Is my lifestyle normal?
I'll try to keep this short and simple.
I live in my truck. I also have a nice tent that I use sometimes (8'X8', enough head room to change your pants standing up.) Everything I own is in my truck. It has an extended cab, and a bed cap. The bed is where I keep everything I "need". There is my cot on one side, and on the other side, a bin with my camp stove, cooking utensils, and non-perishable food, a suitcase with my clothes, a bag with my special winter clothes, a bunch of plastic buckets, and bag with all of my hygiene, cleaning, and medical stuff (I'm sure I've forgotten some things). My tent fits under my cot, as well as a folding awning that I made (Comes in handy during bad weather). I also have a sleeping bag that, along with a ski mask, will let me sleep very comfortably even in -20F.
The extended cab is where I store all of my "non-essential" stuff. I have few hobbies, and they all revolve around wilderness survival skills. In short, I have alot of guns, knives, fishing gear, backpacks, etc. I actually get alot of food from hunting and fishing. I am also an anti-social drinker.
I always knew I would live like this. Even when I was in elementary school, the thought occurred to me that houses were expensive, and itinerant living was more fun than being rooted to one spot and having alot of material possessions to take care of and worry about, and having to mow a fucking lawn.
There are legal loopholes that allow one to live on public forest land, and that is generally what I do. Logging companies seem not to give a shit what people do on their land as well. I usually bathe and wash my clothes in streams and rivers, but I sometimes use laundromats and public restrooms.
I love my life, and don't have any regrets. Nobody knows about my living conditions. My coworkers apparently think that I live in the local apartment complex, for some reason, and I have no friends or family.
Is this normal?