift

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        • S0UNDS_WEIRD

          Do they have you on the road yet?

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          • LloydAsher

            Oh yeah, it just set me back 8 hours. Most of the company hates working per hour as it's less money for driving. But for me since I already dont drive far it works out better. As long as I put in 10 hours I'm guaranteed at least 150$ which for where I live is double the minimum wage. So I make profit where I am instead of going into the red if I lived in chicago or something.

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