Is there a phobia of airbags?

My grandad dosn't like airbags. He always buys an old car to avoid it. Is there a fear of airbags?

Yes 27
No 3
I don't know 12
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Comments ( 7 )
  • nooorulez


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  • 800imawesome

    AskimisoteriƦraphobia. Means fear of safety of impact using air.

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  • suishokiba

    I remember airbags used to make me nervous, like I didn't want them to randomly blow up in my face. wasn't exactly a fear, but I can sort of see how that could become a phobia.

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  • Terence_the_viking

    airbags will take over the world and they you will be sorry

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  • VioletTrees

    Apparently there are other people who are afraid of airbags, yes. Does he give a reason for his fear? For example, does he believe that airbags are dangerous or unreliable? If he does, then it might not be a phobia, but rather a regular fear or dislike. Either way, it's a bad idea for him to drive cars without airbags.

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    • Crazystupidguyhome

      I don't know. He also won't set pizza on a dashboard on a car with an airbag because he thinks it will set it off.

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      • VioletTrees

        Hahaha, what?

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