Is my son homosexual?

Hi everyone, I'm just here to ask what you think I should do in my situation.
I'm a Christian man from America and I raised my son(15) with Christian values but he's always been a little feminine.
One time I even drove past his school when I knew he would be outside having lunchbreak and I saw him hold hands with another boy..
I asked him about this when he came home and he just evaded the question and went to his room.
Homosexuality is a sin and I don't want my son to go to hell.
What did I do to deserve this?
I pray every night and I go to church at least once a week!
His mother and I are thinking of sending him to Christian summer camp, maybe they can help him?

Send him to Christian summer camp. 21
Pray to God for him to change. 27
Other suggestion. 199
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Comments ( 115 )
  • Waffle-Don't-Die

    You cant force your son into being straight its just gonna make him hate need to accept the fact that he's probably gay

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  • NeuroNeptunian

    If one of my children turned out to be a homosexual, bisexual, transexual, whatever, and my church has something against them for it, they can go screw themselves.

    And if my husband has a problem with me for leaving the church, he can go screw himself.

    No matter how my kids live their lives, I hope that, when I am a parent, I will love them all the same. None of us are perfect, NONE of us. That same book in the bible advises against things that even the BEST Christians do on a REGULAR BASIS. If we all decided to start rejecting the sinners, the church would be empty, and heaven would be so too.

    Love your son. Support him. Don't pray for him to be straight, pray for him to have a happy life. This is probably a very confusing time for your son and I am sure he is as distressed as you are.

    You are a sinner, you have done things that were unfavorable in the eyes of Heavenly Father, yet he still stood beside you and still loved and supported you because you were his son. He never sent you away, and he was never ashamed of you. Be there for your son, as Heavenly Father has for you.

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      you...don't belong much in the Mormon fold, in my humble opinion. Very well put. Beautiful, simple truths.

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      • NeuroNeptunian

        My loyalty doesn't lay in the church, it lays with God ;)

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  • qwerty098765

    I feel sorry for your son for having such an ignorant father.
    Homosexuality is neither immoral nor a disease. Neither is it something you can treat or simply get rid of by talking him into liking girls.
    If your son is gay, then this is the way he is and this is the way you should accept and love him as a parent.
    If your god was as loving and caring as you believe him to be, he would love your son no matter what and so should you.

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  • kit291

    ok then i'm a christian and if i had a son and he was homsexual i would be proud because he's my son. you need to think how this is making him feel. he is human just like you and he needs to be loved not judged because he chose a different sexuality to you. and if you send him to a camp with other boys how on earth would that help. he's not sinning so stop living in the stone age. you need to know whtat there are thousands of gays or lesbains or bisexual people out there and they feel sometimes feel bad because of people like you. just face it if he's homosexual then he's homosexual it's not a bad thing.

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  • Uzzie101

    Homosexuality is found in every species, there's nothing wrong or unnatural about it. Sure, there's one or two parts in the Bible that suggest that it's wrong, but there's more sections that condone rape and murder, so you can't take everything in the Bible too seriously.

    You should love your son regardless of his sexuality, and do your best to make him comfortable and happy. If he is gay, then there's going to be a lot of cruel and ignorant people that will make him hate himself for it, his own father shouldn't be one of them.

    Let him know that you're proud of him no matter what, and he'll come out in his own time if he is gay.

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    • blondbond69

      He didn't say he hated his son. Just his choices

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      • Uzzie101

        I didn't say he was going to "hate" his son, I said that discriminating against his son for his sexuality will cause his son to hate himself.

        And besides, to discriminate against someone is almost always an act of hate anyway. If you hate someone's sexuality, religion or ethnic/cultural background, you might as well hate that person.

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        • blondbond69

          Absolutely. You're right

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      • Lynxikat

        You don't "choose" to be gay.

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        • blondbond69

          Haaha did I say that? I'm reminding of what the text above says ....

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          • Lynxikat

            What were the choices that OP said? The only "choices" that OP mentioned were his kid holding another boy's hand and avoiding the question when he asked if he was gay.

            If OP really is not a troll, then OP is saying that he is worried that his son is gay because he will go to hell, and OP doesn't think he deserves for his son to be gay. OP isn't just saying he doesn't approve of his son holding another boy's hand, he's saying that he doesn't think he deserves to have a gay kid- which is a terrible thing to think.

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            • blondbond69


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    • The animals aren't gay though, as they ALL mate with the opposite sex. It's only been observed in other species as a sudden burst of confusion, they then go "hang on you're not a girl"

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      • 800imawesome

        Actually, no. People are born gay, and also, no. There are animals that are literally gay, not confused with the opposite's gender.

