Is long hair for men more socially accepted than short hair for women?

I just thought about it. It seems to me that guys can have long hair if they want, down below the shoulders, without society really caring that much. However, women don't seem to have as much freedom when it comes to choosing the length of your hair. Because if it's too short, people will probably see them as being totally mad.

Yeah it's more socially accepted 8
It's the same 21
No it's less socially accepted 12
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Comments ( 20 )
  • Bluishorange

    This completely depends on who you ask. But think, how many grandmas have long hair?

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    • bbrown95

      That's what I was thinking. If anything, it's uncommon to see older women with long hair, and the only comments I've ever heard in that regard are of people saying long hair on older women looks too witch-like and scraggly.

      Even on younger women though, I don't think short hair is too controversial, but it definitely depends on the haircut. A shaved head/Mohawk/something pretty unusual is going to get more funny looks than something more traditional like a pixie or a bob, which IME are seen as fairly normal.

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      • Bluishorange

        The mom cut is awful. I will never do that to myself.

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  • Wryladradofft

    I'm a guy who used to have long hair. In my experience, acceptance of this kind of thing is more generational than anything. The only two people groups who were consistently weirded out by me and my hair were older conservatives and really young children, and I can't be surprised by either. Everybody else either didn't care or just assumed I was a stoner or a metalhead

    A lot of girls I went to school with had really short hair and nobody seemed to bat an eye. Then again, if anyone did it's not like I would've noticed. I thought it was really cool though

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  • Sanara

    Not entirely sure what "society" thinks, but I think very short hair on women tend to look weird and kinda "wrong", half short hair perfectly okay. While men can look okay with any hair length (not any haircut thats another thing). Anyway thats just purely visual and just my opinion. People can have their hair however they want regardless if I like it or not

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  • raisinbran

    I still think everyone should be bald. I don't like hair.

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  • ellnell

    Um maybe it's a cultural thing but i've literally never heard anyone have any opinions about women with short hair. Both my recent exes loved short hair on women and it's been very trendy in the recent years with short hair. I hear long hair on men being much less accepted though, unless he's a metalhead. Shame because I think long hair on men is often very attractive, that is if he can take care of it or doesn't have very stringy hair.

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    • LloydAsher

      I think there are two definitions on short hair for women here. Theres the normal short hair length for women that are shoulder length, or just long enough that it can be tied into a ponytail or a bun as needed. Then theres the "lesbian" haircut where it is as short as the normal male length hair. I say lesbian haircut but honestly I have yet to meet a female that has a lesbian haircut who was completly straight (and wasnt suffering from a bout of chemotherapy from cancer)

      I have only one acceptable long hairstyle for males and that's only if they can rock a mullet. If it doesnt work back to the barber with you.

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      • Aethylfritha

        Tbh i think " short" hair on women is like a pixie or that style Demi Moore wore in Ghost.
        Longer than a Loiuse Brooks bob is medium imo.

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  • bbrown95

    I would say it's about the same, but it does depend on the haircut. Obviously, a Mohawk is going to be different than a pixie or a bob in that regard.

    I see short hairstyles on older women more than I see long hair, actually. It definitely isn't as common on younger women, but I think the more traditionally feminine short hairstyles are pretty generally accepted and still seen as professional.

    I have a few long-haired guy friends who are constantly being told they need haircuts, and I've even been out with one when a stranger came up to him and told him that. I don't think it's as accepted in the professional world, either.

    If you're talking about in the dating scene, I do think the general preference is long hair on women and short hair on guys, though there are always outliers.

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  • Loopdeeloopa

    Depends on society. Where I live men with long hair are stereotyped to be irresponsible, rebellious, drug addicts they also have higher chances of being stopped by the police, although this might make them more attractive to some Women.
    Women with short hair on the other hand have no problem at all, most people here just see it as a style . They might be considered less attractive to some people but that’s just preference ofc, most men would still find them attractive if they were.

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  • my_life_my_way

    Most people don’t care about the length of other people’s hair however guys are more attracted to long hair on women because it looks more feminine where as long hair on a man can still look masculine and be attractive.

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    • bigbudchonga

      Interesting take. Yeah, short hair on girls doesn't look good. Would you say for guy it depends on their features and hair, or can most/nearly all guys pull it off?

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      • YE

        For men, I think long hair looks okay if the guy has a long face.

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  • ilm7

    Depends where you're from. Where I am guys with long hair are rare. Very conservative society. The times you will come across one with long hair is probably locs. Otherwise, people, especially the older ones, tend to give you a look.

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  • EnglishLad

    It's the way you rock your hairstyle that matters really. Any idiot can win at poker if their hand is a royal flush. It takes a champion to make the opponent flop when all you have is a two pair of deuces and threes.

    Go out with confidence and be yourself.

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  • bigbudchonga

    Dude, this is a good question. I think it's about the same; PS short hair on girls looks grim. I'm curious as to whether a lot of women think long hair on guys looks grim or good? I used to have long hair (guy) and looking back at it, it just didn't look good, but maybe that's due to the kind of hair I have (very fine).

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    • Aethylfritha

      I think if the person is pretty\ attractive it can look good on both. Halle Berry looks fine with short hair. Michelle Williams.
      And certain guys can pull off long hair if theyre pretty or very rugged.

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  • Tommythecaty

    Nah bout the same

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  • litelander8

    I think it really just depends on the person and if it’s a style that looks good on them.

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