Is my father religionist?

Im atheist, and he says a true atheist mocks religion. I feel he does not like me when he says this, as i am trans (girl to boy). He is christian, and told me after i told him i am atheist “oh. You know, a true atheist thinks religion is ignorant and stupid, right?”. I dont know.

He doesnt like me. 3
Yes, he is religionist. 4
He is joking. 1
No, he is just misinformed. 6
He doesnt know what atheist is. 9
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Comments ( 25 )
  • RoseIsabella

    I think your dad is probably just asking like a jerk. A true atheist is simply a person who doesn't believe in God, whether, or not that person chooses to act like an asshole is an entirely different matter.

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  • LloydAsher

    Yeah most atheists tend to mock religious folk. Religionists implies they are zealous sort of religious. Most people are moderate in their religions. Atheist think just because they think that God doesnt exsist gives them the liberty to call anyone who doesnt see their way as being an idiot.

    As an agnostic I dislike atheists more than other religions because people who belive actually believe and have faith in something. I can't manifest faith and it sucks. I dont get how athiests can high horse knowing everything in the universe, when in full actuality there may actually be a fucking god out there and we are too technologically behind to even detect their exsistance!

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    • Chap

      An Atheist is someone who doesn't believe there's a higher power. While it's true that *some* Atheists mock religion, they are nothing but a loud minority. Most Atheists respect other people's beleifs.

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      • Thank you.

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      • LloydAsher

        Then it's up to atheists to not to seem like a bunch of jackasses.

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        • batmatpatflat

          Please stop treating us like a different species we're the same as you most of us don't hate other religions we just don't believe them

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          • Chap


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          • SmokeEverything

            The ironic thing though is lots of atheists treat scientific theory as their religion cause "DURR ITS SCIENCE YOUR BIBLE WAS WRITTEN BY PEOPLE" but they have no actual scientific proof other than "I read it in a book written by people"

            Im not into the bible. Just making an observation. Science is a religion. People don't believe in God because there's no scientific proof he exists but believe in all kinds of fake pseudoscience garbage like space travel when theres... NO SCIENTIFIC PROOF IT EXISTS. But atheists compare me to a flat earther when I point that out.

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    • batmatpatflat

      Most atheist don't mock other religions from what I've seen and from what I've done I don't mock other religions I don't say anyone else's religion is wrong and I don't see anyone saying that we just don't believe in any religions most of us are neutral you might have been misinterpreting something or seeing something that I'm not seeing but I've never really seen an atheist who has hated Christianity people become atheist because they don't believe in a religion not to hate on others who do

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    • So youre saying im not a true athiest?

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  • SwickDinging

    Sounds like he doesn't know as much as he says he does. He has a very narrow view of the world outside his own head.

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  • Clunk42

    All religions are inherently religionist. They all believe their own religion to be superior to others; you do, too.

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  • EnglishLad

    We can all poke fun at religion as it's an easy target for making light of, but I wouldn't say atheists carry any malice in their hearts towards religious people...

    I'm atheist myself and quite frankly every atheist I've ever known thinks you can believe what you want to, or indeed choose not to believe anything just like they do, without judgement. They just choose not to share your belief in any higher power.

    Don't forget, religious people worship their own higher power, and disbelieve in all the other higher powers from religions they aren't on board with. Atheists simply believe in one less.

    If anything, the super-mega-batshit-crazy radical fundamentalists (whom the vast majority of people the world over don't agree with) are more hateful. Google Penn Jillette and compare him with Shirley Phelps-Roper and tell me who is the more hateful person.

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    • Boojum

      Hell, just consider whether it would be more interesting, positive and life-affirming to spend an afternoon with Penn Jillette or the awful Phelps-Roper.

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      • EnglishLad

        It would be more interesting to be sat next to Penn Jillette without a shadow of a doubt. No contest.

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  • Somenormie

    Religion feels fake to me.