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        • Not possible, people's sexual development begins around age six, they are gay after that age, before it....nothing.

          People aren't born with sex drives at all, i know because i studied sexual development, something you clearly did not.

          As for animals, does this gay animal only screw the same sex all it's life? Aka actually gay? Not one, ever, anywhere.

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          • 800imawesome

            No. I read an article on scientists who did testing on multiple tests on babies, and found that there was actually a difference in the relatives. They know this change was not a coincidental change, because it showed in all the homosexuals, and none of the heterosexuals.

            And for the animal, how would know? There are billions of species, many of which are unkown to scientists currently, and through all those animals, how can you be sure that not a single one has ever had sexual intercourse with only the same sex?

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            • Not possible, people's sexual development begins around age six, they are gay after that age, before it....nothing.

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  • chewy

    Typical ignorant Christian hypocrite he is not going to hell for being gay. Hell is just a fucking fairy tale stop this bullshit before you make his life hell. Fuck religion.

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    • 800imawesome

      Well said... well said...

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  • Justsomejerk

    I call troll but I'm bored.

    I'm sure you could find a priest to help him.

    You can't choose whether or not you're born Christian, but you can choose not to be a bigot.

    You can have a happy gay son or a repressed sad straight one who ends up gay anyway.

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  • RapidRat

    I dont believe in god, nor do i hate people who do..
    but i do believe in equal rights, and people like you make me sick.. what makes gay people any less of a human being becuase of how they were born.
    I went to a catholic school and was taught about religion, so im not someone who doesnt know what im talking about.
    It teaches us to love one another for who we are and treat others how you would like to be treated.
    Think about how hard it would be for your son to come out and say to you that he is gay.. knowing you will be disapointed in him and 'believe' he will go to hell, even though he has done nothing wrong.
    He will live in shame and maybe if it gets so bad, he might one day kill himself.. seeing as he is going to hell anyway in your eyes..
    Maybe this is a life lesson for you to accept 'gays' for who they are.. and all it took was your son to be gay for you to finally understand, they are just like you and i.
    (just a note: i am a straight male)

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  • thinkingaboutit

    What you do know will affect your son's well being for the rest of his life. If you approach this inappropriately, and it seems like you intent to, he will become confused, helpless, and self hating. BE A GOOD FATHER. LOVE HIM FOR WHO EVER HE IS. Your christian values has nothing to do with your little boy. He needs guidance , motivation, love, respect, and acceptance.

    Do that for him. One day he will hold you in his arms and thank you for the good you've done! Let him grow in a positive environment! Remember, he did not choose you! You made him, and you have a duty to do right by him. He did not choose to be 'who is his'; no school, no book, no seminar, no pastor, no camp, NO one will change that.

    I can tell you from experience, my caregivers' constant belittling, disapproval, and malicious verbal assaults on my being, my talents, and my value has put me in a dark place, where I cannot find love or peace in anything. And I'm not even gay.

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  • floodimoo123

    Leave the kid alone. Whether or not you support him, he's going to be what he wants, and when he grows up and moves out, he won't want anything to do with you if you criticize him. Be a good dad and still love him and accept him no matter his choice.

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  • iEatZombies_

    As a parent and a Christian, you're there to guide and teach your child. You have to give him his space to learn from what you teach. If you make life-altering decisions on his behalf, he will take it that you don't have faith in him and he will lose faith in you in return. If you should discuss your concerns, do so in private, just you and him, and be sure to hear him out. This is a very sensitive subject, so if he is gay and you push him too hard, you will run the risk of losing him both religiously and emotionally. You can certainly pray he won't be gay, but you should keep in mind that sometimes God's answer is no. Praying to God does not mean you can have faith that things will go your way. It means you have faith that He knows what He's doing, even if you may not. God seldom punishes, He teaches. If your son is gay, it's very unlikely that's going to change. Also, if he is gay, he'll need his parents to help him through the bullying and threats. -That- is worth prayer.
    Sorry if I offended at all.

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  • Angel_in_a_Glass_Dress

    "What did I do to deserve this?"

    Apparently you had a son. And since he already knows how you feel about gays he has to hide it from you.

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    • Avant-Garde

      Also, I find that the people whose opinions don't match the OP's have been thumbs down to "Zero". If you're going to ask a question, you must realize that not everyone is going to agree with you.

