Is my music addiction too much?

I am completely OBSESSED with music. And it's not in just some half-assed way like how most people are with music. My addiction is kind of severe. It's not the kind of obsession where I think things like "This certain band/singer saved my life" or "Music is my life; it's my only escape" kind of thing. My kind of addiction is really more like I need it in order to function. I freak out when I go somewhere and I accidentally leave my headphones at my house. It's also a bit difficult for me to work independently without music. I listen to music in every single class when we are left to do something on our own. I also can't stand being in a vehicle without the radio playing or having my headphones on. Sometimes, I even get anxiety attacks when I go without listening to music for too long. It has also made me more socially withdrawn; I would rather listen to music than talk to people. I carry my iPod and headphones literally everywhere I go. It's almost like it has taken over my everyday life, I feel like I can't do anything unless I have some kind of music playing in the background. Is this normal or is this just too much?

Voting Results
65% Normal
Based on 60 votes (39 yes)
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Comments ( 9 )
  • Cocomilktitties

    I would say it's not an issue if it's not doing harm to your daily life. But it sounds like it is limiting you to an extent. I think music is a wonderful thing, and I think that if you can listen to music a lot and it helps relax you and maybe if you can even channel that love for it and go make/play your own music, it's really a good thing.

    If you find yourself dependent on it, maybe there is something else going on that is making you feel anxious or un able to focus in the first place that music is just helping to cover up. I don't think it's an issue though, I mean the music itself. If it bothers you though or hinders your life in your opinion, then maybe ask a psychologist or someone and see if there's a reason why you feel the need to listen to it so often.

    But like I said, if it doesn't bother you, then I don't think it's really an issue. I think it's kind of normal especially these days because music is played everywhere and people have grown up listening to music whether they were aware of it or not. It's also a way for a lot of people to tune out distractions like you said.

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  • 12eahtsdrateri

    I used to HATE not having my headphones. I also HATE it when people would talk to me when I had them in.

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  • mysistersshadow

    Music is awesome enjoy it!

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  • iH8

    That sounds a lot like my problem. I need air everywhere I go, or I just feel like I'm gonna die. In space, in the sea, under a pile of sweaty, naked, writhing humans, I just can't go anywhere without air.

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  • Eat.My.Fuck

    Well at least you're not one of those music is my life morons, and that you are acknowledging that it's problematic that you listen to so much music. Music manipulates the brain in the same way drugs do. I would advise you to begin by trying to go without, say, in the car and gradually progress to listening to less and less music. It's called a taper.

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  • RoseIsabella

    Going around in complete silence has a tendency to make me zone out and feel disconnected.

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  • Ellenna

    And I thought I was weird for having withdrawal symptoms with no radio or music in my car for the last week!

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  • EmoGoddes666


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  • Steve2.

    Why don't you pray to Gawd about it?

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