Is the average american dumber than the average european?

What do you think about that claim?

Yeah 21
Nah 16
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Comments ( 18 )
  • malaparte

    "Oh hoh hohn hohn!!! Americans don't know European geography well! They cannot differentiate between Switzerland and Sweden hohn hohn hohn!"

    "What do you mean I can't drive from New York City to Los Angeles in one day? I have traversed entire countries in but a few hours, how far can it be???"

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  • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

    europeans are so dumb they cant differentiate between a cherrypicked joke interview that goes 'average american cant find canada on the map' and reality

    plus they do that absolutely ignorant and annoyin comma & decimal point swap when writin numbers

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  • Oh yeah, not thinking for yourself. I'm Swedish myself, and I've noticed that phenomenon here. People here, especially socialists, don't seem to think for themselves and let the state do it for them.

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  • LloydAsher

    As with everything it depends on region. Going by gross? Approximately the same. Of course you got to also include all the european yokel countries that makes up europe.

    Also if anything, the one thing america does far better than europe is our punishments in the judicial system. Which needs reform on how we process but not reform on what punishments we put in place. Murder is immediate 20+ years as a starter. Danger to society? that can slap on charges that could last centuries.

    There was an axe crazy (literally an axe) tranny that almost killed 3 people in europe... 8 years. I call that dumb

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  • 1WeirdGuy

    I think book smarts maybe but in common sense no. I think the regular working class American has better common sense than Europeans. They're very progressive in Europe compared to here in my experience judging by the people they elect into power and the thousands of europeans I've talked to on discord. They seem to think government is there to save them from everything and dont seem to realize that they're actually paying for it all which is why taxes are so much higher in europe. If you actually add all the taxes together (sales tax, fuel tax, income tax, property tax, etc etc) the vast majority of the money the middle class makes goes to the government. Then they call what they get "free".

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  • RandomNumbers

    I lived in germany for two years. My co-workers were mostly americans, and my "clients" (if you could call them that) were africans and germans, for the majority, and I myself am a well-educated south-american. These are my impressions:

    Americans in general were very educated when it came to their own history and land (and some seemed surprised when people from other coutries weren't), but not that much when it came to other countries. Even some basic stuff, most had no clue about. Also they seem to have a very narrow range of knowledge. Basically they had those few things they liked and really knew a lot about, and knew almost nothing about anything else.

    The germans were way more aware of other countries' cultures and history, and their range of subjects were broader, although normally shallower.

    Africans knew nothing about nothing, or had a hard time realizing that things that they knew, other people didnt, and could consider it to be redundant to tell (i dont know, trying to be optimistic)

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  • EnglishLad

    Whilst every nation has intelligent people and dumb people, American dumb people definitely sound less intellectual than other nationalities of dumb people.

    You'll be talking to an American dumb person and they'll say: "so, you was this white guy...and he was know...a total redneck...and he was in like... this school...and you'd think he'd be there to like...learn stuff, you know?...but he had a gun...and he started shooting all the little kids...and they were all like totally dead, you know?"

    They sound kinda divorced from reality somehow.

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  • hauntedbysandwiches

    I feel like 50% of Americans are dumb but the other half are average or above average intelligence so there really isn't a definitive answer

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    • LloydAsher

      Women follow a high bell curve in inteligence. So mostly average. Men it's a smaller bell curve. Lot more idiots but there are more geniuses.

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      • dude_Jones

        Point of interest bro, that’s called standard deviation aka dispersion.

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  • dirtybirdy

    Dunno...I am Merican huh??? Duh?

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  • randypete

    they should only be let out with a adult

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  • malaparte


    you a fan of Kaczynski's work?

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    • KholatKhult


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      • dude_Jones

        Interesting issue you’re raising there, bro. Hahahaha.

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        • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

          the consequences of not chasin squirrels have been a disaster for modern society

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          • dude_Jones

            Yep. Squirrels are the last thriving species on the planet. Ted Kacyinski became a lazy dingo, when he shoulda developed a love / hate relationship with his squirrels; similar benefits to havin a wife.

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  • What exactly do you mean by " oversocialization "?

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