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      • Angel_in_a_Glass_Dress

        well at least it wasn't deleted.

        tho i've seen a lot less of that of late. i wonder if they changed the rules in here in deleting people for disagreeing?

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    • Avant-Garde

      People with his sort of mentality make me sick. People are born gay, just like people are born straight. If you wouldn't question straightness, why would you question being gay? It's impossible to pray it away. I'm not a christian, but I used to be and this "idea" doesn't make any sense whatsoever. >_<

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      • Angel_in_a_Glass_Dress

        now granted i don't hold with the "born this way" mentality. i believe you can be whatever you want to be and if someone doesn't want to be gay, they do not have to be.

        they have the freedom to choose. Free will matters more than any other factor

        but i do agree "praying it away" is dumb. pray for yourself instead to gain the wisdom to handle whatever troubles you have

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  • theaverageatheist

    I don't beleve that there is anything wrong with being gay, so my advice comes from that perspective. you should show that you are supportive. many parents feel ashamed/grossed out by it for various reasons, but it's important that you don't show that. talk to him, maybe your wrong maybe you not. probably every one on this site has been telling you that it's not a choice, this it true but you must also understand that the fact that he is gay dosen't meen that he a different person, ok as my username suggests I have different beliefs from you but all the gay people i know are chistians my best friend is and he goes to church every sunday, so faith and homosexuality are pefectly compatible (tell him that as well, many gay-chistians have trouble with that part so you should help him) either way he needs a helpful and understanding father.

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  • randypete

    let him decide what he wants back off

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  • poof!gone122

    Yet another Christian who shuns another lifestyle... Wow. I'm gay and I got kicked out of my church because they didn't want a gay kid in their youth department. And here you are, wanting to change the son that you helped birth, who can not control who he is. You sure do sound like a loving father *sarcasm*
    He's your son. You are supposed to support him no matter what. No wonder he avoided the question. He's probably scared of you. And he shouldn't be.
    And I am a Christian. GAY PEOPLE CAN BE CHRISTIANS!!! "Christians" like you annoy the piss outta me. Get over it. If he's gay, then let him be gay. It's not his choice, but if he wants to embrace it, let him. He'll be happier that way instead of trying to hide it and live a lie.

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      im not gay, but i 1oo% agree!

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      No actually, you're supposed to be excommunicated for it. God actually KILLED people who were gay.

      Mr poof, what you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul

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      • 800imawesome

        HAH another contradictory christian moron. In the bible, it said that God loves all. A loving god would not kill anybody, straight gay, black, or white. F*ck you sir, and good day.

        By the way, there is no god to kill anybody, so please insult someone else AFTER you learn a thing or two about common sense.

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        • I'm not christian. But i do know the story of sodom from the bible, because i'm not stupid. Try harder next time.

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          • 800imawesome

            If you're not christian, then don't use the bible to prove a point that makes no sense. :|And you're not stupid? Your grammar is saying a whole different story.

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            • You don't have to be a christian to know things. And i knew that the bible was against gays, while you claimed it wasn't. So now that i proved you wrong you revert to attacking my spelling.

              "But i do know the story of sodom from the bible"

              It's over, you lost. I beat your whole argument with a single sentence.

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    • Lynxikat

      You got kicked out of your church yet you're still a Christian? I'm pretty impressed that you managed to hold onto your faith even though something like that happened to you... I'm curious, did you convert to another denomination, or did you just go to another church?

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      • poof!gone122

        I changed denominations. I am Episcopalian now. :)
        And tommythecat, if you read, God gave that law to the Levites in the Bible in Leviticus. The purpose was to give the dying tribe another chance. He did it as a test of faith. Plus, he never said "homosexual" he said "Abusers", which is rape.
        Get your facts right, k?

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  • Woundheir

    He sounds gay but if there is a god I don't think it (Why would a being that doesn't reproduce have a gender) would make people biologically gay then send them to eternal torture for being gay.

    Also your bible has nothing in it against gay people... so your bigotry is yours alone, not your god's.

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    • Velancious

      Ever read the part in the OT of the Bible that says if a man lays with another man, stone them both?

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      • Woundheir

        You do know Christianity doesn't really follow the old testament? Most of it's messages completely contradict the new testament. That is why it is the "old testament" and not the "current testament."

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        • Velancious

          Many still acknowledge the OT happened though.

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          • Woundheir

            Jesus says to turn the other cheek. Perhaps his true message as misinterpreted. o.O

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  • Captain_Kegstand

    I'm with Angel_in_a_Glass_Dress, you are so judgmental and opinionated that if your son has a different outlook than you, he has to hide it! Even if he is gay, he is still your son, and you would be morally remiss to just "ship him off" like some kind of misbehaving animal! His might choose to believe in something different than you do, hell he might choose to believe in nothing at all, but he is still your son!

