Is my lifestyle normal?

I don't really care if it's not but I often wonder why most people don't do what I do.

I have no responsibilities and do whatever I want. Legally I am homeless, but I always have somewhere to go. I drift around and stay with other people or I can sleep in my car or a shed or tent or whatever. I do contribute to people who help me as well such as sharing food and beer and helping them with chores.

I dont care about money and prefer the barter system, but I can get what I need from helping people and they help me in return. I have never held a job for long, but sometimes I will do a job for a while or record someones band or dj at a party, etc.

I have no interest in ever getting married or having kids, nor do I have interest in ever having a career or my own house unless I inherit one.

My goals are to play music and travel. Someday I might buy a boat if I get the money, but I'm in no hurry.

Other people complain about their lives and I wonder what it is that makes them want the things society has brainwashed them to desire. They live their lives with the same routine and responsibilities they set up for themselves. They worry about money and rent without thinking that they can live without it by trading services.

Some may think I'm a freeloader, but I dont ask or beg for anything and I help other people in return. I cannot stand peple who beg for stuff with no reciprocation offered. Having a friendly attitude can get you far in life because when people like you they don't mind sharing and when they need something they will know I can return the favor.

I cannot figure out what it is that makes people want to follow society.


Voting Results
47% Normal
Based on 32 votes (15 yes)
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Comments ( 33 )
  • dirtybirdy

    Haha, I knew it was you. I don't know how normal it is these days, but it sounds great to me. I too love the barter system and really wish more people would get into it. In the last year and a half I've bartered twice and was so happy to do so.

    I actually wish for a somewhat similar lifestyle but I have to wait for now.

    High five!

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    • What I have found helpful is where I can get invited to parties all week. Usually they dont care if I get drunk and pass out and I bring my own food and beer and travel around parties I find on the internet.

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  • awkwardgirl995

    What's the difference between owning your own house and inheriting one? That's still abiding by societal standards of desire. Seems to me you just don't want to work for anything.

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    • The differences is I have no desire to own my own house, so why would I spend money on one? However if one was given to me I would of course take it. I probably would rent it out and not even live in it. I dislike being confined to one space.

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  • Darktown

    All good and fine until you wind up in the emergency room one day and we the taxpayers are on the hook for all of your medical bills. Asshole

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  • Beep_Beep

    I am unfamiliar with the life of a drifter. Wouldn't you want to move off-the-grid to get away from dumb people.

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    • People provide me entertainment.

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      • Beep_Beep

        I enjoy everybody at IIN. I have money, they don't, and I can turn them off by pressing a button.

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        • Yes, its a bit entertaining reading the posts here.

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  • Mysteriousgirl1

    As long as your happy it's normal, good luck

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  • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

    i knew it were you two sentences in bugs

    if peoples can stand yall and yall pitches in then theres nothin wrong with couch surfin

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  • LittleGirlBrutallySodomized

    "things society has brainwashed them to desire" <--- Something happend at the time in your life you started thinking this way, your mindset changed and you are just the opposite side of the societal coin. Without a car, job, place of your own you've decided to be a BUM and I find nothing wrong with that. But one day you may wake up out of this phase is your life and wished you would have worked and saved up enough money to get to a place on this earth, preferably off-the-grid where you're not laboring for fiat currency but off of the land perhaps.

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    • I dont see at any point I changed. I dont know if its because I'm an aspie or if its something else about me, but I can only think for myself. I do not understand other people and have always questioned everything Ive been told. I have excellent memory of my childhood and can even remember being a baby and I have thought for myself as long as I remember.

      People have asked me throughout my life where I get my ideas and the only answer I have is from myself. It amazes me that most people do not do this.

      I don't consider myself to be a bum because I don't ask for free stuff. I'm a drifter and have no desire to stay in one place. I just find ways to support myself without living a typical lifestyle.

      I always question everything as it is natural to me, such as wondering why I am explaining myself to a child molester.

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  • flyingnostalgia

    I thing its easier for guys to do this then girls.

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    • Also Im not a city bum. I dont panhandle or live on the streets. Any outside living I do is camping. City bums have a much more dangerous lifestyle. I dont get them either.

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    • Makes sence. Girls would be more vunerable being around random people all the time unless they knew a lot of close people. I'm a big guy so I dont have to worry about anyone fucking with me and am able to get into situations where I am around people I do not know. The worst thats happened is someone will steal something and disappear before I find out,

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  • victorygin

    I think people just to tend to recreate the same circumstances over and over again. If you grow up in an average, domestic household, parents both working jobs, you'll try and emulate that situation, even if you're aware of it's flaws. That's just "what people do", and many of us just follow that path without giving it a second thought. It IS like brainwashing, but I'm sure most people wouldn't want to use that term.

    I'm sure there's a lot more to it, but I think that's the main reason. There's an expectation most people feel, to create a life similar to, but financially better than their parents did.
    It takes a lot to shake someone out of that way of thinking because it's so ingrained in us.

    And also there's a level of security with having a house, a regular job, a marriage etc. You can use those things to define yourself, as well as enjoying the physical comfort they bring.
    There IS a level of discomfort with living a bit rough. You get used to it, but you might not always have the freedom to eat whatever you want for eg, or have other luxuries/comforts. It's a trade off though, because you don't lose the freedom to decide what to do with your time, like if you had a career.

