Is my girlfriend normal? or am i?

In reaction to the bombing in Boston I told my girlfriend that I'm incapable of understanding how anyone can indiscrimately kill--or attempt to kill-- people.

Her: They do this to animals all the time.

Me: So when it happens to people it doesn't matter?

Her: It does, but animals are helpless and humans do this shit to themselves.

Me: So innocent people deserve to die because another person did it to them?

Her: Humans are always killing each other over religion, politics, and other bullshit. We've never not had a war going on. I'm sorry but I dont feel anything when humans die. We're an ugly race.

Me: Just because some decide to do horrible things doesn't mean every one of us is horrible. Many of us want the world to be a better place and many actively try to achieve that. When good people die do they really get no sympathy from you?

Her: Sorry, but innocent people die everyday. It's a part of life. Animals are helpless though.

I refused to continue the conversation after this because I knew it would get ugly. I felt like I loss some of the love I have for her after this. I love animals--I believe more than the average person--but I value human life above all other animal life. Am I normal for putting such a high value on human life? Is she normal for putting more value in animals?

You are normal 50
She is normal 10
Neither one of you is normal 5
You are both normal 43
Other(comment) 3
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Comments ( 10 )
  • howaminotmyself

    Animals aren't helpless. Humans just happen to be at the top of the foodchain. Does she cry when the hawk snatches a rat to eat?

    But I know both types of people and I think both reactions are normal.

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  • Short4Words

    You are both considered normal but I believe you are right to feel that way. The value of human life is infinitely greater than any animal to me, although I'm a huge animal fanatic. I don't get her point though, innocent people dying being a way of life, by that understanding animals dying is also a part of life. We've been killing each other just as long as we've been killing them, but these are semantics. I think she obviously has malignant feelings toward the human race but I think she may also be disconnected too. By that I mean, I know a lot of animal lovers find it hard to connect with people, they tend to be more introverted, and I think that lack of connection might validate feelings of hate as well. But that's just theory. I had to learn to like and love people personally. I was like her.

    Another thing, after rereading it, if mentioning animals was the first thing that came to mind, it makes me wonder if she is getting at something else. Have you possibly ignored her when/if she tried to show you animal abuse? I'm just looking at every possibility.

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  • ProseAthlete

    She's being idiotic. It's disgusting that whenever any tragedy occurs, whether it's a bombing or a war or an accident or anything else, some people will use the occasion to tragedy-jack it and turn it into an occasion to stand on a soapbox and lecture others. Yes, hipster chick, life is awful for animals, people, plants, fungi and other living things, blah blah blah, you're clearly a more evolved person to care about the little chickens just as much as you care about evil, icky humans.

    People like her have never known any genuine loss or pain, so they can afford to act holier-than-thou. Let them deal with a tragedy in their own petty little lives, and all of a sudden they realize that people really do matter. She's an ignorant child.

    You didn't ask for advice, but I'll offer some anyway: Break up with her and give her faux-cynical emo ass something to cry about. She sounds horrible, and you could do infinitely better.

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  • Justsomejerk

    I'm with your girlfriend dude.

    No really, it's time we told you.

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    • Shackleford96

      *bud dum, tssss

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  • Steve2.0

    You're correct, you're girlfriend is wrong and stupid. Sorry, but it's true.

    Humans are above animals because we're the rulers of this planet, and the most intelligent species by light years.

    However, I am concerned that you noted this entire conversation word for word. You should stop thinking so much about it.

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  • Elyod88

    You're both normal... I cannot fathom killing, full stop.

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  • Benji~

    Woof? Woof! Woof! Woof!

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  • BurnaBaby27

    I agree with you as well.

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  • Shackleford96

    I agree with you.

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