Is looking up porn a sin?
Sometimes I look up porn, and I (personally) like it. However, I am Christian, and have heard it's a sin. Can someone tell me if it's really that bad?
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Sometimes I look up porn, and I (personally) like it. However, I am Christian, and have heard it's a sin. Can someone tell me if it's really that bad?
If you profess to be Christian and have to ask if this or something else is a "sin", then you need to re-evaluate and redefine for yourself what your religion is for you. Taken at face value, ...yes, viewiing porn is a sin bacause it is Lust and lust is one of the seven deadly sins in Christianity. You can repent this sin through Christ but only if you are going to leave it behind you, because to repeat the sin over and over again and to enjoy it means you're not ready to discard this private pleasure.
It is normal to want to see other people make love, but WRONG. In porn they make it most exciting by getting professionals who do it so well on film. The girls are cute, guys well hung, and all with such stamina. That does not always happen in real life, and that's why porn is addictive.
Porn is a terrible poison. Kills self esteem as you feel you can never measure up to your girl's expectation. Or you may want your woman to do what you see in porn, and she simply can't. That pisses you off, and you set off in a journey to find the perfect woman, whom you never find, since she only exists in porn.
WTF kinda question is that? Religion is a sin to mankind and has set us back in our development about a thousand years. Porn is porn. Hardly a substitute for the real thing but good if you are bored and need a quick release. BTW Christ didn't come here to start Christianity so we could have debates and hate one another for each others opinions.
As a Christian it will get in the way of u practicing ur faith the bible says if u so much as think of sinning its as bad as doing it so yea its bad if u have to ask if its ok its not ok
im atheist when i was little like 9 i looked up porn and id think anyone else did that when they were that little well not many ppl its weird to think that when i was 9 and i was a dumbass we had a 48" screen and right the middle of the living room and i would get up about 7 am and i watched porn ounce my brother woke up and when he saw i was so embarrassed lol but he didnt tell now i have my own comp and do it every ounce in a while its normal and fun. i do it ounce a month or every ounce a year im not as much turned on by internet porn as other ppl videos im turned on more by.
Your Lusting after a woman who is not your wife. It's not just a sin to your body but that girl will be married one day so your being adulterous as well.
im not atheist or anything like that i mean my belief is that if god does exist and im not saying he does or doesnt he wouldnt want his creations grovelling over him and such like how annoying would it get if your kid did that every night before bed they prey to you for giving them food and stuff i mean i would feel modest like oh im not that great =] but it would get annoying. and if porn is a sin then by the time people under 40 die hell will be full and then it wont matter because we wont go there anyway! =]]]]
Yes, it is a sin.
Sex outside marriage is a sin. In pornography, there are usually multiple partners having sex. Even if there are only two, they are almost certainly not married to each other. They are therefore committing a sin. If I amuse myself by enjoying someone else's sin, that's even worse than doing it myself. It means that I'm not just committing a sin, but celebrating it.
Pornography is extremely addictive, too. I know, because I've been there. Breaking it was extremely hard. I have had to learn a whole new way of thinking too, as pornography programmed me to think of women as sex objects there for my own gratification. That can't be right either.
The main problem Christianity has with porn would lie in the verses that hold you accountable for your thoughts as much as your actions. So, if you lust (which means desire only for selfish sexual pleasure--not just sex or reproduction), you are held accountable for actually having sex with every woman you masturbate to. So, this become fornication or adultery, depending on whether you're married or nit. The act of masturbation itself is not a sin, but it's hard to masturbate without lusting after a woman.
Most Christians would label it a sin. Porn is also not a good idea in terms of the values it can program. Porn only stimulates the visual aspects of sexuality and is typically filmed from a very selfish male centric perspective, so imo, you'd be better off just getting laid.
There is nothing wrong with watching porn. It's not a sin. Hey it's better than actually having sex.
Porn is one of the most wonderful things that we humans have created. Porn prevents sinning because people can masturbate to porn rather than cheating on their wives or husbands with another woman or man. So porn preserves the sanctity of marriage. Please don't ever let anyone tell you it's a sin.
It's perfectly normal to enjoy watching/looking at porn, but it is a sin.
Watching porn is a sin according to Christian beliefs. You are not to lust after women.
I agree with DWE. It's normal and does help with your love making skills.
Hi, I'm sorry people are acting like this, in anatomy and physiology, a male will be sexually active from puberty until death. I'm a Christian, I hope you ALL read this. God's plan is for sexual cravings to begin during puberty, from there it is ONLY up to prayer and no persecution. Jesus is the only judge of the living and the dead and just rest your souls and let the change of Jesus do the direction in life :)
I've been doing it for this whole time?! What am I doing?!?! Well, lot of us can't resist.
No. But, it could be against man's law depending on what you are looking up.
porn is a sin just like all the other ones, JESUS died on the Cross,was buried,and rose the third day. JESUS died on the Cross for alllllllll sins every single one of them , when you Repent and become Born Again you are Eternally Secure and all of your past present and future sins are Forgiven, when you do that GOD doesnt impute sin unto us, but we are Righteous True and Holy in GODS Eyes in our Spirits.
