Is playing games where you win money considered illegal?

There are games that I want to play you can win a few dollars here and there but in my state it's illegal to gamble online.

It's not a casino game just a game where you match things and also play bingo. Is that against the law? How do I know? It's only a few dollars. I doubt I'll get more than $40 but it's just fun.

Yes 4
No 9
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Comments ( 9 )
  • Boojum

    LloydAsher talks very good sense in his posts here.

    As with any sort of gambling, before you dive in you should ask yourself how much cash you can afford to set on fire just to watch it burn. And then you should stick to that limit. If you feel that you'd find it difficult not to be sucked in and if you don't understand the malign power of the Sunk Cost Fallacy, you should never gamble.

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    • LloydAsher

      I play roulette. Pure luck, gets me out of the casino in 15 minutes. Walk in, get 50$ in chips. Play on even. Win/lose cash out and I'm done for the night.

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  • LloydAsher

    It's always a scam. The app needs to make money for itself first so if its willing to give you 1$ they would be making 50+$ in ads or game advertisements. So expect a money system to "cash out" your money.

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    • What do you mean by money system?

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      • LloydAsher

        Like Pay a dollar to get 100 coins. And then use 240 coins to get your money sent by amazon giftcard. That kind of scheme that by and large screws the consumer.

        No one and I mean no one wins 1200$ by playing bingo on an app.

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        • I was hoping for $20 or so

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          • LloydAsher

            Not saying to not play it but just expect to not get the 20$ payout exactly as you think it would happen.

            Its like a runescape money duplication scam. Sure they double your test money the first time but the second time they just run away. Fuckin scams.

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