Is there something in my room i cant see but my dog can?

Alright so.
My dog has been acting weird the last few days.
She is very hesitate on lying down (she sleeps with me in the basement) recently and last night at first she refused on coming downstairs and when she did she wouldnt lie down, and just before i was about to lie her down with me she pops her head up and growls towards the wall.
She always gets extremely excited and jumps around when i come home, but today when i got home she put her head down, and walked away, into the kitchen, and round the kitchen and back into her bed. And wouldnt come to me when i called her. And after a minute of trying to get her to come downstairs when she finally came cuz my mom did, she squated and peed on my carpet (mind she has been house trained since she was a puppy and shes now 6) and went to my mom and followed her upstairs
is it like a dog version of mid life crisis or something?
and today shes been excited for other people but not me, and im basically her favourite?
why is she being weird to me and my room?

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Comments ( 28 )
  • kittyrebz88

    Your dog might not be well. Maybe it is hallucinating. I would take the dog to the vet. Also, dogs can get depressed.

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  • muh-fuh

    that's just me hiding behind your walls with a few peepholes. Your dog keeps hearing my farts.

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  • wigz

    My cats would stare at a plug in my house. It freaked me out because I couldn't see why. They can see things we can't, for sure.

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  • Steve-2.0

    It sleeps with you in the basement? Well, maybe your imaginary boat is becoming real and your dog can see it.

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    • GoblinKing

      ive always sensed things, its weird these possible spirits are dong something now

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      • Steve-2.0

        Oh, for crying out loud. I was making a joke. There are no such things as spirits and all the other supernatural junk you common folk believe in.

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        • divyanka21

          Sorry to burst your bubble hun, but 'spirits' and 'supernatural' most definitely exist. Once you look into Eastern cultures and deeper areas of knowledge, and actually study them with mutual respect, you will start to realize that the tiny bubble you're living in doesn't represent the reality of the world.

          There have been infinite instances of phenomenon that will remain unexplainable by science for millennia. And by the time scientists find 'proof' for them or an 'explanation' for them, the world will already be nearing its end. 'For crying out loud', it is the lucky folk who can see this reality, while all you're depending on is what your eyes show you.

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          • Grimmfan

            OMG I actually agree with Steve!

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  • tamaz

    dogs c ghosts m8 science fact

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  • A2theR

    Dogs can sense the pretense of those such as ghost and strange creatures that are impossible for humans to see. I suggest you get a priest to come to your place. Also having an open pair of scissors under your bed helps. Good luck

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    • Ellenna

      Rubbish garbage and rubbish

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    • GoblinKing

      why the scissors? if it is a spirit of the sorts cant anything not touch them? weve always sensed spirits in the house, why are they now doing things? if you know

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    • thegypsysailor

      You are having him/her on right? You can't possibly believe that drivel can you?

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      • Steve-2.0

        Don't underestimate the stupidity of society.

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        • thegypsysailor

          As I become more familiar with your posts, your is becoming quite evident.

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          • Steve-2.0


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            • thegypsysailor

              Indeed! I was just so excited that you'd left yourself so wide open for that one, that I failed to proofread in my haste to get it out there.
              -10 points.

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  • Terry...

    After I moved my dog would stare down a hall a lot then would follow "something" around the room with her eyes. She would shake and not be able to sit down and relax for hours no matter how much I tried to calm her down. This went on for months. One day I got desperate and asked if there are any spirits around, if they could please stop whatever they are doing that is upsetting my dog because they are scaring her. She never acted weird again after that. I don't know if there was anything to it or not.

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  • ForizzleChizzle

    Ghosts. There's no denying they exist. I've witnessed the stuff myself. From the way your dog's acting, this spirit doesn't seem like Casper. I suggest doing an EVP. But, if this spirit is like I'm thinking it might be, cleanse the house

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  • Grimmfan

    My cat stares and follows something with her eyes in my living room. Freaks me out sometimes.

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  • saucypan01

    You may be having a "haunting", as dogs can see different energies...a lot of things we can't see. It may be possible, then again, it might not be that at all. Check to see the original owners, they may have had a connection to the occult, as these "spirits" most commonly go to houses after people who fiddle with the supernatural and do rituals and things like that are able to open these "doorways". Just about only animals can truly see these things when they decide to hide themselves. If you've owned this house for years, and nothing "supernatural" has been happening, then it is most likely a fact that the house is fine, and your dog may be possibly sick and hallucinating. You may need to take her to the vet, she may also be extremely depressed, as this is extremely odd behavior for dogs of any breed. If you recently got the house and the owners had some connection to the occult, or if you have a connection to the cult, it is best to see a pastor from a church, Baptist or Catholic, would be best. But first, check with the original owners and check around the house for certain things. If occultist used to live there, check for black candles, animal bone remains, human dust remains, occult bibles, and other dark, witchcrafty things, as these spirits are quite real. Don't throw these things out, burn them. Get to the problem before it begins and they open their forms to you. I've been through my own haunting, and I did all this, and everything was fine after. Trust me, all that I'm saying is not made up just to make fun of it or you, I'm serious. You don't have to believe me, but take this into concideration.

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  • KingTermite

    Poltergeists. Obviously.

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  • thegypsywhaler

    It's the flying Dutchmen.

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  • bucho's_butt

    Yeah, animals can see energy signatures that humans cannot. Even though we can see a wide spectrum of colors, the reality is that our vision is pretty inadequate. More so than most animals. There's probably shit floating around us everywhere that would turn us white if we could see it.

    When I was a kid my cousin lived in this old split level that was haunted. Weird ass shit happened in that place. The dog would wake my cousin up in the middle of the night growling viciously at the open door.

    They would be upstairs and hear a clang in the basement and then go down to find that there was a fire lit in their wood stove. Lot's of really unnerving stuff. I don't know about ghosts, but reality isn't as real as we think it is. That's for sure.

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  • Couman

    I donno, cats are famous for their ability to see things we can't, but dogs really aren't known for exceptional vision. Perhaps it's actually a sound or smell that's disturbing her.

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