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  • SmokeEverything

    Atheists like to consider religious people stupid because they think they just don't understand science. Ill agree most religions are terrible but that doesn't speak to god existing or not.

    What they don't realize most of what they "know" about science is just repeated information coming from people they consider more knowledgeable than themselves, you know, exactly like a religion. Lots of things science people believe in, like the big bang and space travel, nuclear explosions, are complete crackpot theories that have no actual scientific proof of existing.

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    • Thats the same as saying white poeple like to say the n word because they dont understand white poeple. What the fuck? I hope your trolling.

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      • SmokeEverything

        Im not trolling, im confused by your comparison here. Im saying hardcore atheists that say religious people are dumb feel smarter than religious people because they can regurgitate more "facts" that they remember in school and religion is based off faith. The problem is, science has turned into its own religion who's followers believe in things that can't be proven, like space travel and the big bang.

        The big bang is literally just another creation story. All of astrophysics is completely theoretical and NASA/SpaceX/Jaxa is a hoax and a tax scam. Hiroshima and Nagasaki were carpetbombed and nuclear doomsday weapons are complete fiction. If you question a science nerd about why they believe base "facts" that support their worldview, they ask if you paid attention in school, not if you've ever done the experiments yourself. Most people believe scientific things because a scientist said it, and that's a religion.

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        • you are trolling. You wrote an entire fucking essay just to tell me you have no life. Wtf?

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          • SmokeEverything

            Im not trolling and considering it took 60 seconds to write that essay and this is the only website I really go on I can assure you I have a more interesting life than you.

            I dont really understand your argument here. I don't believe what you learned in school so I have no life? How am I trolling? What did I say thats comparable to "white people using the n word" in any way?

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            • Yea, the essay i was talking about had 151 words(923 characters), 151 divided by 60 (your time) is 23.8473767886, meaning you would have to time ~24 words every second, or 923 characters divided by 60 is 15.3833333333, meaning you would have to type an average of 15 characters or 24 words every fucking SECOND. You are a troll, dont act like you arent. Next time make a your lies humanly possible.

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  • olderdude-xx

    I view that atheism is in fact its own religion.

    My overall view is that the basis of most religions is in fact how to live a good life within a supporting community culture; which is a good thing. In fact, all of the major religions in the world have concept for concept the so called Judo-Christian "10" commandments once you take out who you are worshiping and on what day. The others are common rules to live by (you don't lie, steal, murder (which is different than killing in self defense or war), etc).

    As such; I see room for all religions who promote such rules on how to live in society; and have solid acquaintances from many religions.

    Now it does seem that every religion also have people who take lessor or other things to extremes; which I believe is unfortunate and has caused much strife in the world. I'm not a fan nor can I support extremist.

    I do consider that each person has the right to live and die by their own religious beliefs as long as it does not impact others in the community.

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  • Boojum

    I'm an atheist because I have never yet seen any evidence that a deity exists. I'm anti-religion because there are countless examples of how religious beliefs make people behave in ways that are harmful to themselves, their families and those they encounter in daily life. Religion has always been and will always be a toxic, divisive force in local communities, countries and the world as a whole. Virtually all religions are hierarchical power structures, and it has always been the case that at least some of the men (usually it's men) who rise through such structures will exploit their positions of authority for their personal benefit at the expense of ordinary believers.

    As far as I'm concerned, people should be free to believe in whatever they want. That includes things for which there is no evidence and which can be disproven by basic logic, simple scientific experiments and unequivocal archaeological evidence.

    If religious people are secure enough in their beliefs that they don't feel the need to persuade others to believe as they do and so validate them, then I leave them in peace. I have friends who are believers, and I certainly don't mock them. We know this is a subject we disagree on, and we just don't talk about it.

    Where I draw the line and what I will not willingly or silently accept is when people try to impose their will on others because of their religious beliefs. When some "person of faith" starts ranting about the rules everyone should be forced to comply with and the only basis for that are their beliefs and their understanding of some ancient text, then I'm going to call the blinkered, fanatical fools what they are.

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