Is it wrong to be annoyed at the current writing?

Even knowing that I started this on this site and was completely annoyed at the way various people write, I have tried my best to get used to it. I mean nobody reads books anymore and people get high now even if they will feel worst later, so maybe that is how the world works and I better get used to it.

AND THEN, I play a slingo game while at work in one of the many boredom hours I have and the people there are far worst than here. My question is, is it okay to still be annoyed about this when everyone else seems to be okay with it? Is it okay to just bite my lip when I am trying to figure their stupid comments out and how the hell do they pass school?

Is this okay or am I just getting too old at thirty now? Do people actually feel the need to write in a horrible manner and screw up their hard earned skills from their youth? Do people feel that this it is cool to do this?

Please answer this as I am truly lost. Am I normal for this or do others feel this way?

Voting Results
70% Normal
Based on 43 votes (30 yes)
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Comments ( 73 )
  • justsomgirl

    Wow. Sorry dude, but speaking as an English teacher, I can honestly say that your writing skills are not stellar. You have poor punctuation, your thought groups do not remain together and you make wording mistakes (ie. worst/worse). Until you have a better grasp on these basic concepts...I really wouldn't be making any judgements about anyone else's English.

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  • Lockets

    Write 'worse' instead of 'worst'.

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  • ~L~


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  • NopeNotNormal

    What is it about Bud that I find so repulsive? Is it the "Proud Elitist" proclamation in his profile while he continuously exhibits scum bag, dimwitted, poor white trash behaviors? What about him is elite? Is it that he spends so much time with 'farewell' posts (incessantly!!), yet he clings to this site with pitiful desperation? Could it be that he glorifies himself with descriptions of his posts as being 'helpful' or 'meaningful' or some other sickening shit? Lastly, it could be that he says "urg" all the time and that just gets under my skin.

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    • simba1

      I couldnt have put it better myself

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      • You're an idiot and I couldn't care less what you think. Try fixing your child or your life before bitching at mine.

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  • Tl;dr

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  • simba1

    30 years old, expecting a baby, and his fiance wont LET him. How pathetic!!!

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    • You wrote:
      "30 years old, expecting a baby, and his fiance wont LET him. How pathetic!!! "

      It is called respecting your spouse and perhaps you should try it. You are so hell bent on bitching at others but I have yet to see you fixing anything of your own. However, that is a moot point.

      Reading and commenting on the only story that you wrote before you started hiding your stories, you clearly are no better than I am and to come off as a selfish bitch who would rather cry out rants toward others then work toward a goal and better herself.

      However, I don't care and I do not want to fight with an immature, middle aged woman. For the record, how you have acted on this site is why I call you a child, not because you have this or that or whatever. Try growing up...inside.

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      • simba1

        Middle age is 50. I am 35. Idiot!!!

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        • I'm not going to argue with you but they say the life expectancy of a male is 72 years. So, half of that is 36. Since you are so hell-bent on bitching about my errors in writing though, perhaps you needed to spend more time in math class instead.

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    • I think she aborted.

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  • BrightEyes

    Aw, darn. He's leaving? Well, I guess no one stays here forever.

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    • I wanted to stay, Bethany won't let me. I care for my fiance and as she is pregnant, I have to make her feel better where I can and dealing with those who go on and on about stupid crap isn't doing that goal.

      I will miss writing for those who enjoy my company and writing on the stories that don't revolve around their crap. Thank you for your support, have a nice life.

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      • Did your "girlfriend" have an abortion Bud?

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        • Quote please...

          I have said a lot of crap in the past but I never said anything of this sort or anything that would warrent that comment. As usual, you are talking out of your ass and I would love to fight about it but as a promise to Loverofbunnies, I cannot fight with you anymore.

          However, if you are going to talk out of your ass, please do it on anothers' comments and not mine as I truly don't have the 'privlage' to defend myself against you anymore.