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    God isn't real that's why your prayers weren't answered.

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  • Otaku

    Thus post really makes me angry , but i'm going to try to stay rational.
    If he is your son , you shouldn't try to change him , despite your beliefs. Just try and support him. and another thing is (and don't get mad at me for saying this) you can't be so close-minded with your beliefs . A righteous god would never condemn someone for who they love.

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  • SomeWierdos

    Being gay is not a sin nor a choice. If he's attracted to boys he's attracted to boys. He has done nothing wrong. He won't go to hell for something out of his control.

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  • Smithbalistic

    Here is a thought.

    Why don't you talk to your son about it before you ask random strangers on the Internet.

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  • GuessWho

    Haters gonna hate.

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    • 800imawesome

      You can't possibly make someone be not gay if they're gay.

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      • GuessWho

        The idea is to straighten him up before he becomes gay.
        A parent should try to lead his child down the right path before gay tendencies can take over.

        If his son is already gay, than what you say might be true, but this is about correcting his son's behaviour while he's still in the unsure phase, before it's too late.

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        • 800imawesome

          A person doesn't "turn" gay either :P

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          • GuessWho

            ...some say.

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            • 800imawesome

              No, it's scientifically proven that a person is born homosexual.

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  • Mormodes

    Do you love him as your son with all your heart? Then ask yourself if it really matters whether he is gay or not?

    Being gay is also NOT a choice, it is genetic. There is absolutely nothing wrong with being gay. I would ask you to see a gay couple and how happy and loving they can be, do you really think God is against true love, regardless of who it is with?

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  • gncp

    let him be... accept him... i think thats the best thing to do...

    but is it really confirmed or did he admit it??
    in my case, my parents think that I'm gay because of some of my actions, but swear to God i'm really not...
    and maybe you should consider that thing too.

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  • squirtle

    Homosexuality is a sin? Really?
    As a Christian, you believe that God made everything, and man came from God. Gays are born gay, and you say he's always been feminine so im sure it was not a choice he made. So, God made your son gay, and yet this is a sin? Why would he be against his own creations? God is about LOVE, regardless of orientation. I hope you're trolling, if not, then I feel bad for you that you still have this mentality. You need to accept your son for who he is, and a Christian summer camp will make the situation worse if anything.

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    • Velancious

      You do realize in the OT at least it said to stone both guys who have sex together?

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  • lolol555

    I feel incredibly sorry for your son, the torment he must go through because of how you let your faith control your life to the extent you'd actually emotionally damage your son and send him off to some camp to supposedly "change" him.

    What's the use, your cognitive empathy is rock bottom and you probably don't understand any of this. I and no one in here can stop you..

    Look, from a Christian's point of view I would say they would say pray he'll change. If your God doesn't want him to be homosexual, let him prove it and change your son. Give your son a chance too because it might have been something else.

    Please, dear God, let this poor child's life not be ruined.

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  • lop_of_h

    If you force your personal views on your son he will grow to resent you for it, if his interpretation of the bible is that being gay isn't a sin then leave him be, maybe send him to camp but don't resent him for his choices. No matter what god will love him and so long as he believes in Jesus he will have a place in heaven because god will forgive his sins

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  • Brickinit

    You have your wishes, he has his... Respect that and stop being so selfish. I hate religion, it makes such a mess of things, rips family's apart and causes death and destruction all over the world, one life... Make the most of it is my moto.

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  • Garglemysac

    Lucky for him there is no such thing as hell because he is most certainly a pole smoker.

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  • I don't feel strongly either way regarding gays; but don't worry, your son is not going to Hell - because Hell doesn't exist.

    Hope I could help.

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  • Lynxikat

    I also call troll.

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  • ThatsWhatWeDeerDo

    I quit reading the comments because they're ridiculously dumb...

    I agree tho, talk to him. Don't just ship him off somewhere. That's the worst thing to do to a child (teen).

    Don't "accept" his gay choice, but still accept him as your son. God always has a plan, that includes using this part of his life to maybe teach him something that, in the end, will work for God.

    I'll be praying for you and your son. Keep praying for him as well. Matthew 21:22, "You can pray for anything, and if you have faith, you will receive it" It doesn't say "you might receive it" or "you can pray for anything, but sometimes it might be no" ASK, and in FAITH, you WILL receive it.

