Is there a ghost following me?

So, I have recently found myself diving into an old, bad habit.

It is a very dreadful nervous reaction that I get when I have energy and need to work with my hands or engage in an activity, I start picking at zits in my face and body, making a lot of new ones when I hardly break out.

This habit makes my appearance horrible when I am actually not bad looking before I start regressing to the habit.

Well, lately as I have fallen into that, something in my environment will pop at me and cause me to stop and essentially make me realize what I'm doing, such as a loud, unusual sound, the phone glitching, mainly mechanical things and sounds that can't be explained. I think maybe there is a ghost following me that is tired of watching me do it.

On the other hand, maybe whatever is causing this nervous habit may also be working to cause the feeling of being haunted, and maybe I only notice these sounds now due to that. I strongly do not believe this but if it's what's going on and I can convince myself of that with good data, then I will accept that there isn't a damned ghost.

So, possibility of a ghost, definitely a ghost or fuck no?

Yes 14
No 15
Possibly... 17
Impossible! 13
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Comments ( 9 )
  • kingofcarrotflowers

    Huh? No, sounds like anxiety, see your gp or doctor

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  • RoseIsabella

    The only ghost here is your subconscious shame and guilt about your nit picking bad habits. Try to find something better to do with your hands like knitting, playing a musical instrument, wood working, crocheting, auto mechanics, arts and crafts, etc. If you're still paranoid about sounds and this so called ghost then please see a doctor.

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    • I do auto-mechanics and things of that nature based on a suggestion such as this, but when I am in an environment where there is no engagement, constantly, it gets me going.

      But your explanation makes perfect sense and I will keep that in mind for next time I get spooked.

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  • TheOneWhoComesFromEnordro

    Paranoia, perhaps? You might need to talk to someone. It could be a ghost but it might just be anxiety or something else.

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  • answerme

    Ghosts aren't real bro

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  • green_boogers

    Your mind is squirming like a toad. Go see the witch-doctor for some hocus pocus.

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  • vapeon

    Too many psychedelics?

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  • Ozzy

    Ghosts exist only if you think so. Your mind tricks you into seeing things that really isnt there, especially when you are afraid or when it is dark. Calling it hallucinations would be an exaggeration but its something like that

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  • seakelp

    Talk to a doctor.

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