Is that normal to drink my own cum?

Can i drink my own cum... Is tat good?

Voting Results
71% Normal
Based on 24 votes (17 yes)
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Comments ( 5 )
  • kennersingle

    Yes, it's normal. No, it doesn't mean your gay. I find the tastes is ok, but that's not why guys do it. It;s kind of kinky. Some guys like to have their GF's pass it from her mouth to his and back again. It's called snowballing, since each person ads saliva to it and it grows like a rolling snowball in cartoons. It can also be hot to eat it out of her or lick it off her tits.

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  • Demundo

    Do you even know what cum looks like? Don't be fooled by porno films, it isn't some milky stuff that is available in your own private tap. On the other hand there is a fetish where grown men and women like to drink human breast milk. That might be more fun and nutritious.

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  • MegaDerp


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  • dappled

    Tat isn't good, no. Tat generally refers to gaudy, tasteless or worthless items.

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  • flax

    Yes, make sure you save some in a jug and keep it at the back of the fridge..... I hear it's the new it thing to do.................... Really????? Why even ask such a ridiculously idiotic question? What do you think?!?

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