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  • anti-hero

    Camp isn't gonna work, you have to shock the gay out of him.

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  • Gelmurag

    Actually in the Old Testament, the bible does not say that homosexuality is a sin. It words for the people a Israel multitudes of things that are considered sins. Those include male and male penetration, penetration of an animal, eating of certain animals, penetration of your father's mother, uncle's mother, and various family relationships that I shan't list here. However, at least up to Joshua 15, there is no mention of holding hands, kissing, loving, cuddling, or even oral sex between a man/man or woman/man as a sin.

    In fact, unless you've caught your son actually in penetration with another man, or worshiping a false idol, your son is more innocent than you are. Children are forgiven sin up to 20. it is why the armies of Israel started their counts from 20-55. And all below 20 were considered as women.

    As much as you try to be a good Christian, there are those who think you will go to hell for the life that you have lived. If you have ever been worried about money. Ever eaten bologna, or a meat/poultry of dubious origin. If you have ever tasted turtle/squirrel/snake/aligator or other assorted critter. If you have had sex before marriage, or for purposes besides reproduction. All of those (again numerous others I won't list) make you a sinner.

    How does the saying go? Thou shalt not judge lest ye yourself be judged? He's your son. Regardless of who he is as person, he will always be your son. Accept him for whom he is, so the lord can accept you as patient and non-judgemental. If you absolutely have to worry about your son, let the lord deal with him when the time comes and leave it at that.

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    Actualy your wrong being homosexual is not a sin. but having gay sex is. heres the bible quote " any man who lays with another man as he does with a woman is a sinner" not in those exact words! let ur son make up his own mind. there are actualy a few gay saints.

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    • Velancious

      So, God doesn't care if someone is gay? But if he lays with another man he will suddenly care (which he will eventually because he is gay)?

      What's wrong with sticking your dick inside a guy's butthole over a girl's? The Bible is incredibly biased; it's obvious it was not made by a God, but came from a man's personal imagination.

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    • CheyChey

      agree with you there what you think in your mind or temptations are only a sin if you act on them but let's be honest being gay will lead to gay sex which is a sin so the whole thing is wrong and should be avoided

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  • Juicedrink

    I would let him be gay. But if you really don't want to just bring a lot of pretty girls to him.

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    • Justsomejerk

      Handsome girls?

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  • bakerj99

    Slap you in your fucking face you bitch!

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  • milkymum

    the easiest way is either

    A... chat about girls
    B.... when out say she look nice
    C.... get him some porn
    D.... or do what id do....

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    • Avant-Garde

      What is it that you "do"?

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      • PalestinianGuy

        She fucks her son, literally.

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        • Avant-Garde

          I was scared that it would be thatO_0

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  • CheyChey

    I'm going to be completely and utterly honest as a christian though i do not go to church and haven't in while i'm a firm believer that you don't have to go to church to be a proper christian. anyway being gay is a sin according to the bible and in my view it's unnatural how can a man be with another man or a woman be with another woman that's not life's design. i do not support same sex marriages there i said it, but don't get me wrong i do not hate gay people some of my friends are gay and i love them to death and i accept every aspect of them just not their sexuality bear in mind that a person isn't their sexuality it's just a part of them.

    whether gay or not your son will always be your son, don't try to get truth out of him let him come out on is own terms. i hope that's not the case because if it is it's going to a tough journey for him in life the media wants to potray this image where being gay is normal and accepted and that's not the case in real life, people are in favour of gay on the outside but few actually say what they really feel about it which is a shame. a child raised by two mums or two dads what the hell is that i feel sorry for those kids... pray about it and goodluck

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  • nightmare28

    Have you considered an exorcist?

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  • RoyRogers

    Well okay this is kind of hard to answer. We can not say from mannerisms alone if he is, and you asking him if you are Christian and say its a sin means he probobly not going to want to tell you anyways.

    However I was raised Christian too and I never understood why god would single out gays, especially when we have so many straight sluts. However if you were a true Christian you would love your son no matter what, and you would pray that god would take care of him and make sure he didn't get into any kind of trouble.

    If you said something like "I found a dead dissected rodent under his bed, and he has been murdering animals" Well by all means call the police or someone to stop it. Also some guys are just super Feminine. I knew a guy in my school I could swear was gay but he was not. It just so happens a lot of gay men end up being fem, but not all Fem boys are gay. Yes, Shocking I know!

    Christianity also says not to judge so I agree with Nueros sentiments up there. Just learn to love your son, instead of wanting to banish him for being Judgmental.

