Is my dog nervousness, excited, scared or anxious

Ok so i dont know who else I can talk to.. and dont want to deal the vet as it cost us a fortune the last time we were there...

So my partner and I just got back from camping... he stayed away 2 nights and I stayed away just 1..
We were both pretty exhausted and planned to take a nap.. our yr old dog started to act odd running round jumping on stuff licking and biting at his feet.. so I took him down the back (we have a fairly large backyard) and still running a muck (running around but not like his usual running as if he was scared or something ?) So he ran back up the house and wanted to go inside.. ran wild in there jumping on stuff again..

The way he was doing all this was not at all usual and like himself

So I've taken him for walk and giving him time to settle down which seemed to have helped as hes much calmer now.. not sure what he'll do when I get back home though..

Oh and I do walk him at least once a day for at least half hr.. the only days I dont walk him is when it's hot or humid as he has a thick coat

Anxious 4
Nervousness 1
Scared 0
None of these (comment) 1
Excited 11
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Comments ( 22 )
  • eeeekkk

    Okay so here is what happened. I see this in plenty of dogs. Since you have gone away, even though it may of for two days for your dog it seems like years. So basically your dog is in a bit of a fret. He is, by the sounds of it mostly anxious but he is probably excited, scared and nervous all at once. Because you have been away he is probably just so overwhelmed to see you again. The licking and biting definitely sound like anxious behaviours. Try to spend time with your dog and continue on with him as per normal and if the symptoms do persist you may have to go to a vet as there is a possibility he may have developed a bit of seperation anxiety. Maybe try to associate wheb you are away with good things for your dog. Something to keep him occupied and stimulated is great. Bones and toys work quite well. Either way best of luck for you and your pup!

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    • 19sammi91

      It's not like we havent done this before.. leaving him home for more then 1 night without myself or my partner.. I gave him a fresh bone before I left...

      And I've never seen him act like this ever before.. I'm starting to get real worried bout it.. hes just so restless at the moment I dont know what to do and I've tried to comfort him and hasn't really done much

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      • eeeekkk

        Hmmm that’s quite interesting and changes the point now that you mention that. If you don’t mind me asking, where was he staying when you were away?

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        • 19sammi91

          At house own house where he grew up.. and we were only an hrs drive away

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  • CoolKober

    He is excited and happy about your return, if he has no barking, whining, grooming, or depressive behaviors. My dog has separation anxiety if I leave more than three days, although I have found a dog sitter. Dogs are very depending on us, so they will get separation anxiety if we are out of home for days. Check out whether your pup gets anxiety in here:

    What's more, it's advisable to board your pup in the next vacation. Here are some options:

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  • WeirdGuyFromTheSouth

    Your dog is scared you will sell him to a chinese restaurant

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    • 19sammi91

      What the fuck you weirdo

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  • SwickDinging

    That's a long time to leave a dog alone. Maybe next time get a pet sitter.

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    • 19sammi91

      Yea it was quite long as it was about 30 odd hours that I was away from him..

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  • 19sammi91

    At house own house where he grew up.. and we were only an hrs drive away

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    • eeeekkk

      Oh ok so was he home alone for the remainder of the two days? And when you have left him alone in previous, did you use the same method?

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      • 19sammi91

        Hes only ever been alone for 1 night.. 2 nights at the most but had my partners dad to help look after him..

        But yes we did do the same method but my partner and I left together whereas this time my partner left a the day before me but arrived at a similar time (with in half hr).. it may have been a little while since the last time though

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        • eeeekkk

          Hmm that’s interesting I’m wondering if he’s developed some kind of habit while you were away. He definitely sounds anxious. It’s hard to tell in situations like this as we have no clue to exactly what happened while you were away. If only dogs could talk lol

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          • 19sammi91

            Yea.. he seemed to have calmed down a shit load when we went for that walk.. I was able to get some relax time and some sleep!

            I have a feeling there was some of all those feelings though... he was just so restless and nervous nothing could have settled him besides the walk which was a little odd but made sense as he loves his walks in the pines near our home

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  • CoolguysDOT-COM


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  • brutus

    Hmm sounds like separation anxiety.

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    • 19sammi91

      I thought so too but like I've said previously it was like he was restless or something

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  • Sounds like its another stupid dog. Do ya neighbors a favor and get rid of it.

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    • 19sammi91

      Screw you.. you must be a anti dog person

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      • I don't condone harming animals (it isn't their fault), but you have to understand that some of us get really fucking fed up when people don't control their animals. Because now the owners lack of competence in owning an animal affects everyone around them. People should not be surprised when someone harms their batshit annoying pets, because if the owner doesn't discipline them, someone else will... permanently.

        People who want loud, annoying, violent or retarded animals should go live on a farm wherr their poor choice in pet purchase doesn't affect other people.

        /off topic rant over

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        • 19sammi91

          Look I hear you bout someone else's dog barking shitting you off but just "get rid of it"? Really?? I mean dogs go to the pond on a daily basis AND BE PUT DOWN so I'm not allowing my dog be put through that for something so small like barking itd be different if he attacked anyone.. if my neighbours have a problem with him barking they should let me know and I'll deal with it then..

          That said... who said anything about my dog barking?? Geez this is about my dogs behaviour not barking habits ffs

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