Is my bird okay?

I have two birds, in the middle of the night one frightened my bigger bird (who is still smallish lol) and he fell to the bottom of their cage and was making a lot of noise so I got up to check what happened and when I picked him up from the bottom of the cage (after him hissing and trying to nip me - understandable) I noticed almost all of his tail feathers had broke and they're about an inch-half an inch long now, I don't know if it's horribly wrong because it's not happened to any of my birds before, what do I do? i don't know if it will effect him or not (I don't want to go to the vet and pay for nothing) so I am asking if I should be concerned?

His wings are clipped which is why he fell to the bottom (first time)

Yes 4
No 1
Take him vet 23
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Comments ( 17 )
  • Ellenna

    Why do you have birds confined in cages and with clipped wings?

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    • It is just at night time, they're out all day, he is the only bird with clipped wings, my other was clipped but he is able to fly now (which is fine because he is a baby and I am training him)

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  • Tempest-au

    Your birds seem to be of different species, which can cause problems. Regardless, separate them into different cages. The tail feathers probably weren't "broken", the bird with the broken tail feathers was probably attacked by the other one - happens a lot with birds confined together in smaller cages (which is why I'm dead against factory farming of chickens). They will grow back over the next year, like its wings.

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    • Troubled.child

      Yeah they are, one is a cockatiel and one is a budgie, before I brought the budgie I made sure (asked around and did a little research) they were able to be in a cage together. They did break, the angle he fell must've been weird and now they're just broken...?
      I have heard that budgies tend to be very dominant when tey get older but he isn't showing that at the moment, they're doing fine, so i know he wasn't/doesn't get attacked.

      And their cage is definitely not too small, if anything, it's bigger then the cage the birds were in before I got them (which had about 5 in them) so space isn't an issue either :)

      And okay, so I don't need to be worried??

      I tried messaging you like heaps by the way so I don't know if you got my messages (spam) saying basically the same thing because it kept telling me that you didn't get them, or if you haven't got a message at all, just saying!

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      • Tempest-au

        Your bird will be fine - but watch that budgie, they can be real bullies!

        Odd, it's saying you've blocked me from sending messages. It's happened before with another user (who also didn't block me), so I have no idea. Check to see if there is something you can press to "unblock" me, if not, Probably just a bug.

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        • Troubled.child

          Yeah he's a little punk sometimes but most the time he's alright, gives my bigger bird little head scratches and follows him around, they like to hop on the pants in my house and tear them to shreds LOL

          And oh I haven't blocked you, and okay I'll check

          Btw yes it is my mum lol

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          • Tempest-au

            P.S. If the cockatiel's wings grow out before his tail feathers, you will need to re-clip his wings. No tail feathers = very limited directional control during flight - and you don't want the bird knocking itself out hitting the wall do you.

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            • Troubled.child

              Yeah I know haha I have done some research, don't want my baby getting hurt :(

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  • Tinybird

    Please specify what species of "birds" they are, until then I can't make a valued judgment

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  • dirtybirdy

    Dirty birdy does not like this one bit.

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    • Troubled.child

      What do you mean?

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      • dirtybirdy

        I mean that, as a bird, I know that NO bird should have clipped wings or be kept in a cage.

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        • Troubled.child

          Well I am not meaning to be rude, but these are MY birds so I will keep and care for them how I want, not how you want. As long as they're happy and healthy I am doing a good job. Besides, I don't clip my birds wings, they were clipped when I got the birds, ones feathers are growing back an he can fly, but my other bigger birds wings are still growing back. If his tail doesn't grow back by the time the flight feathers have, I am going to have to get them re clipped to prevent harm to my bird while trying to fly.
          An they are out most of the day, usually just in the cage to sleep or when visitors with small children are here.

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      • _Jesus_

        Why did you change your profile pic to you grabbing your B-cup?
        Who was the blonde girl with the panties on in the previous pic? I need answers

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        • Troubled.child

          Cos I can have my profile pic as whatever I want?
          And she's my friend. Message me instead of replying on all of my comments please

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          • _Jesus_

            I tried to get instagram in order to dm you there but it confuses me too much.
            Do you have twitter rather?

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            • Troubled.child

              Instagram is what I'd prefer! Just look me up press the little options at I think the top right and send me a message

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