Is my fear of fire normal?

From the age of 13, I've always had a fear of house fires. When I watch a scene from a movie or TV involving a house fire, mainly from an electrical source, but most house fires, I cannot sleep for days. I'll lie awake during the night and think about what might cause a fire. I sometimes feel like it is paranoia, because there are some days where I'll turn off all my electrical gear at the wall, I'll refuse to cook on a stove or with oil, and I even get the idea of turning the power off at the power box. Is this fear normal, or am I paranoid?

Voting Results
39% Normal
Based on 33 votes (13 yes)
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Comments ( 6 )
  • No. My mom has the same phobia. It gets ridiculous sometimes. She has accused me of having fires in the house when there were not insisting she could smell the fire and gets mad about fires that didn't happen.

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    • RoseIsabella

      My mom doesn't like for me to burn candles.

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  • Avant-Garde

    I only get worried like this if the oven catches on fire, the fireplace is going (it never is) and if there are candles lit (there never are). Plus, I have a curious cat so, I'd be worried about her getting hurt. I used to be extremely paranoid if house fires when I was younger. Obsessively, checking that the stove and oven was off before going to bed. My fear probably had its roots in an recurring nightmare that I had as a child.

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  • death while one is sleeping is scary kind of like falling asleep at the wheel

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  • thegypsysailor

    Wouldn't it be a great deal easier to buy a few fire extinguishers and alarms and scatter them around the house, than "refuse to cook on a stove"?
    Come on, it really isn't rocket science, is it? Fire: fire extinguishers: no more fire.

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    • delling

      I have a fear of anaphylaxis, and getting an Epi-Pen didn't change that. Phobias aren't rational, or else the OP would be afraid of all the things that are way more likely to happen than a fire in the home of someone so cautious.

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