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          • simba1

            Yes, as a matter of fact, you did say in one of your posts "What baby? We aborted it". Maybe you have alzheimers, as well as MS, Vertigo, and dyslexia

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            • I'm not dyslexic nor do I suffer from alzheimers. I would show you proof if I had your email address about the baby and the MS though. Vertigo has long since gone away but it came on through the MS, however continue to be a stuck up skank and feel free to continue talking out of your trashy ass.

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          • simba1

            Yeah, and you cant spell "priviledge" either

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      • Jen118584

        Well, I tried.

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        • Yes, you did try and reading it afterwards, I guess I could give you that. Even knowing it was too little and too late, it was fine and thank you...

          ...sorta, or whatever.

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  • In response to you and the rest of the fucktards, I am writing this last note. As screwing with your 'tards group was fun and did kill some time while I was at work, I now have to leave as dealing with my life means more than dealing with yours'. I am not leaving due to anything you or your group has said but from what Bethany said and how people still treat her. After seeing her crying and truly understanding what this site is instead of what I might have been, I am out.

    For my final story, I am writing it here. I will first respond to what those fuckheads said about her before singling each of your group out and speaking one on one. The story is found here:

    I am posting this as a goodbye. I am sure willing to bet that your group will claim victory and post all sorts of crap on how you defeated the "Great Satan" or whatever your group will say. I am posting one more time though that I am not leaving due to your group or how fucking dumb you are responding to stuff that people admit to.

    I'm out, this time for real by Bethany's request. Lastly, she wants me to leave for her and I to avoid people like you, not because you are right or whatever bullshit reason your group will come up with.

    Lastly, if you posted your mailing address I would be more than happy to send you a cookie over this because it seems that being a bunch of fuckheads for a laugh is far more important than the idea of what this sites real purpose was originally over.

    Have a nice life,

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    • Jen118584

      4. There is a large Spanish speaking population in the United States. Well, we're neighbors, what do you expect? Why don't you go to the store and buy a book and try to learn basic Spanish? Instead of judging them as an outsider, try learning a little bit about them. You have said before that you think they have an easier time than we do. Are you kidding? They are living in a foreign land where they are judged constantly and they can't even speak our language to defend themselves. They are paid far less than we are for hard, manual labor and they quite often have a lower standard of living. Do you honestly think it's fair to hate them because they came here to try to make a better life for their family? Wouldn't you do the same for yours? They're not aliens, they're people like you and me. And they are here to stay, whether you like it or not. I understand why you are upset that they play loud music late at night into the morning. That would annoy anyone. Learn how to ask them to turn their music down, or talk to your landlord if they are in the same building. Hell, call the police and have them ask them to turn the music down. And start looking around for more family friendly places for you and Bethany to live. I understand money is a factor, but maybe look at renting a little two bedroom house somewhere. My boyfriend and I just rented a house on a private lot for $50 more a month than the one bedroom apartment we've been living in. I can't wait to get away from the noise of the pizza shop downstairs!

      5. It is unacceptable to call women sluts, bitches, whores, and cunts. It is also unacceptable to make demeaning remarks about premenstrual syndrome. Would you want someone talking to Bethany that way? Would you ever say anything like that to her? I sincerely hope not. I acknowledge that I have called you names in return, and it was unacceptable on my part too, but I became very frustrated with you. Why I care at all, I have no idea. Why I have come back to this website for months on end to argue with you, I have no idea. I could and should have walked away and let it go but something about it kept me coming back.

      I think that's about it. Again, for what it's worth, best of luck to you, and I apologize for anything I've said that may have been out of line, and hopefully you will do the same.

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    • Jen118584

      A couple things. First, I'm not trying to be negative this time and regardless of how much we dislike each other I would like to say a few final things to you.

      1. For your child's sake, I honestly wish you both the best of luck.

      2. I would like to believe, no matter how negatively you have come off on this website that you have a good heart. You have made some good, heartfelt posts and they were appreciated, I'm sure. However, you have to know that when you post something inflammatory on the internet or make these types of opinions known in any forum, whether it is how you feel about "typical women" (whatever that means), Mexicans, stupid people, are going to get people riled up. If you voice opinions like these, expect to be hunted down and attacked, and don't expect to be forgiven. People have no reason to forgive a faceless stranger on the internet.

