Is the average american overweight yes or no?

I was having an argument today with a friend. I said the average American women is overweight they said the average American is a medium.. I personally see WAY MORE overweight people than mediums and statistics themselves state otherwise. Also going to a store as a size medium you have no problem finding mediums but if you're large or extra large those sizes are usually the first to be bought.

My friend continues to argue that the average American is medium 🤦‍♀️

What do you think? Is the average American woman overweight?

Yes 25
No 7
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Comments ( 11 )
  • olderdude-xx

    Why is your survey just limited to Woman.

    The average American: Man and Woman are overweight.

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  • SwickDinging

    You don't need to guess, you can look at data.

    Yes, you are correct. The average American is overweight. I'm amazed that your friend doesn't know that.

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  • Imitation

    isn't two thirds of the US population overweight?

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  • Imitation

    Also obviously the average American is size medium because they adjusted the sizes according to the average person. American sizes are bigger than UK sizes or sizes in Asia.

    I have a size M shirt from Florida and frankly it is massive.

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  • ThatOneGuyYouNeverWantToMeet

    The average man within a 50 mile radius of my town is about 5ft10/5ft11 & at least 220 lb's, as for women 5ft4/5ft5 & at least 150lb's. So I say yes.

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    All the stats say yes. You go to Europe and you can immediately spot the Americans with their big butts and bellies.

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  • darefu

    Call it as it is, not just women but the USA is FAT!

    Even the airlines have had to change their average weight standards because of the US population. I would agree other countries are catching up but the US is way ahead.

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  • bigbudchonger

    I'm pretty sure it's literally the most obese coutnry in the world. So yes, the average American woman will be overweight.

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  • Somenormie

    Maybe they'll be less obese if they laid off those damn cheeseburgers.

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  • Curiouskitten444

    The average American is overweight. The show supersize vs super skinny in the UK literally brings the supersized people to america to show them “what could happen if they continue down that path”

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  • Yea, becoz of fast food.

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