    If I had a son I would love him no matter what, but I probobly would never ever wanting my kids having sex and would want them abstinent. I know I would have to get over my hang ups though and eventually let them just be adults though.

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  • ck1998

    So what there r 2 creation storys in the bible if ur religious then u should know tht god creates us all and loves us all does he not? Think about it this way they have no choice in the matter god created them that way if it was an "abomination" then y would he make them that way therefore god loves them and believes that it should b ok therefore there is no problem with being lgbt cuz god made them that way and loves them all the same Would god make them that way if it were wrong?

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  • peterrabbyt2

    I would like to have sex with your son, do you have his email address?

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  • imadragon

    Let him be himself

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  • Plasma1813

    You should pray and have faith that God's will will be done weather you like it or not.

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  • koopatrev

    I won't give two shits if my son was gay... I don't think it matters too much to me

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  • somebody23

    LISTEN TO ME! ok first of all u have to be a good parent otherwise ull go to hell, second of all u have to have a conversation with ur son a bout this, u have to explain to him that being gay is not a sin because god loves us however we are, and I don't see the sin for as long as he prays and trully believes in god and as long as doesn't do any sins, think of it this way would you like him to smoke weed, get a girl or two pregnant and be a jerk at school and swear, or would you like him to be gay, if ur answer is the first option then ur have no morals and u will end up in hell, he is your son and if he is gay it means that he LOVES men, just like you love your wife, I am catholic and believe in god and prey but I dont see what is so bad to be gay, there are worst tuff to be gay, go pray to god to find the best option for you and ur family and son, and pray for him not to go to hell.

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  • Clickclock

    sir, I myself am Gay and one thing's for sure, it isn't a choice. I was born this way and I just could not change it. You sir are biased as you a straight person who is born straight, you could have been born gay at the same probability as your son for your info.

    I used to be a christian but I've since embraced Atheism, Christianity is a very controversial religion, how can a god who loves everyone and i mean everyone specially condemns selected people for being who they are.

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  • Allistalla

    Even if your child is gay and you are Christian you should still love him nomatter what he is your family and if you do not love him for being gay you are no kind of parents or Christain . Weather you think he is going to hell or not if he is not hurting anyone than let him be .

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  • deathbringer

    quit being a moron....p.s. your son is not going to hell for being a butt jockey

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  • Nichole79

    What I am most concerned anout here is your perception of Christanity. Do you not know that Christ does not punish us? Also He doesnt love those who attend chruch and pray any more than He loves those that dont. Your salvation is NOT based on actions/works but on Christs' gift of salvation tgrough His resurectiin. It sounds to me you maybe are Catholic...could be totalky wrong. Before worring about your son, i think you should honestly work on your relationship with God.

    As for your son i would seek professional Christain counceling. It is a very hard time for everyone and it needs an objective perspective. Someone to guide you through.

    A final note....No one goes to hell for being Gay. We all go to Hell for being sinners. Someone being gay is no greater a sin than me telling a lie. A sin is a sin. So really unless you find salvation through a personal relationship with God by asking Him in your heart ....your in the same boat as him. Just saying.

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  • RedShift

    Stop being a shitty parent, accept your son for who he is, and stop eagerly swallowing everything your religion tells you.

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  • PanicManiac

    Wow. Homosexuality is not a choice and if your son is, of course he is not going to tell you because
    A) you will try to change him and won't accept him for who he is
    B) because of your religious views your going to tell him its a sin and that he's going to hell

    I am sorry but I do not believe in god. And if god was real, they should accept people for who they are and not make up all these discriminating rules.

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  • NocturnePonyFan

    If you truly love your son...leave him ALONE! His sexuality is none of your business. If he is gay, I can imagine he would be really frightened and stressed out about it (you know, cause he has SUCH an accepting, open-minded family and all), so just leave him be and love him no matter what.

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  • atasha101


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  • He will burn for all time!

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    • 800imawesome

      F*ck you.

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      • Cry some more, your tears sustain me.

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  • GuessWho

    ****** Useful Advice (I hope) ******


    I'll suggest a few more:
    1.) Get him a swimwear calendar (often bundled with magazines) - He must learn to appreciate female beauty.
    2.) Change his school - He may just have feelings for one particular friend. Separate them.
    3.) Maybe he need a tomboy girlfriend - As there are boys that act girlish, there are also girls that act boyish.
    4.) Ignore the hate - This site is overrun by gays and those that support them. You'll probably get many useless and/or hateful comments from those people.

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