Is russia upet with biden,,, why?

President Joe Biden has said that Vladimir Putin "cannot remain in power" - in a dramatic escalation of rhetoric against the Russian leader after his brutal invasion of Ukraine.
Why did this upset the Russians?

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Comments ( 32 )
  • KholatKhult

    Joe Biden, the American President, has absolutely no right to decide who holds office in Russia. He should have zero influence on the Russian people and our government.

    Russians have no interest in “being like” America. We don’t want anything to do with America. I’ve learned recently that saying this is something that Americans find completely insane, as they believe they are the pinnacle of humanity, but we do not agree. I’ve been to the US many times, I even own a condo there, I have no desire to live under American puppetry.

    Biden has also called for a “new world order” and one that “America must lead”, which is a direct threat of world domination, or at the very least micromanagement, against literally everybody but America.

    If the Russian people tire of Putin we will either vote him out or cut his head off. It is up to the Russian people.

    For Biden to say Putin “cannot” remain in power, he is acting as if it is up to him. I don’t care for Putin, but I sure as shit don’t need your moron Biden sticking his ideas into who runs my country

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    • Yaidin

      What's even funnier is that in reaponse to the backlash he said that "Russia doesn't own the right to decide for its neighbours", but that's exactly what Joe is doing with his statement. Hypocrit much

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    • litelander8

      As an American, we are anything but superior. Just look at the quality of food available to us. Lol. I think the us government has just as much of a hand in what’s going on in Ukraine as much as Russian.

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    • Vvaas

      so true bestie xoxo

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      • KholatKhult

        #WAP ✌🏻😋

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    • MonteMetcalfe

      "Russians have no interest in “being like” America. We don’t want anything to do with America." "I even own a condo there."

      There goes that not wanting anything to do with America premise.

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      • KholatKhult

        That is an incredibly short sighted conclusion to draw. This isn’t the “gotcha” you think it is. I am one person, I own property in multiple countries, you don’t even know the history or the reason for my owning of the condo.

        Maybe I own the place so I can go up there to blow off steam by yelling “BOOM” in the faces of your PTSD Veterans. Maybe I don’t even want to own it and it was given to me as a gift. Maybe I own it so I can stand on the balcony and shake my fist at the sky.
        Use your critical thinking skills. You make an ass of yourself often with the assumptions you pull out of it.

        You sound like the meme ;
        “We should improve society somewhat”
        “Yet you participate in society. Curious ! I am very intelligent”

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        • MonteMetcalfe

          What assumptions?
          I'm just pointing out inconsistencies in your statement and you go off on another rant per usual.

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          • KholatKhult

            And I replied with what I did as to disprove the “inconsistency” you saw.

            If you find my expressions too detailed, or too thorough, or you believe the energy I respond with is too overwhelming for your more sedated and elementary approach to discussion, then maybe you should go find someone else to poke.

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            • dude_Jones

              I am surprised that any world leader would make a statement as an outburst of frustration like Biden did. To ask, “How can Putin remain in power?” is more reasonable because Russia dumps leaders of failed military campaigns real fast.

              NATO is continuing to supply 1000 missiles per day. This means ordinary Russians can soon go home, get back to work, and say goodbye to a leader that was once intelligent but became deluded with his own power.

              Hold on to your American condo. It will be a good place for vacation when free trade is restored.

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            • MonteMetcalfe

              Are you Hanzberger?

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    • Boojum

      "If the Russian people tire of Putin we will either vote him out or cut his head off. It is up to the Russian people."

      That's good to know. I'd been working under the belief that Russians live in a political system where elections are rigged, politicians who oppose Putin are locked up, their political parties are harassed and independent media are shut down. But if Russians are free to get rid of Putin whenever they want, then obviously a majority of Russians want him in charge, and they're happy with the decisions he makes on their behalf.

      That makes it difficult for me to feel much sympathy for Russians who are and will be hit with the effects of sanctions.

      But if you're one of those Russians who's wealthy enough to regularly visit the USA and even own property there, then I guess you'll do just fine. That little nugget of information does, however, cast an interesting new light on your previously expressed approval of the Putin regime.

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      • KholatKhult

        “ But if Russians are free to get rid of Putin whenever they want, then obviously a majority of Russians want him in charge, and they're happy with the decisions he makes on their behalf. “
        Congrats you figured it out. Christ. Apply this logic to every national leader who wasn’t drug out of office by force.

        “ That makes it difficult for me to feel much sympathy for Russians who are and will be hit with the effects of sanctions. “
        You feel the same for us as you always have, this is not new.

        Don’t waste your time trying to figure me out Boojum. You won’t be able to, and it does not matter. Take what I say directly and don’t bother spinning string between odd factoids you pick up along the way.

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        • RoyyRogers

          Saying that a person can not forcibly rule a country discounts dictators who have ruled by fear and abuse.

