Is my friend addicted to drugs?

A friend of mine is always smoking pot, doing dabs and other stuff that gets him high as a kite. He's pretty much stoned 24/7. He can function normally, but seems like he doesn't even really enjoy it. He's experimented with cocaine from what I've come to find out, and i'm kind of concerned for his well being. Does it sound like he's addicted?

Yes 12
No 2
Maybe? 3
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Comments ( 7 )
  • bigbudchonger

    It sounds like he's addicted to weed, but there's worse things to be addicted to certainly.

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  • Meowypowers

    It sounds like you're addicted to him.

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    • beautifuldisaster91

      Wow I came here to post the same answer. Nice lol.

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  • jrbsportz

    I used to love smoking weed then drink,I smoke one hitters everyday till I had to quit because job were testing.i haven't smoked anything in over twenty years and I doing fine so yea people can bounce back. Just make sure he doesn't go deeper into harder and addicted drugs he should be fine.just saying

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  • 1234tellmethatyoulovememore

    You can become dependent on marijuana. Dabs are intense, and I personally believe dabs can be addictive, as someone who smokes weed regularly. I don't trust it.

    I think of it like the leaves cocaine are made of. As the plant, it's not that harmful. But if you concentrate the psychoactive parts of it in a strong concentrate, it's a completely different animal.

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  • techpc

    Yes, that sounds like an addiction.

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  • 1WeirdGuy

    It depends on a number of factors like his age. He sounds like a dope head but he probably will grow out of it.

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