      3. It is my opinion that in order to foster a healthy home for your child, you need to change the way you look at the world and other people. People are different, peoples' circumstances are different, life isn't fair. Just because someone may be more fortunate than you in some ways (or less fortunate, for that matter) is no reason to damn them and look down upon them. Instead, accept it. You were dealt a different hand. We all were. That's life.

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      • Your a dumb person. I won't even read your comment as I no longer want to respond and piss Bethany off further. I would like to say thank you though, I could have wasted a lot more time here but I guess it is better to live my life instead of mocking others who are outliving me on this site.

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  • Jen118584

    "However, I doubt that would change your constant 'Pre Menstrual Syndrome' rant. However, I doubt my email will change anything as you would rather bleed all over your computer than seek help."

    "2. Sexist comments: Wow, yet another damning thing toward me without much of a basis. Sure, I have said SOME sexist crap but it was more based upon your behavior."

    You fucking crybaby little bitch of a coward.

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  • At 30 you are still pretty young, and you do not strike me as having much life experience for a 30 year old.

    Your own writing is borderline intelligible. You compensate for your limitations in experience and ability by making a pretentious fuss about other people's writing, and by slurring people with racist and sexist insults.

    This makes you feel temporarily superior, but it is fake - inauthentic. You are smart enough to know its fake, but not wise enough to do anything about it.

    Are you cool? No.

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    • "Your own writing is borderline intelligible."

      Whatever, at least I am trying. I am often rushed so I don't spend all day here as you do writing but I do know that I make mistakes from time to time. "borderline intelligible", is that included with the example of your spam writing lately as that stuff is pure crap.

      I know you and that girl you bought off of the corner, Jen, loves to play this game but come on, you will have to do better than this.

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    • I almost would give a shit, but I can't as I already have given out my secondary email address and already have proven myself to a few others. However, since you are a typical trashy moron who actually believes the shit you spew out, my email address once again is

      [email protected]

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      • This makes no sense at all. You have slipped from the borderline of making marginal sense, back down to nonsense. I expect you will start grunting soon...

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        • Way to follow the group, now you let the people who follow you usually now lead you.

          Way to grow more and more into a child.

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        • Jen118584

          I tried thinking like an insane person in the hopes that I could make some sense of it...but still no. No sense at all.

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          • Bud is a git. Borderline intelligence. Can barely write. Slurs blurs and blubbers. That's pretty much all there is to it. N'est–ce pas?

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            • I'm going to bed but you wrote the following which deserved a response now.

              "Bud is a git. Borderline intelligence. Can barely write. Slurs blurs and blubbers. That's pretty much all there is to it. N'est–ce pas?"

              I should send that comment to my writing instructor and have her laugh for a while. The sad thing is that you are more normal than I am, I just don't see how people find your way better and although I am glad I am not like you, I often wonder if I missed something. However, I am too happy with who I am to start walking on my knuckles and grunting like your "backwards and caveman like" group so that is that.

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            • Was that comment really necessary, she is only your girlfriend and you two only are dating or whatever. It probably would have been easier to just talk to her like I do mostly with Loverofbunnies. However, I think that you just needed more attention so you opened your blowhole again, proving once again how mature you truly are.


              I wanted to write that huge comment but I'm just not into it today. I bookmarked this page so I will add it later, just not now. Yes, bookmarking the page is rather sad as it is my story but I wanted to have a reminder to resond later.

              It doesn't matter, I have done everything, even conceeding to you fuckholes, and your group still continues. Whatever.

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          • ...acting? Yeah, like that is a stretch.

            Even if I ate babies and worshipped the great toad in the pond for spiritual enlightenment, I would still be more normal than you are. At least I don't spew crap on other's story on a daily basis. I would tell you to fix your own life but you never seem to hear me or understand that either so have a nice day or whatever, I'm too busy to play with you.