The way I look at it I don't think looking at porn is a sin. When I look at porn I find the women very attractive in looks and get a general idea of what I'm attracted to. When I look at these women I don't want to be with them romantically and I don't want to engage these actions with said person. I am the kind of guy that only wants to have sexual actions with if someone who I am certain that I will be with them forever. As of right now I only desire to have sex with the person I love not with the girls I watch on the internet. As the years go by I'm growing as a Christian but I still have a lot to learn. I don't know for a fact if finding someone attractive is also lusting over them but I know my feelings and I don't desire to be with any of the girls I look at on the internet. When I find someone attractive as a person THAT'S when I desire to be with them but if said person has a boy/girlfriend I just become friends. I only desire to have a strong relationship with someone then if the time is right I will have sexual actions with her. I don't see it as a sin but I would like to hear others thought on the subject.
dude this is sin but sin just means "your missing the mark". Jesus said don't sin, He told us what sin was and said it was harmful. Lust and Adultry are harmful to you and your future partner. Do not shame yourself, pray about it. Jesus came for all of us sinners, he loves you inspite of your sin.
Are u people crazy?If u think looking at porn is a sin then what is a pedophile?Ur not doing any harm to anyone in ur own privacy
yeah anything that brings pleasure will make you burn in hell, It said so in your book no?
The bible is bullshit and if ANYONE with common sense and reason, who has read it front to back, will agree with that.
It is normal, and do not worry you will not go to hell for it. It is human nature and don't let anyone scare you thinking that it isn't.
god doesn't care if you watch porn or not. he wants us to be HAPPY and loves everyone so do what feels right.
Do u fckin' care if it's a sin or not?!? Damn it doesn't matter, We're all going to hell. I personally don't believe in God. But, if porn is a sin, your problem Just don't watch porn and you're of the hook.
"We can't be decent ppl at aan indecent time"
Most rules inside the bible weren't there 50 years ago anyway.. Most philosophies surrounding sin were conjured by concerned people just trying to limit the amount of immoral things happening. I mean, most people in the bible had multiple wives? I don't hear any women's rights activists making a fuss over the women not having multiple husbands... so?? I think we should all own up to it, because at one point in time, everyone's going to do it, and it's either own up to it or be a hypocrite.
I'm not an atheist, I'm an idealist. Fuck what everyone else thinks
Porn isn't a sin as far as I'm concerned. Just voyerism. Ick! Not my cup if tea.
i'm also a Christian, and i think it's bad too...but i guess as long as the porn ur watching isn't harming anyone then i guess it's okay?
As long as it's not abusive in any way, and you're not paying for it, if it gives you pleasure go for it. Porn is EVERYWHERE nowadays - and I think there are very few people who can honestly say they've never watched any and been turned on by it - even by accident.
Porn is boring. You see one hole you've seen 'em all. I think porn is harmful.
i watch porn alot of girls do we are humans are curious lol ppl who say it is a sin then ok hey we all have diff opition but EVERY1 EVERY1 watch porn in a way lol even if its thikning about a girl you like in ur head naked its porn :P!
God is awesome but i think he forgot how teens are curious and want to have sex so really dont worry and god please saw things a little better jk
dude i try to watch porn everyday and even though im 13 i still cant ejacuate anyway if you like it well watch it
fuck the fact that your christian please dont limit your life becuase of your religion by the way does the bible say that looking at porn is a sin no whoever told you that is not jesus or god they would not know its perfectly normal infact its not human to never want to look at those things. so watch as much porn as you want
Nah, I don't think it's bad, but then I don't believe in "sin" anyway...
In response to yayyay
It's a sin to lust after women or men according to Christianity ? Isn't sex a natural instinct to reproduce? We should give into our instincts because this is the natural way of life. If Christianity is against. Reproduction, then christianity is against life itself. So should we call it a sin? No
@mccl, how do we know the poster is a he? Even if the person is a monotheist, how would their god or goddess know whether or not the person watches porn? Perhaps the god or goddess has selective omniscience? Why would the god or goddess want to gaze down on someone and watch the person watch porn?
Evolve you do realize he is talking about Theology, not polytheism, right?
It is completely normal. And there is no such thing as "sin." The only "sinful" actions are those that cause harm [to others]; ie treat your neighbor as yourself.
You might like to read Aristotle on catharsis. He would likely defend porn on such grounds.
And its not like the gods and goddesses are going to know if you watch porn or not. Certainly you don't mean to imply that the holiest of the holy are peeping toms? Blasphemy!
Me and my wife watch it and we've been together for 15yr and I love her now more then we first met. Help keep the sex drive up
well depends on what sect of Christianity your in.
i don't but it would be safe to say that it is.
but what can we do, we are only human and God made us horny. we all love it, we can't help ourselves.
is it a sin yes
are you normal absolutely
envy and greed and lust are also not cool or so i've heard but i don't know anybody who hasn't felt greedy envious or lustful so even if porn isn't okay w/ god or w/e i don't think it's practical to quit watching just because the church says not to
I love the lord, but Christ! PLEASE save me from some of your followers!
It does say in the bible it is a sin but alot of people struggle with it!!
never....u jus shouldnt try n brag bout watchin porn when talkin to girls tho..
u guys ever considered the thought that most of the chicks in porns r single mothers desperately tryin to make money? haha
It's perfectly normal. Whoever has not watched porn is their life is not a human being.
To all the jerkass judgemental Christians who preach the bible, but not the word of their own messiah, I say this:
I watched a Porno yesterday with a chick dressed up as a nun, and lemme tell you, I wanted to comfort her with my rod and my staff. Take of this, bitch, and eat it, for it is of my body.
Nothing wrong with it, I watch porn all the time when I can't get none :)