Is the world getting better yet, or when will it mellow out.?

Been to the store only to find it empty shelves or expensive!
No workers. or help... 'next' Olive Garden " Closing Doors. +people out of work, Why? when will normal return 2022?

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13% Normal
Based on 8 votes (1 yes)
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Comments ( 4 )

    This doesn't make much sense. Though, "Normal" is gone. Places are voting for vaccine passports, to travel around their own country. Something bigger is happening. It's about control. Not safety for the people. Just wait. It will get worse. Edit: more power, more control. Majority of people say "We will kick their ass" talking about war/fighting for their beliefs. Yet they are only keyboard warrior's, until they end up in social media jail. Then they lose their will to post, being they fear social media jail.

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    • LloydAsher

      I think everyone is just waiting until they "cross the line" currently theres nothing in the works of crossing the line but that day looks like its approaching and people are taking notice.

      I find it unnerving that we are seeing history repeat itself. Genocides being written off as cultural differences, indoctrination to the cult of wokeness, anyone right of Obama being labeled as the evil other.

      I do not want to have a civil war in america but god damnit if the politicians aren't making the damndest effort into causing division through this country.

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      • Freedom_

        Ugh… they’ve already crossed the line. Just very subtly.

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  • 1WeirdGuy

    In the late 80s Robert W Malone was at the salk institute where they were injecting DNA and RNA into mice and Robert W Malone was literally the first one to ever write about the details about how it can be used to make new vaccines. His research lead to the break through in mNRA technology and some call him the inventor. He's came out explaining the risks behind the vaccine and he was completely canceled and smeared as a pseudo scientist. His youtube got deleted his wikipedia got deleted and rewritten smearing him. They were talking about giving him a nobel peace prize just a few years ago.

    Its crazy how as soon as one of them come out explaining the risks they are canceled. They dont want the two sides to debate the subject because the government thinks its more important for everyone to get the vaccines than them knowing the risks. Just like they admitted lying about masks so medical professionals wouldnt have a shortage.

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