Is it wrong to take a day off for mental health?

I want to take a day off just to sit in my house. No other reason. I’m the type of person where if I take a day off I will feel extreme guilt for it. My job (an office job) was originally a 3 person job until one of my coworkers quit and then the other got sick and is in the hospital. I am capable of working from home but I don’t think I’ll get paid for it. My mental health is declining because I’m just one person with all this stress and they won’t get me help because my coworker in the hospital should come back eventually… even though it might not be for another month. My bosses don’t even speak to me. Is it wrong to take a day off when the only thing wrong is that you’re having a hard time mentally?

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Comments ( 9 )
  • sweetone89

    Hell, take a week off and go to a Tropical Paradise.

    Remember, you are always replacable at work. You are not replaceable to yourself, your family, or your happihess.

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  • 1WeirdGuy

    Its always good to chill out abit because stress builds. You have to decompress. You should take a day off maybe even 2. Take off a thursday and friday so you have a 4 day weekend. Thanksgiving and christmas are near also

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  • hauntedbysandwiches

    Take two days off instead. You need it. Mental health is important.

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  • olderdude-xx

    It's totally OK to do so.

    If you need more than an occasional one for anything other than a rare family/work emergency you should look into the reasons why that is occurring; and try to resolve at least some of those reasons.

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  • BubaBoo

    No, it's more than ok. You deserve that. Do it for the ones who can't (talking about myself).

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    • BubaBoo

      Don't get the second sentence wrong, I meant you deserve a day or two off. You work hard, and you need to rest.

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  • Curiouskitten444

    Do it hombre

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  • Tommythecaty

    Of course it’s not wrong.

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  • SummerKat

    No, it isn't. You should just take the day off from work.

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