Is normal to go end up hating a dog?

My mom got this husky randomly because she was going to go phase of liking pictures of Huskies and meeting them. I was trying to explain to her what shovel high maintenance dog it was. And I wasn't trying to discourage her I just didn't want to end up having to take care of the dog, which is what ended up happening. I'm that person who would jump in front of a car for an animal. But I ended up slowly hating this animal more than anything, it gives me anxiety attacks and I can't deal with him. He's the only dog in the world if I've met that gives me so much stress when I see him. He is not even my dog, I have two siblings and don't do anything to help with him including my mom or her boyfriend . They are the ones that bought him, I didn't ask for a dog. I don't have much time it takes to take care of the dog especially a puppy recliner when he was 10 weeks old. He is six months now and it's getting too hard to deal with. We are not always home and he is literally destroyed our porch. And were not an active family. I told my mom that Huskies were lapdogs which is what she wanted. She slowly started moving them outside when she said he was an inside dog at first.

I keep telling my mom that she should just give them to somebody else told him the attention he needs because we don't give it to him. And we clearly can't train him right. We did go to a few training classes but they weren't helping.

He has food and water he has a place to sleep, he has blankets but it seems not to be enough for him.

he can't seem to sit in one place too long without having to get up he can't even lay with us in our beds, which is what we wanted originally but my mom wanted to crate train him.

I don't know what to do it and she's making me more angry and stressed out.

My mom's boyfriend seems to be the worst of it he keeps doing things with the dog that it thinks is okay and it's not okay for him to do because we don't want him to do that stuff. And my mom's boyfriend doesn't really live here he lives at his own house and it's not fair for him to have to change what the dog is doing just because he likes and we don't.

I literally have to do everything for the him. I have to clean up its poop, I have to punish him, I have to wash it, i'm the one that has to give him food. And when he sick I don't have to be the medication and it makes me seem like I'm the bad person.

With no help and he doesn't listen to me because I'm not the "master" because he's not my dog .

With all that already I suffer from depression and it's stressing me out and give me more than I can deal with. I try my best to help but I don't know if I can keep doing this. The dog is not giving me comfort like other dogs would. He is not mine and it's like I have to keep watch him waste my mom's money we don't have.

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Comments ( 9 )
  • Lilymum

    He is 6 months old when dogs are 6 months old they are the equivalent of teenagers right up until they are nearly 2.
    Huskies can turn on their owners and become aggressive if they aren't trained correctly.
    Huskies were bred for pulling sleds for miles through the snow so need a lot of exercise, play time, ect
    You don't just go to dog training and give up you attend every week and you listen
    And yes it's perfectly normal to resent a nuisance dog but it's a nuisance due to you especially if you had it from a pup.

    Depression is no excuse everyone has depression in today's society if anything you should be using the dog to help with it.
    Huskies are trained to only have one owner so if you do the majority of training he will eventually only listen to you but it needs to be continuous at home, at training, ect

    You have 2 choices give him to a husky rescue group that can train him correctly or do the hard yards and you will have a lovely dog when he is older any puppy is hard work And obviously the breeder wasn't the best if the dog needs medication he didn't ask for you to get him so have a family discussion about the dog together.
    Huskies have killed their owners babies due to lack of attention and whenever you get a dog research, research, research

    A lap dog? A chihuahua, cocker spaniel, cavalier King Charles and toy dogs are exactly that lap dogs but even then they still need exercise and mental stimulation

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  • cfree

    "I told my mom that Huskies were lapdogs which is what she wanted." Did you forget to put a "not" in there? They're the exact OPPOSITE of lapdogs! They need a LOT of exercise and mental stimulation.

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    • MangoTango

      What do ya mean, not a lap dog?? Ha ha, joking.

      Well, there's also the Laprador, have you heard of this new breed?

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  • germanshepherd

    Poor dog has miserable life. Find him a new home asap. If your mom says no tell her he got stolen.

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    • MangoTango

      They ought to hand the dog to a rescue, or take the dog to an animal shelter. I don't trust their sense of judgement giving the dog to someone else, if you know what I mean.

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  • OhIsee

    He needs a new home I think

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  • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

    dawg trainin dont cost a dime if yall knows how

    the dawg dont care who pays the bills so if yall wants to be the boss of him yall just gotta own the position

    with some knowledge and work yall could make this dawg yalls own pet & bodyguard for years but it sounds like yallre mired in feelin sorry for yallself

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    • MangoTango

      your way of writing is humoring me -- wit and sarcasm in there I suspect

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  • MangoTango

    Poor dog! Find this dog a better home, I think! You all are not suited to a high-energy dog. It would have been in your better interest, if you insist on having a dog in the first place, to get one that is 'lazy'.

    Huskies are a lot like German Shepherds. You better like running at least 5+ miles.

    My family had a husky. Actually, she was fairly independent and low-maintenance. Energy level does vary among all dogs.

    A lap dog is something that's nice and lazy. Husky? Lazy? LOL!

    In the meantime, if you exercise this dog a good bit twice a day, or even just once, a long run in the afternoon, that can help greatly. It might even solve your problem. As they say, a tired dog is a good dog. Dogs have to exercise.

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