Is there a safe way to pick up a cat?

I own a cat and he does get skittish. Sometimes he lets me hold him and its not a problem. However when he gets skittish he scratches very badly. Its often not me bothering him but other people who are not aware that they are spooking him. Sometimes I need to move him and if hes already in a panic will cling with his claws. I tried picking him up by the neck before but he cried and I think I did it wrong. How do you know when you are grabbing the scruff and when you are just hurting the cat? I looked up how to hold a cat and I in fact hold him this way and still ends up scratching sometimes if he is scared.

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Comments ( 27 )
  • tori

    I used to have 2 cats. They both died of old age. One was 19 and the other was 11.
    Anyway, mine loved everybody if they took it slow with them. Let the cat explore them first.
    The only person my calico bit was my step mother in law from hell. But she deserved it.
    I could pick mine up from the arm pits, or scoop all of him up at once. They didn't care.
    I never trimmed my cats nails. They used to trim their own nails. They would pull at their nails until they shed the outer sheath. Only a couple times did they scratch me. And, like you, they were afraid of something. Usually loud noises.
    Watch the tv show My Cat From Hell. A lot of helpful ideas there. I still watch even though I don't have cats anymore. :(

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  • DragonQueen

    They showed me at the Shelter where I adopted my cat from. Your supposed to pick it up under its arms, this way, their facing out. And you won't get scratched. Don't ever pick it up by the scruff unless you know what your doing. Ok be humane to cats please.

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  • (s)aint

    A person who works with grooming would probably be prepared for handling a slightly violent cat.

    Otherwise I doubt there's anything you really can do if the cat easily gets scared. Thank you for not de-clawing him/her though! I wish more people cared for their animals like that.

    Unless your cat has dark claws cutting them some yourself should not be that much of an issue. I place mine on their backs and then I just cut, though I have done this since both were kittens and I only cut when they get stuck in textiles and the likes.

    I suggest try with small steps, maybe chose one friend/family member who will always be there to help you so that you can create a safe environment for your cat.

    Regarding people picking him up: You tell your guests to not pick up the cat, they should respect the cats wishes to not be carried around by just anyone. One of my cats really don't enjoy to be carried around, she prefers to sit really close and lick my fingers.

    The other cat sleeps ON me and LOVES to be close as ever.

    People need to understand that cats, just as people, have different personalities and different comfort-zones.

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  • Ilovewinter12

    I usually pick my cats up by first grabbing under it's chest and then grabbing it's lower body, and then placing it over my shoulder like a parent about to burp a baby.

    That might not be the correct way to do it though,
    I dunno, it's just that picking it up under it's arms looks a bit uncomfortable for one, but I could be wrong.

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  • Bubbles3

    Cats are independent creatures on their own,
    but you can't forget that all cats have different personalities and different behaviors.
    My kitten doesn't like to be pet all the times and he loves to explore on his own. So he doesn't enjoy being held :( unfortunately. He would lay down on you for hours, but on one condition. No petting. It sounds like your cat doesn't enjoy being held, which you should try to avoid. Take your cat as it is. Hold him only once in a while, but try trimming his nails first! You should probably take him to a pet store tat does grooming and cutting nails. Or research on the internet how to do it. In risk of injuries.
    Kitten themselves depend highly on you and then when they get older they usually have a don't touch me vibe that only a few don't have. Be sweet and loving to the cat. Approach it slowly, but not stalking like a predator about to pounce.

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    • I already said he does not mind being held. He just scratches when he gets scared by something. Generally he doesn't care if I hold him. They are very friendly but its only to me a select few he new when he was a kitten. I was always very friendly to him. So I cant take him to a random groomer and leave him all alone with them. He is either going to spaz or run away.

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  • thegypsysailor

    Your life with this cat might be greatly improved if you cut it's nails, once in a while!
    Go online and read up on the care of house cats.

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    • Well I know but I am scared to since it hates people other than me. Its only friendly around me and I don't want to take it out in public and than have him run away.

