Is my cranky cat normal?

I have a 2 year old cat, 4 yr old and 9 year old- all indoors. These cats have lived together for over a year with rare "territorial" problems. There's also a calico stray I've been feeding for over a year, whom came inside on a daily basis through winter. She would hiss if one of mine even looked at her l and go about her business, finding a sleep spot and crashing out. Even with the hissing, everything was very calm for the 5 months this went on. She came inside yesterday for the first time in a week and my 9 year old attacked her. She slept outside and I let her in again about 10 minutes ago. I walked in on my 9 year old stalking/cornering her, moving slowly and about to attack, as if she were prey. It really upsets me! Why has this random aggression become so regular for Old Man?? He gets tons of playtime, food, attention (more than any of them, treats secretly given to him and 2 walks a day through the hiking trails. So he's not "jealous." Is it normal for Old Man to behave this way, randomly?

Voting Results
71% Normal
Based on 34 votes (24 yes)
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Comments ( 8 )
  • cuppycake1228

    Quite normal. Cats are territorial and unpredictable. The best way to introduce two cats to each other is very slowly, with a closed door between them (so they can smell each other but not have direct physical contact). After a week or two, it may be safe to let them mingle. Just keep an eye on them, and examine both cats for any wounds from fighting. Generally, it's easier for a male and a female to get along (versus two females). Just give it time and see if things improve. Make sure they have little enclosed spaces and other areas to hide so they are safe if they ever feel threatened.

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  • la_uva_mojada

    Maybe theu are possessed

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  • lc1988

    Has the calico been hissing at them lately? Cats will attack a familiar cat if they are acting different than normal (aka lost confidence). For whatever reason, your old man is viewing the calico as prey. I saw this happen when 2 cats had coexisted together for years but one day someone screeched their brakes on a car outside. It scared one of the cats and it's friend seemed to have forgotten who he was and just started preying on him for days. Cats are so finicky.

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    • BreadBox

      I think you're right! The calico does hiss frequently at my insiders. Although a fight never broke out until Old Man started them, Miss Hissy Pants doesn't exactly give off a cozy vibe. I also noticed the first time Old Man attacked her inside, she had just killed/eaten a bird outside. She didn't have blood on her but I'm thinking Old Man smelled it on her and for whatever reason set him off. I've purchased a pheromone collar and it seems to be helping.

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      • lc1988

        Awe great! It's stressful when all the animals don't get along. I'm glad you found something that helped!

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  • thr

    I have been told about a cat that, as it got older, thought that it deserved the attention of humans, and which would be aggressive towards a person it was lying by, if this person was not paying enough attention to it.

    I don't know, but maybe his special treatment makes him feel that he's the only one entitled to get attention/care from you.

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  • Animegirl

    This is normal. I would have to guess he got fed up with her sassy ness. If I had to guess he found her as a threat. He most likely sees her as a threat that will hurt his family. AKA you and the other 2 cats.

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  • I think so. I have three cats, a mom and her two grown babies, and Ms. Puss Wuss has days where she is a huge crabbypants to her kids. She often has mood swings where she is cranky one day and happy the next.

    Maybe your cat is just fed up with the newb coming around and wants to get rid of it for good, or at least establish dominance of some kind.

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