Is the way i treat my new kittens normal?
I was given kittens by a friend because their newly-adopted feral cat was pregnant before they got her. Although I was reluctant to accept them at first, because I have a busy job and already a male (neutered) cat at home, I did when she was having difficulty getting them a home.
I live in a busy city surrounded by roads where I fear it would not be safe for them so I keep them indoors. They spend most of their day in their room (although it is fairly big) with fresh water, usual fair amount of food each day, etc. Within their room there are plenty of toys and a double kitten bed for them, as well as a soft plush carpet and scratching posts. For 2 hours each day, I let them out and play with them, etc. and generally watch them over before I go to bed.
Originally I let them out with my male cat (supervised) but they did not get on - which could be down to my cat's neglect and other abuse from his previous owner. He's always had difficulties relating with other cats and people; they continually fought (I can tell it's not play fighting by the hisses and fluffed up fur). This went on for 2 months until I gave up.
Would you say it's cruel to keep them within a room for most of the day, despite the toys, etc.? IIN?