Is liquid diets ok

I'm looking into diets and to lose weight fast is it safe to go on a liquid based diet?

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Comments ( 20 )
  • Boojum

    As others have said, a liquid diet is a stupid idea. It will result in weight loss in the short term, but it fucks with your digestive system in unpleasant ways. Also, rapid weight loss triggers a physiological famine response which means you'll put all the weight you've lost back on very rapidly when you return to something resembling a reasonable diet.

    The only sensible way to lose weight is slowly as a result of changing your eating and activity habits.

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  • CozmoWank

    Is it just beer? Or do you include vodka or grain alcohol?

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    • palehorse

      Hahahahaa. You're the best.

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  • xxLucifer

    No, it's not sustainable for the average person.

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    • What if for a temporary time?

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  • palehorse

    Try something that's scientifically supported, not just a fad diet, no matter how far placebo takes you...

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  • Clunk42

    It's generally agreed that liquid diets are stupid.

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    • Doesnormalmatter

      Affirmative! I even asked my teacher just to make sure!

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  • cupcake_wants

    I have lost weight and I've kept it off. When I was 22 I was about 200 lbs, 60 lbs overweight, size 18. I struggled with my weight throughout my 20's. I am now a size 8, The way I lost it was getting rid of wheat. Little do most people know, wheat is a manipulated plant, not unlike GMOs. Try looking up wheat belly for more information. The modern wheat plant is a short and stocky plant, unlike the "amber waves of grain" of old. Wheat makes you fat, while you think it's a healthy whole grain. That is a farce. I am living proof. I keep my weight down without even trying now. I'm 44 and I'm also healthier from it. Wheat is also hard on your compexion and your joints and other things in your body.

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  • bigbudchonga

    If you make sure you take the right supplements then you'll be fine. Look up Angus Barbieri. So long as you're getting the right essential vitamins, and you really do need to give yourself that, then you'll be fine. I'm pretty sure there was a guy who lived off just beer for 46 days like some monks used to and he lost weight too. It's a valid way to lose weight, but I reckon you're going to be hungry as fuck.

    If you do it then prepare yourself mentally for a hard time.

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  • Peacesignflower

    Yes for short term.

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  • No. You need all of food. Drinking liquid food will only fool your body into thinking your not eating, but drinking.

    Also, what comes in must come out. And I don't think having diarrhea constantly would be fun

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  • Phoebe2005

    a liquid diet is gross lol and no i prefer chocolate cake or lasagna or chicken pasta lmao

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  • I'm very overweight so I imagine it would take awhile for me to starve...idk?

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  • DIO

    Try keto. It works well from what I've seen on friends.

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  • Doesnormalmatter

    Oh! Oh! I help people lose weight for money! Let me help you!

    Liquid diet is a stupid idea and I would never recommend it. Expensive, complicated and likely to leave you malnourished and with stomach pain and digestive issues.

    I would strongly suggest you try intermittent fasting. Basically just skip a meal and try not to eat any bigger of meals in the meals that you do eat. More tips available upon reuqest!

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    • Boojum

      For what it's worth, I endorse this.

      Intermittent fasting can be as simple as getting into the habit of skipping breakfast and making sure you eat nothing after 7 pm or so. You can eat whatever you want in the hours when you do eat, so there's no faffing around with counting calories, making weird choices from the menu when you eat out, or being a nuisance when someone invites you over for a meal. Obviously, weight loss will be faster if you don't pig out on junk food, but my experience is that slightly strange things happen to your appetite when your system is without food for something like 18 hours a day.

      There's solid scientific evidence that shows intermittent fasting isn't dangerous and that it usually results in gradual and maintainable weight loss. In fact, in some ways it replicates the eating patterns of our ancient ancestors who lived in times when food was much harder to come by.

      The idea that breakfast is the most important meal of the day is total BS. That was a marketing slogan invented by the religious nutjob John Harvey Kellog who wanted to persuade people to eat his newly invented breakfast cereals and the line was taken up by other US companies who wanted to sell things like bacon and eggs produced on an industrial scale to an American public which didn't traditionally have much of a breakfast at all.

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      • Doesnormalmatter

        Yeah breakfast is not the most important day at all. That's BS. IF is a great way to lose weight compared to any other diet that restricts food selection which most other ones are nowadays. Fasting is very safe for just about everyone unless your freaky lean so no need to worry about that. Literally like 3/4 of my clients that have ever wanted weight loss I have prescribed IF to. It's simple to implement and fool proof. I used a version of it to get to 4% bodyfat a year and a half ago when I competed in bodybuilding. If no weight comes off in a couple weeks than you shrink the eating window until you see gradual weight loss.

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      • Scotsmanship

        Bring on the haggis.

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  • Alyssa5509

    No, if you continue a diet that is only liquid you could die.

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