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      • Jen118584

        Why are you giving out your email address? No one wants to email you.

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        • Don't let facts disrupt your online bowel movement but I have received three different emails.

          Soon who knows, I might even get some unneeded supports against your group. I truly don't need it but who knows. The email is more there so your group could get the "proof" that I clearly claim that I have. However, I doubt that would change your constant 'Pre Menstrual Syndrome' rant. However, I doubt my email will change anything as you would rather bleed all over your computer than seek help.

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          • Jen118584

            Proof of what!?!? I honestly have no idea what you are talking about. And I will ignore your sexist and ridiculous comments because I know you have a mental condition and can't help it.

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            • What? You wrote the following..."Proof of what!?!? I honestly have no idea what you are talking about. And I will ignore your sexist and ridiculous comments because I know you have a mental condition and can't help it."

              1. Yes you do care, you care as you constantly bitch on stories that have long pasted its prime. I have seen several stories that are more damning and need of your "holy bitching" than mine. However, I will give you some curiousy as the crap you are spilling has just a little but of relavance to this page. However, you and your idiot boyfriend made this whole thing a sick game and this is what you both plan on bitching about.

              2. Sexist comments: Wow, yet another damning thing toward me without much of a basis. Sure, I have said SOME sexist crap but it was more based upon your behavior.

              Urg, I have to go on a walk as writing yet again to argue with a moron such as yourself has become rather exhausting and I have to take a break from it. I will write toward everyone in a bit, even myself and if you three still continue to argue, then it beyond dumb and it will remain that way. Be back in a few hours.

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  • hotchickie81

    Bud, I think we could write a book from your posts and all the replies you get, lol ;) But I do agree with you that a lot less people are reading books these days. I'll admit I spend a fair amount of time on this site (like when I'm on the treadmill and such), but I do still like to read books. This site really cracks me up!

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    • Oh, it's a great book though. I am just having a hard time having my chapters flow together so to start now instead of waiting for college, I am thinking of writing a short story instead. Although it is my dream of finishing this novel, I need more education and while doing that, I can do what I know I can do now and that is to just write shorter stories. Hell, writing on the stuff that I do here would be a good story as well.

      Also, if you want to read it, I am willing to hand out my opening and the first chapter. Just give me an email at [email protected]
      However hotchickie81, I would like to thank you for your post also. I take a great joy in seeing your comments and people like you help me come back to this site. Once again, thank you.

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  • brrr5321

    You're 30??? You sound 11. A hypocritical, idiot 11 year old.

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  • Jen118584

    I'm starting to think you're just a really really good troll, because you're way too dumb to be an actual person.

    Sure it's your "story"....if one can call it that. And you can write whatever you want to on it. But as is the point of this website, so can others. So don't bitch when people comment. Negative or positive, it's my opinion that you're an idiot and that's that. '

    PS - your stories are bullshit.

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    • Please understand that I am thirty now and also aren't so caught up with the fashion. So please when you write, let me at least know what the hell you are talking about when you call me a "troll" or something "hip" now.

      What the hell is a "troll"?

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      • Jen118584

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        • Yeah, I did that a while ago when I wrote it. However my point remains, if you are going to state something make sure people understand you. It is okay as my fiance was banned from the Bigslotgames forum board for something that she didn't understand other and I guess it is part of the 'norm. But, it doesn't mean I will understand your point.

          Please clarify in the future.

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          • Jen118584

            Please clarify what the fuck you just said because it was just more incoherent babbling about something completely unrelated.

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            • Okay, the following may work better for you.

              Oinh, bark, bark, woof, bark, bow wow. Is that better?
              To break down a two sentance post down more, I will just say.

              People must read what you write, if you write like anm incoherient retard, then good luck getting others to understand you.

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    • He's such an attention seeker. Boring .... snore ... snore ...

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      • Yet you are still writing on my stories, each and every time I so much as sneeze on this site.

