Is my mother suicidal?
When my mom gets frustrated, angry or tired she says that she wants to die, she actively says she wants something bad to happen to her and die to "go away". She's not elderly so it's not a older-age depression thing, I think it depends on the fact that her life is all centered around her children, she doesn't have an hobby and she spenda all of her free time (which is very little) sleeping on the sofa watching TV. I'm very worried for her, she doesn't respond well to affection: she thinks kind words such as "I love you" or "you are going to be okay" are stupid and a joke in serious times, she also doesn't like when I initiate hugs or other forms of affection. Sometimes she initiates them at random times and I accept them, some other times I initiate hugs when I know she's a good mood and she responds well to them. The point is that affection is not a comfortable way to deal with problems for her. I'm not comfortable talking about it with anyone else in my family or friends, I've looked for advice online and all professional guides from people who had this kind of issues with their parents start with affectionately comforting them. I know that would never work for my mother.
What should I do?