    One last thing, there's the fear that society might look down on you for living that way. Even in the post you pre-empted people thinking that you're a freeloader. So it's definitely less socially acceptable to live certain lifestyles, so that probably puts people off as well.

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    • masterferdan

      lold at marriage bringing security, idiots marry.

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    • I was brought up in an upper middle class home with both parents working and having typical lifestyles. It just never interested me to do those things. Ever since I was a little kid I noticed other people seem like drones. I've always been an independent thinker and its always been hard to understand why people what the things they do. Not only are those things not interesting to me, but they sound horrible. Why do people want to be tied down when they can have adventure and freedom?

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      • victorygin

        I guess it's just that 99% of us don't question why? Like, why do this career? Why have kids? Are these things going to fulfill me in any meaningful way, or am I just doing them to follow suit?
        For whatever reason, it sounds like you're wired to think about these things, rather than just mindlessly following the same pattern. And it's interesting that you noticed that from a young age.
        Because I'm sure most people in your situation wouldn't have made the choice/s that you have.

        Not that there's anything wrong with living the conventional life, if that's what someone wants. But not knowing why you're doing it, is strange.
        So I guess it's pretty weird for you looking at people living these lifestyles, that aren't even making them happy, and you'd have to wonder "what's the point"?
        I dunno...

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        • I know why I do what I do. Its as simple as doing the things I want to do. What is hard for me to get is why people dont ask why. Thinking for myself comes so naturally I cannot imagine not doing it. I have always questioned everything.

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        • Something that is important in living the way I do is you have to have the ambition to do things on your own. Ive noticed most people keep to their career because other people tell them to. In my situation I have to tell myself to do things so I dont end up in a bad situation. I would rather tell me to do things than someone else to though. Its definitely not a good lifestyle for someone who needs to be told what to do, which a lot of people are that way for reasons I do not know.

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          • victorygin

            Yeah, it's the ultimate way to be self-reliant, really hey?
            Maybe for other people, it's the security/comfort of being told what to do, or living by some pre-ordained plan or rules. Not much different from being in school, ya know? Teachers tell you what to think and do. Then they get a job, where a boss does exactly the same thing...
            I don't know why most people are like that.

            But yeah man, it's cool that you're living the life you want.

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            • I always hated school as a kid. It seems odd to want to be told what to do.

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  • Steve2.0

    You're homeless yet you have internet access and you're on IIN?

    Not meaning to be rude but, I think you're full of shit. That lifestyle sounds horrible anyway, why would you give up your sophistication like that? Oh, and good job on not having kids, I'm sure humanity will survive.

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    • It doesnt cost much for the internet and most places have wi-fi. I dont usually live outside. I just dont have my own place. I know people who let me stay at their places.
      In my opinion other peoples lifestyles seem horrible. I have true freedom.

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  • Slaves_for_sale

    You did a wonderful job convincing yourself you are actually living life, unfortunately intelligent people (like myself) can see right through it. Because of your mental disorders, which I can't elaborate on further because I don't care, you have a difficult time assimilating to society. I can't say I blame you, most of what makes up everyday life is bullshit, but that's life.

    What you've done (no doubt in a moment of profound existential self realization lol) is convince yourself that you don't need the "conformity of society", except you do. If you were truly satisfied you wouldn't need to find wifi and create a ridiculous story like this to prop yourself up in light of your own poor decision making or lack of integration skills.

    Enjoy your destitute, impoverished existence. Remember to wake up everyday and continue the lie of how satisfying it is.

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    • I'm not always satisfied with everything, but most people aren't. I know people who live typical lives and they hate their jobs and hate where they live.
      There is no sure way to guarantee full satisfaction.

      I have had a hard time fitting into society, but at the same time I don't want to. I have had experiences most people never get because I don't fit in.

      I don't see what is so great about society either. People follow what they're told too much. I would like to encourage people to think and act for themselves, although that may be impossible because then they would only be following me rather than truly following their own path.

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  • LittleGirlBrutallySodomized

    "I always question everything as it is natural to me, such as wondering why I am explaining myself to a child molester"

    My screen name has no bearing on the content of my message.

    Have you ever questioned yourself asking too many questions?

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    • It is important to question things because that is how you find answers. It is unfortunate so many people do not.

      Your screen name is not as signifant as the content of your profile which makes me think you are either a troll or a chimo, which has nothing to do with the topic but either way it shows you cannot even be taken seriously, but I do take pedophilia seriously because I have known victims who I stand up for.

      Upon back checking the pic of the girl you claimed to have murdered it seems linked to a Russian pedophile site which is why I reported it to the FBI, which I have ties to because I volunteer making the soundtracks the CIA uses to torture terrorists into giving information. I have ties to The Russians as well.

      Which one of us is bluffing?

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      • LittleGirlBrutallySodomized

        Last I check "is my lifestyle normal?" was the topic of discussion but apparently you cannot stay on topic or even address the post of another user on YOUR SUBMISSION which is why I have chose to leave your post severing further debate... Hold on wait, let me log in my other account "pretty butterfly"...

        For the record, I couldn't care less what you do or who you call that's your business not mine.

        Bye now vagabond.

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