Is my lifestyle normal?

I'll try to keep this short and simple.

I live in my truck. I also have a nice tent that I use sometimes (8'X8', enough head room to change your pants standing up.) Everything I own is in my truck. It has an extended cab, and a bed cap. The bed is where I keep everything I "need". There is my cot on one side, and on the other side, a bin with my camp stove, cooking utensils, and non-perishable food, a suitcase with my clothes, a bag with my special winter clothes, a bunch of plastic buckets, and bag with all of my hygiene, cleaning, and medical stuff (I'm sure I've forgotten some things). My tent fits under my cot, as well as a folding awning that I made (Comes in handy during bad weather). I also have a sleeping bag that, along with a ski mask, will let me sleep very comfortably even in -20F.

The extended cab is where I store all of my "non-essential" stuff. I have few hobbies, and they all revolve around wilderness survival skills. In short, I have alot of guns, knives, fishing gear, backpacks, etc. I actually get alot of food from hunting and fishing. I am also an anti-social drinker.

I always knew I would live like this. Even when I was in elementary school, the thought occurred to me that houses were expensive, and itinerant living was more fun than being rooted to one spot and having alot of material possessions to take care of and worry about, and having to mow a fucking lawn.

There are legal loopholes that allow one to live on public forest land, and that is generally what I do. Logging companies seem not to give a shit what people do on their land as well. I usually bathe and wash my clothes in streams and rivers, but I sometimes use laundromats and public restrooms.

I love my life, and don't have any regrets. Nobody knows about my living conditions. My coworkers apparently think that I live in the local apartment complex, for some reason, and I have no friends or family.

Is this normal?

Voting Results
46% Normal
Based on 71 votes (33 yes)
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Comments ( 23 )
  • dom180

    Sounds like fun. How are you sending this though? I'm surprised that you get an internet connection living like that.

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    • Laptop, and there's free wi-fi everywhere.

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  • What'sMyName?

    Short and simple? I think you lied.

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    • I speak with forked tongue.

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  • Audrina

    During my childhood there were points in time where my family lived like this. I don't see anything about your post that qualifies as abnormal. Your comment about being a creep pretty much changes everything. I went from thinking Grizzly Adams to envisioning Ted Kaczynski in 5 seconds.

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    • "Ted Kaczynski"

      Yeah, basically. I'm not mailing any bombs though. I mind my own business.

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  • JuliusE

    I really envy you too in a lot of ways too. Who cares if it's normal. I would totally hang out with you, talk about survival stuff, guns, bows, get your opinion on my bug out bag, environmental stuff etc. If you were even up for hanging out that is, being so anti-social and all.
    I have friends who are very anti-social, probably because we share negative views of the majority of people/humanity as well as a lot of the same interests (hiking, reading, political/philosophical views) but I've always been good with people, so I'm a bit of an odd one.

    Just out of curiosity, what kind of work do you do that allows you to live like that?

    If you are ever interested in talking on Skype or email sometime, comment with an email address where I can contact you.

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    • I work at some shitty store (I'd rather not reveal too much about myself).

      And I'd rather not be contacted. No offense. I'm a real creep, anyway. You don't want to have anything to do with me. If you saw the list of stories I've posted here, you'd know.

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  • DubstepismyMJ

    dayum if u love your life, then who gives a shit about if its normal or not. thats insane living i think tho O_o

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  • I have to be honest and say that I am somewhat envious of this lifestyle myself. I live in a house by myself, but it is a pain in the ass to take care of alot of times. Even cleaning it is a massive chore.

    I also like the idea of living away from people and not being bothered with them. I find that I often have to restrain myself from either punching people in the face or throwing up all over them from their idiotic banality.

    I envy you for at least minimalizing your exposure to others.

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  • SAEH

    How did you type this question if you live in a truck?

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  • pao

    what address did you give in the job ?, how do you get your mail and bills, Do you have family /friends that visit you? .. are you esquizoid? ... if u are happy , why are you asking if is it normal? Dont you know there is not measure for normal ?... Do you have internet connection? .. can you give me your addres to visit you ?

    Comment Hidden ( show )
    • I gave the address of my parents house (nobody lives there now). I have a P.O. box. I have no friends, but I do have schizoid personality disorder. I do not know what "esquizoid" is, and I'm not sure if I want to. I wrote my story for my own amusement. I have a laptop POS computer, and there is free wifi everywhere. I hang out in the parking lots of places that offer it, and study, as well as post/troll on online forums such as this. And no, you may not visit me. I'll kill you.

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  • YumInsanity

    How come you left out the part where you try and rape young girls in parking lots outside bars? I mean, I can't imagine you get much voluntary action living how you do

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    • Must have forgot.

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      • chewy


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  • Konwest

    Well if you love your live and your not hurting anybody, especially since you got guns and all, there is nothing wrong. Do try and make friends everyone needs a friend once in awhile. Have you concidered becoming a mountain guide? Getting paid to let people experience what you do in daily live. What is better?
    Take them up in the wilderness and returning them safe with a better knowlwdge of nature

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  • Shackleford96

    I don't see anything wrong with it. It's good to be different sometimes.

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  • good for you i like the sound of it especially the hunting and fishing also you sound very organized in your habits

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    • This lifestyle, like any small-space living, is impossible without organization and cleanliness. I learned that VERY early on.

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  • WinstonTasteGood

    You love your life and have no regrets. There are people living in mansions who can't say that. Cheers.

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  • big.z

    You will be set if a zombie outbreak happens . Your free . I don't know if It's normal but I almost envy you . Kinda like a year round camping trip eh ? But you might out grow it when you meet the right person and have a child and stuff !

    Comment Hidden ( show )
    • I call it "camping as an alternative lifestyle", or "like being an Indian with cheat codes on".

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