Is suicide like normal in a family?
Ok, so so far this year, has uncle, 2 cousins, and a brother all Off themselves. All had guns and shot themselves in heads. Thinking what if I’m next!?? Is this a family thing?
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Ok, so so far this year, has uncle, 2 cousins, and a brother all Off themselves. All had guns and shot themselves in heads. Thinking what if I’m next!?? Is this a family thing?
Well depression has been proven to be able to be passed down trhough genes so you can be more susceptible to it, which can lead to suicide, if you have a rough period, reach out and get help.
Hopefully youll take this as a sign that if you get as depressed as they do, actually go seek help instead of deciding to buy a gun and end it.
I know it will cause outrage on the part of some, but this is what happens when people have easy access to a lethal device which is simple to use on the spur of the moment. All it takes is for someone to hit what feels like rock-bottom, think, "Fuck it," pick up the gun and pull the trigger.
Depression can run in families, as can a propensity to abuse drugs or alcohol, all of which are often factors in suicide.
You and your family are clearly going through a very difficult period, but you are not fated to kill yourself just because several relatives have. If, however, you are prone to depression or substance abuse, it might be an idea to store your guns somewhere other than your house, or at least make sure you have to go through several steps before you have a gun in your hand ready to use.
The gun didn't do anything. They could have killed themselves with a knife just as easily as a gun.
Nearly two thirds of all adult firearm deaths in the USA are suicides, and around half of suicides in the USA are by gun.
Around 90% of people who attempt suicide with a gun will die, while 90% of those who attempt suicide by other methods will survive, and they're unlikely to ever attempt suicide again.
Suicide is very often an impulsive act. You can commit suicide by all sorts of methods, but almost all of them require at least some forethought and preparation. Having a highly lethal means of committing suicide close at hand means that momentary despair very often leads to death.
But perhaps the NRA has been so effective at selling you their "guns don't kill" bullshit that you're unable to see that there's a fundamental difference between picking up a gun and twitching your index finger and shoving a knife in your chest or hacking away at your wrists.
Ignore the statistics, keep on drinking the NRA Kool Aid and continue ranting about your sacred Second Amendment rights if you want, but I suggest you also keep on hoping that life doesn't dump a huge load of crap on you or someone you love while you have a gun in the house.
You need to relax. You can easily stick a knife in your heart don't act like you need to prepare for that or that that takes a lot of effort. You could crash your car impulsively too. The reason for guns being high in suicides is because people have them and its kind of always put on tv that that's how people easily kill themselves but if you don't have them then you would just choose something else just as easy. Trust me suicides are high in my family. Knife to the chest is easy. So is driving your car into a lake. ect ect.
TBH dude id rather successfully die rather than be disfigured for the rest of my life.
I believe that suicide can be a reasonable decision in some circumstances. If someone in a rational state of mind thinks through all their options carefully, weighs up all the possibilities and fully considers how it will affect those they leave behind, then they should be free to end it all by the most efficient and humane means possible.
The problem is, that's not how it goes for the majority of people who commit suicide.
BTW, on a slightly lighter note, there's a character in Amazon's Preacher who botched a shotgun suicide. He's called "Arseface" for a very good reason.
Mental illness can run in a family. No, it's not like the boogy man. If you start feeling mentally unwell or suicidal see a doctor and you'd probably be fine. Maybe do some research on mental illness so if you see signs in yourself or someone else in your family you can get help before it goes too far. I'm in no way a professional this is just my own thoughts and from what I know.
If you are depressed, and thinking about suicide you should seek help immediately. Honestly, the fact that four members of your family have killed themselves this year is huge deal. Even four suicides within the course of twenty years would still be a big deal in the majority of families. I think you should seek out a support group for bereavement and that you should also see a therapist. I don't think this is normal at all.
There's a lot of ummm the 's' word (i don't like saying it) in my family yes KYS is actually quite normal but that does not mean that you're next I just think depression runs in your family like mine.