Is there anyone in this world without any chronic or congenital illnesses?

It just seems like no one is healthy anymore.

I mean, it's understandable that people are not healthy all the time, but I'm not talking about people getting sometimes sick and then getting better. I'm talking about people having congenital or chronic illnesses. Both physical and psychiatric.

Literally everyone I know is reported to have either a congenital or chronic illness that can be either psychiatric or physical.
And people having some chronic or congenital illnesses are always on the news and the media. And pretty much everybody at, like, workplaces, schools, etc. each have their illness too.
All celebrities also seemingly have some sorts of chronic and congenital illnesses. With so many of Hollywood celebrities having lupus. Like, why is lupus so common in Hollywood?

Do healthy people exist, or do we all really have some physical or psychiatric illness that's either congenital or chronic?

Addition: I, OP, as well have 2 chronic illnesses, which are seemingly incurable too: Hypothyroidism and endometriosis. And I was also born with 2 neuropsychiatric conditions.

Yes, but very few of them. 6
No, or at least not anymore. 21
Yes, many. 18
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Comments ( 17 )
  • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

    its annoyin to have to cater to peoples endless listsa made up syndromes and maladies that they take no action or effort to overcome and expect special treatment

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    • CountessDouche

      Are you telling me that people will make me grilled cheese sandwiches on demand if I have a condition?

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      • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk


        would you like tomato soup on the side?

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        • CountessDouche

          I saw a tick once. I probably have lyme disease.

          Yes, the soup *cough*...that sounds lovely...could you sprinkle it with a little grated cheese & some fresh basil? *cough*

          I'd do it myself, but I feel so weak...I'm trailing off....

          Please don't over toast the grilled cheese...

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          • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

            did you know its cheaper to buy basil plants at home depot & pluck off the leaves than it is to buy fresh (soon to rot) basil at the grocery?

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      • megadriver

        Now I kinda want a grilled cheese sandwich, but I don't have enough cheese. XD

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        • CountessDouche

          Yeah, that's probably because you have rheumatoid arthritus or fibromyalgia.

          Apparently, if this is the case, others will procure cheese for us, and we need not do anything.

          Oh God, I'm going to faint. Please familiarize yourself with the specific list of cheeses that I enjoy, located in the notebook beside the fridge. Hurry...I feel weakened. I need exotic cheeses to restore my strength.

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  • SkullsNRoses

    I sometimes get tendonitis, but other than that my only lingering affliction is my presence on IIN.

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  • Mini69

    I’m very healthy

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    • YE

      Someone should put a fullstop to that.

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  • bbrown95

    I'm very blessed to be healthy, and extremely grateful for that.

    But ugh, don't even get me started on everyone having a mental illness these days.

    Probably one of my most unpopular opinions is that I think a lot of this stuff with shrinks diagnosing everyone and their brother with some sort of mental disorder is a joke. I was misdiagnosed with Asperger's Syndrome, anxiety, and depression at a young age and medicated for years, and it had a hugely negative effect on my life that has still left a lasting impression on me. I'm far from the only one with this type of experience. I actually have a friend who is an absolute genius who was diagnosed with mental retardation as a child, with nothing about him suggesting anything remotely close to that. Insane!

    It seems that the trend nowadays is to diagnose any little idiosyncrasy someone has as a symptom of some sort of mental disorder, when really, we are all different and we all have idiosyncrasies! To me, if it's not hurting anyone and is just a very minor quirk, is it really something to make a huge stink over and medicate?

    I'm just going to leave it at this:

    Yes, mental illness is real. Yes, some people benefit from medication. Yes, mental health awareness is important. But it is going WAY too far in the direction of trying to diagnose and medicate every little harmless idiosyncrasy a person has, and is doing more harm than good. Also, it's become a "trend" and now people self-diagnose and boast about it.

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  • SwickDinging

    Probably not. No humans are "perfect". DNA is just copies of copies of copies. There are always going to be little differences to the norm.

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  • LloydAsher

    I have a chromosomal disorder but other than that I'm completly healthy.

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  • Deviation is the natural course of development, the law of entropy that consumes, supposedly, everything (I read an article about a quantum level particle emitting limitless light or something recently)

    Even in a vacuum the matter of the material will be decayed

    So is the same with people, there's a blue print in our DNA, but like crystals, how we actually develop depends heavily on uniquely specific circumstances

    So imagine your DNA is the master copy and what you are is a copy of the pure source. Like cutting a piece of wood to a specific length, then using that piece to cut another, and so on, you'd notice that all the pieces are different lengths. It's a similar scenario to DNA and the entity

    It really should only make sense that everyone has some sort of imbalance. It's specifically talked about in Buddhism, the iconic yin and yang symbol. They also say no two diamonds are alike. I'm not sure how natural this is, but spiritually I enjoy working through my imbalances to achieve a stronger balance, stability. I definitely see how it fits in with karma. I don't think it's something bad. I mean you can always get better, practice makes improvement not perfection, so it makes sense to be at a level that can be improved upon. If you want to say it's bad for people at lower levels to function with others I would say that their existence is just as justified as yours, how could you be good if they weren't bad? How could you be good for helping the old lady cross the street if it weren't for the mugger snatching her purse? They're just on the other side of the bell curve, and while you should use all your discretion they're just a naturally occurring anomaly just like you and everyone else.

    Getting upset by them isn't the answer, learning how to get these people to operate within your parameters is, figuring out how to circumvent their vices and get them to lead with their best qualities. Kinda like babysitting, I guess.

    Also recognizing others who are good and striving for mutual respect is a good quality to have.

    Not everyone is a nut case, just try looking for morally good behavior instead of the bad

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  • CountessDouche

    Zero illnesses here

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  • SmokeEverything

    I mean technically Im kind of an alcoholic. Only health issues I get are bronchitis and abscessed teath.

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  • my_life_my_way

    I’m perfectly healthy and I’m very glad of that. Most people are pretending to have a chronic illness so they can seem like a victim and feel unique, modern society is like the oppression olympics.

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