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    • RoyyRogers

      You are a bit of a twit. Its not in Americas or most of the worlds interest to go to world war 3 and if it happens Putin is why. Most of the world aside from maybe North Korea and China has put a HIT on Putins head for what hes doing. Are you really that stupid? Why do you think America would want to go to war with someone we made a deal with to not blow up as it would destroy the planet? Its like if during world war 2 a president said "We need to stop Hitler" and an idiot like you said "Hey guys Hitler got a right to rule Germany! Stop messing with other countries affairs okay! Arrogant butt heads. Killing Jews is no big deal". Playing devils advocate during a possible world war shows what a ignorant sheltered piece of shit you are. America does not want a world war, none of europe does. We have auctual civilians shipping to europe right now. Everyone knows what this means. Even if you dont give a fuck about either of those two countries WW3 is bad for everyone.

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      • KholatKhult

        It is in nobody’s interest to have a 3rd world war. Any nuclear world war would be an act of murder-suicide.

        My point is that foreign nations have ZERO right to decide who holds office in Russia. Not America, not China, only Russians can decide who holds Russian government positions. We are not blind. We are not threatened. We do not need “saving” or “liberating”.

        I sure fuckin hope the US does not want WW3. They would be morons to destroy the world over Zelenskyy (and the Western billionaires that put him there)’s desire to remain in power.
        Remember. That is what Ukrainians are being forced to die for. Zelenskyy and his wealthy Western puppeteers.

        I’m not playing Devils Advocate. I’m a Russian. There isn’t only the two options of Your Side and Devils Advocate. I don’t know how many times I have to explain this to Westerners that the world isn’t “America+Europe versus The Bad Guys”

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        • RoyyRogers

          So you want WW3 becuase.... Are you just a sociopath who wants to watch the world burn? Like I mean if you are, thats one thing but dont expect the rest of the world to be on board with your self destructive nonsense. Then question them like they are lunitics for not wanting to join your suicide mission. Not everyone is on a suicide mission to destroy the planet like you and it makes no rational sense to be. There are leaders in countries outside of America saying they going to kill PUTIN. We dont want WW3 you fucking retard. It auctully has very little to do about how any feels about any of the two country or its leaders. You suicidal prick.

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          • KholatKhult

            …. I just explained how nobody wants WW3

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  • olderdude-xx

    President Biden's exact words were: "For God’s sake, this man cannot remain in power" which followed his meeting with evacuated survivors of bombed and destroyed cities, towns, and villages.

    Perhaps a lot of people who believe in a just god might say essentially the same thing if they personally heard from survivors or personally saw what was happening in Ukraine.

    To me, its just a comment of someone asking ages old questions on why obvious evil exist in this world. (note I do not wish to discuss the validity of religious beliefs or religion in this thread; but, many people have religious beliefs).

    I doubt that it affected Pukin at all... He does not care.

    Note that President Biden did not say how Putin should be removed from power... just that ultimately he cannot remain in power. Russia has a long history of disposing of leaders who loose a major military operation. So, I think Putin's removal is just a matter of time.

    Ukraine will win the war, they will rebuild, and they will sing again.

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    • KholatKhult

      You always seem to have an excuse for Biden.
      Big fan I take it ?

      Radio silence on the US-backed bombs currently being dropped on Yemen. France and the UK having their hand in the arms dealing market for Saudis, UAE, and Israel, as well.
      Not to mention the lack of sanctions.

      Is it because these Yemenis, Palestinians, a handful of middle eastern countries, have a certain conflicting… skin difference… that makes them less deserving of the Western media spotlight ?
      I know you guys love a good White Tears story over there.

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      • olderdude-xx

        You obviously missed my post where I described President Biden as just an average President, judging on my memories of President Johnson to President Biden.

        Actually, I have posted that at least several times on this forum.

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        • Meowypowers

          Russia is gross, they beat the shit out of Ukrain people, just like they did in Syria, and Cheznia. Russia has no morals.

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        • RoyyRogers

          It seems like Khult is a Villian and wants WW3 and can not fathom whythe rest of the world thinks this is a bad idea.

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  • Tommythecaty

    ‘Murica doesn’t waste a good crisis.

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  • Grunewald

    According to the Guardian newspaper, Biden's lack of discretion risks making the Russian propaganda machine very happy.

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    • 1WeirdGuy

      Its almost like thats what they want in the US. To stir this thing up even more. Politicians here on both sides are calling for Putins assassination and some other stupid stuff.

      All for a crappy little former soviet country that cant even join the EU because its such a shithole.

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      • Grunewald

        Not a good idea to call for that openly.

        Also, Ukraine may not be a powerful country but people live there, and law is law. You can't just march into a country and take it, and bomb anyone who protests.

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        • 1WeirdGuy

          Theyre very corrupt and have a growing nazi party that has been known to burn people alive and behead them. This would be like Hitler getting invaded and people glorifying him.

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  • kikilizzo

    Because everything triggers Putin.

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