      If he is scared and in a public area with many other people and animals and I have to grab him he will scratch me. So either I am going to lose him, get severely injured myself or he might injure someone else. So I cant take him to get his nails trimmed and I really dont want to have him declawed given what the Vet told me in entails. In fact the doctor/vet discouraged it.

      He also never been outside. I don't want to risk losing my animal. I been to the grooming area and my animal is not trained enough to be in such an area.

      They have a bunch of table all next to each other. All having random animals from cats, dogs lizards and everything else. You have to leave your animal Unsupervised for an hour and than come pick them up again.

      I cant leave him unsupervised especially alone with a bunch of dogs and people he doesn't know. Hes very antisocial which I don't understand since I was always sweet and friendly when he was a kitten.

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      • thegypsysailor

        Trim his nails yourself. I had a cat that absolutely hated other people and if they came over to visit, they usually bled if they didn't stay far away from her. We lived together 18 years and she only went to the vet 2 times. However we did a lot of traveling; in the truck, on planes and boats. I trimmed her nails twice a month with regular nail clippers; no biggie. Just read up on how to do it, so you don't hurt the cat and use treats to help her "like" it.

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  • shuggy-chan

    no better affection for cats, then enforced loving =D

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  • RoseIsabella

    The best way to pick up a cat is with Kitty's permission of course!

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  • Avant-Garde

    Also, as soon as your cat scratches you, wash the wound and put honey on it. Honey is a natural anti-bacterial and it will work wonders on the wound, while also preventing you from forming an infection.

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  • Avant-Garde

    I have a kitten too. She doesn't like strangers and will often hide from them if she is too unfamiliar with them. Because of her breed, she never uses her claws in aggression but do come out during other activities. There are some herbs that you can give to your cat to help ease his anxiety. There is this book I have that tells you everything you need to know about owning a cat. I can't remember what it is called, but if I can remember to, I'll write the name down if I find it. As for the nails, you can trim them yourself. It would be a pretty good idea to get one of those scratching post-like toys. Don't get one that has carpet, because the carpet is often treated with formaldehyde. Good luck.

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  • kingofcarrotflowers

    The biggest thing when picking up a cat is not so much the technique itself ( as long as its safe) it's how much the cat trusts you to pick it up

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  • davesumba

    Yeah, you don't pick up a cat.

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    • Thank you for the incredibly unhelpful advice.

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      • Yeah, that guy is a moron. Lol. I have picked up cats that do what you are talking about. It hurts really bad when they freak out while in your grasp.

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      • davesumba

        How would you feel if someone kept just picking you up and taking you to places you didn't want to be? Piss off dipshit.

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        • Freedom_

          People are serious about their cats here, sir. These are serious cat problems that require serious catutions. I miss my cats, I wish I had cat problems...:(

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          • davesumba

            Is that so? Because i'm extremely serious about my cat, and she doesn't like to be picked up even though I would really like to. So what do I do as a loving owner? I DON'T FUCKING PICK HER UP. And I'M the moron.

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          • Thank you

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  • georgewoods

    The safest way i have found to pick up a cat is by resting one arm underneath the can, lifting it up slowly and then wrapping the other arm around its neck in a choke position and then while the cat is dangling stick a finger up its tight cat asshole to hold it in place. Works perfect, and as a little treat for being so good at lifting a cat you can sniff your fingers afterwards.

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  • FairlessDave

    If you're going to pick up a cat buy her a drink and have some good conversation.

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  • YourMomSaysHello

    Grab it by it's tail and pick it up!

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    • You know that is a good way to break its spine. You clearly know nothing about cats.

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      • davesumba

        You know what's a good way to ruin a cat's dignity? By picking it up. Here's some common sense, if something starts crying and fighting back after doing something to it, MAYBE YOU SHOULD'T DO THAT TO IT. You are freaking retarded.

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      • YourMomSaysHello

        I hate cats with a passion!

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