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  • BrightEyes

    Not everyone writes like a grade school reject. And I love books, a lot of people do. But this isn't a website called 'Whose Writing is Most Advanced?' so I wouldn't think university level grammar should be a necessity.

    It is fine to be annoyed if you can't understand something but I don't think it is normal to spin out of control over someone's lack of spell check. You too have your spelling errors.

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    • I was refering to an older comment and has long since been a dead issue. I was refering to the god awful squalking on the Slingo site and to watch people talk and actually understand the others who are talking back is BEYOND ME.

      I do not know nor would I ever want to know what ggl or s1 means and it is rather messed up that we are stepping backwards.

      This is a done issue though and I am more talking to feel better myself than to see if others see it.

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  • Piss off Bud. Can you spell that?

    Oh forgot - you'll just remove this anyway ... what a waste of space ....

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    • um

      pis of bub.

      Shit, I can't spell it.

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  • Jen118584

    This is just a bunch of incoherent babbling.

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    • "This is just a bunch of incoherent babbling."

      Really, how the hell was that comment any better?

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    • simba1

      I totally agree. Once again, he is proving that he isnt right in the swede department. LOL!!!

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      • oxenstierna

        The Swede department? Never heard that expression before?! Being from Sweden I'd love to know where that came from.

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        • Like usual, she is probably lying and good luck getting one of her group to show proof to anything. I only have a few minutes but I would like to thank a few who left good comments on my post as it means a lot to me.

          Good luck though on getting an answer. As I am writing this followup though, she will probably find that I wrote it as my profile is open and comment on this just to bitch at me. In the end, it is more of my way to help you now excuse me as I am still looking for work.

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      • Don't you have your own stories to focus on or do you have to jump in on a dead argument. Apparently I was down to one but I guess the other one started up again. It is rather sad as they truly don't do anything but bitch anymore.

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        • Jen118584

          How was my comment better than what??? WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT?! Do you even know??

          "This is a done issue though and I am more talking to feel better myself than to see if others see it."

          Once again, this isn't your personal blog, and if you don't want to hear other peoples' opinions, DON'T POST.

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          • Hind note though, you are right as this isn't my site but it sure in hell is my story. Letting this go is fine but I will be damned if one of the fuckwits who think they are so much better than I am end with the last word.

            Also, this is MY story and I can write on it as I choose. If you had your own story, you would know that.

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            • Urg... fart ... blah blah blah ... pay attention to me ... fart ... duh ... urg ... um ... duh ... duh ... duh ... urg ... um ... duh ... duh...Urg... fart ... blah blah blah ... pay attention to me ... fart ... duh ... urg ... um ... duh ... duh ... duh ... urg ... um ... duh ... duh... Urg... fart ... blah blah blah ... pay attention to me ... fart ... duh ... urg ... um ... duh ... duh ... duh ... urg ... um ... duh ... duh... Urg... fart ... blah blah blah ... pay attention to me ... fart ... duh ... urg ... um ... duh ... duh ... duh ... urg ... um ... duh ... duh... Urg... fart ... blah blah blah ... pay attention to me ... fart ... duh ... urg ... um ... duh ... duh ... duh ... urg ... um ... duh ... duh... Urg... fart ... blah blah blah ... pay attention to me ... fart ... duh ... urg ... um ... duh ... duh ... duh ... urg ... um ... duh ... duh... Urg... fart ... blah blah blah ... pay attention to me ... fart ... duh ... urg ... um ... duh ... duh ... duh ... urg ... um ... duh ... duh... fart...Urg... fart ... blah blah blah ... pay attention to me ... fart ... duh ... urg ... um ... duh ... duh ... duh ... urg ... um ... duh ... duh...

              Comment Hidden ( show )
          • Thats it, I now have to ask though as this is getting rather retarded. Do you just get online, check my profile for a comment and then bash me? Am I truly the highest point of your day now?

            Either way, eh.

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  • uncreative89

    Yea.. idiot.

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    • Way to be a poser, assclown.

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      • simba1

        I thought you said you werent going to be anonymous anymore budthewise???

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